I have done a bit of sleuthing today and found out that the
two prestigious Catholic high schools in this area are both accepting the Common Core.
I am both shocked and saddened. I am shocked that the
dioceses would sell out to the government demands to allow all students to be
in the life-long data-base (see the video on this blog for details). I am
saddened that the Church members in this area cannot see the dangerous position
of letting the government form children and teens rather than allowing the Holy
Spirit to form them.
One cannot have it both ways. I have given talks on the
formation of children for years. Some parents get it that it is their
responsibility to form their children for eternal life.
It is no one else’s responsibility.
Sorry. The domestic church cannot undo six hours of
brainwashing per day or change the curriculum. So, if you want to pull your
child out of a class on lgtb
sexuality and rights, that child’s personal data-base will make her for the
rest of her life.
Home schooling or totally independent schools are the only
option for Catholic parents.
Basically, if your diocese is one of the 138 to agree with this horrible take over of independence, you have no choice but to home school.
I have also discovered that the junior and community colleges in this area are already tied to the CC data-base through the ACT and Compass testing. Do you want your children in a data-base for the rest of their lives.
Do you?