Two, if not the greatest evils, of our times are the mad
pursuits of comfort and the avoidance of suffering at all costs. Immorality
provides a symptom of this headlong rush away from the Cross.
Only those who fall in love with Christ and willingly accept
suffering of any kind will enter the Kingdom, as those who avoid pain deceive
themselves regarding sin and judgment.
Now, the pursuit of comfort is more of a problem with those
in the West, and I am particularly thinking of the Americans and the English,
than some other cultures, which cannot avoid less than perfect conditions.
Satan lies to us, tempting us to believe that we deserve comfort.
On the contrary….and those few who allow God to take them in
to the transforming union, have also faced great suffering.
The suffering of the soul in the Illuminative and then, the
Unitive stages is a different type of suffering. It is the suffering of the
absence of complete union with God.
I have tried to wean people away from this term, as it is
misleading. Contemplation comes in the Dark Night, as a darkness and moved into
a peaceful, clear knowledge of God, as He is revealing Himself in the Trinity.
Contemplation comes in the Tranforming Union.
Here is a little summary of this process from St. John . He is referring
to the bride of Christ.
“First, her soul is
detached and withdrawn from all things.
Second, the devil is
conquered and put to flight. Third, the passions are subjected
and the natural
appetites mortified. Fourth and fifth,
the sensory and lower part is reformed, purified, and brought into conformity
with the spiritual part. The sensory part not only offers no obstacle to the
reception of these spiritual blessings, but is even accommodated to them since
it participates according to its capacity in the goods the souls now possesses…
The bride sets all
this perfection and preparedness before her beloved, the Son of God, with the
desire that He transfer her from the spiritual marriage, to which He desired to
bring her in this Church Militant, to the glorious marriage of the Triumphant.
May the most sweet Jesus, bridegroom of faithful souls, be pleased to bring all
who invoke His name to this glorious marriage. To Him be honor and glory,
together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, in saecula saeculorum. Amen.”
I am not going to write more on the sacred movements of the
Transforming Union, as there is always a danger that people will think they are
farther ahead then they really are on the road to perfection.
Again, the timing of the Dark Night is completely personal.
I know some people who have gone through this stage for many years. And,
obviously, many of the saints took no time at all in the mysterious state of