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The Bishop on His Visit to A Deanery Last September |
Some Catholics have told me that they do not understand what the great Bishop of Springfield did in his exorcism.
Some of these Catholics do not read blogs, but I shall post something for those who do.
There are several layers of exorcism in the Church. Remember, only the hierarchy can determine the authority of exorcisms, an authority in the hands of the bishop of the diocese.
The type of exorcism done on Wednesday was not a "personal" exorcism of the type most seen in movies or read about in Gabriele Amorth's books, or heard about from Father Chad Ripperger in his excellent talks.
The type of exorcism performed with the great authority of Bishop Thomas John Paprocki was one over an area.
Remember that demons are spirits of the air. They move unseen among us, stirring up spiritual warfare, bringing temptations into specific areas. For example, I would imagine there are lots of demons in Las Vegas-a supposition, as I have never been there.
Sometimes, for example, houses or fields, or places where there were horrific sins can be "infested" with demons. This is called an "infestation".
What Bishop Paprocki did was a general exorcism. He was using the power given to him by God in his office as bishop to come against the demons of ssm. Here are his exact words. You can see from the words the power of God working through the Bishop. This exorcism was aimed at Illinois.
One can expect to see a difference, as the power of God is greater than the powers of darkness.
The demons pushing for same-sex marriage only care about one thing-that souls are damned and endure forever the same pain that they do. Maliciousness is behind their actions.
“I exorcise you, every unclean spirit, every power of darkness, every incursion of the infernal enemy, every diabolical legion, cohort, and faction, in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. “Be uprooted and put to flight from the Church of God from souls created in the image of God and redeemed by the precious blood of the divine lamb.
“Dare no more, oh cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, to persecute the church of God, to shake the chosen of God and sift them like wheat.”
“Be gone Satan, father of lies, enemy of human salvation,” Paprocki said at the conclusion of the exorcism. “Give way to Christ, in whom you found no trace of your works. Give way to the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church, which Christ himself won by his blood.” http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/11/21/catholic-bishop-performs-exorcism-with-armed-officers-over-illinois-same-sex-marriage/
Can you imagine the power in areas where there is great sin if all bishops prayed like this excellent man?