Thursday, 8 May 2014
Welcome for decision not to fund abortion of Northern Ireland babies
Liam Gibson, the development officer for SPUC in Northern Ireland told the media earlier today:
"While this result is what we would have expected had it gone the other way it would not only have led to more children being killed but it would had serious implications for the rule of law and the value of Northern Ireland's devolved institutions. This case is merely the latest effort of abortion advocates in Britain to undermine our law. We have every right to defend our unborn children by law and the High Court recognised that.”Liam said he believed that the real motivation behind the case was the potential increase in revenue for English abortion providers:
"Over the years it has been the strategy of abortion providers to make money from the tax-payer by billing the NHS for abortions. This case was about organisations like Marie Stopes International angling for more money from the NHS. Despite enormous pressure from the pro-abortion lobby the number of women seeking abortions in Britain has continued to decline. The figure for 2012 was down by about one third of what it was 10 years earlier.Comments on this blog? Email them to
More and more people, and not just in Northern Ireland, are appalled by the culture of abortion which has taken root in Britain where around 98 percent of abortions performed fail even to meet the legal criteria. Under the Abortion Act disabled children in Britain can be legally aborted right up to birth but the British Government has even been ambivalent about ending the scandal of sex-selective abortions where babies are targeted simply because they're girls. Nor has the health department taken action against doctors who break the law by pre-signing abortion forms. To see what liberal abortion laws can do to a society the people of Northern Ireland only need to look across the water to Britain. We are determined that that's not going to happen to our country," said Mr Gibson. “Women in crisis pregnancies don’t need free abortions, they need help and support so that they don’t feel they have no choice but to kill their babies.”