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Monday, 19 May 2014

Rumbles of Revolt

The role of the Catholic media has never been more important than today. Most of the teachings of the Catholic Church have been misrepresented by many of the msm outlets and even the big Catholic media outlets.

One reason I continue the blog is to make sure Catholics get the “real deal”. For example, a Catholic newspaper which is popular in this area reported serious errors regarding the role of the pope and the supposed new changes that will happen in the Church regarding divorce and remarriage and the reception of Communion.

To put is simply, the newspaper made it seem like the pope was going to change a law, which God Himself ordained. Of course, no pope can do this.

It is highly likely that some diocesan bishops and even cardinals will become schismatic over the issue of those who are divorced and remarried, without annulments, being able to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.

This law of the Church cannot be changed, as those who are in second marriages without annulments are in the state of adultery. However, some media outlets conveniently ignore this fact.

Connected to this point is that the German hierarchy may be pushing this not for pastoral reasons, but for financial reasons, which I pointed out last year.

The Church tax in Germany gives money directly to the religions of the tax-payer. If the tax-payer has left the Church because of an irregular marriage, that person will not be marking their mark on the box marked Catholic.

Ergo, fallen away Catholics, who have chosen to leave the Church of their own free wills, would not, of course, want to give money to the Catholic Church.

To choose to marry outside the Church and leave the safety and security of Catholicism may be a huge decision for some, but, honestly, some ex-Catholics do not care.

Pray for the upcoming conference on the family. I am confident that this pope, as promised to us by Christ Himself, would not perjure himself, or present an idea contrary to Church teaching, based on the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

Too many people have no faith in the Holy Spirit guiding the Church. Never in 2,000 plus years of history has a pope made an infallible statement contrary to the teachings of Christ.

If there is to be schism, so be it. This has happened before.  

Does anyone think that the Church which survived the English Revolt and the Protestant Revolt will not stand up against the enemies of the Church in 2014?