Friday, 9 May 2014
Respond to inquiry into compulsory sex ed
We are very concerned that this inquiry will be used to make sex education a compulsory schools subject. This would mean that children as young as five years old would have to learn about sexual matters. Parents would be unable to protect their children from inappropriate teaching.
It is absolutely vital that there is an overwhelming response from parents, grandparents, teachers, clergy and all concerned citizens saying "no" to compulsory sex education. Compulsory sex education will sever parents from the moral upbringing of their children. And the innocence of children will be wiped out by ever more sexual content in the classroom.
Every school will be affected by this. Every child deserves to be protected.
Please download SPUC's briefing to help you respond to this inquiry. Please circulate the briefing as widely as possible asking others to respond to the inquiry. The deadline for responses is the first week of June (see the briefing for further details).
P.S. You may have seen this frightening report today by The Telegraph:
"NHS chiefs tell ministers: Change sex education lessons to make all pupils learn about gay marriage"
The NHS in Scotland wants:
- all children to learn about gay marriage in sex education lessons
- children to be given the power to overrule their parents
- a stop to parents campaigning against the content of sex education lessons
- training for teachers to help them overcome their objections to gay marriage.
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