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Sunday 14 September 2014

The Depth of The Rot

I am fast coming to the conclusion that some of the deprivation two generations, at least, experienced, concerning real Catholic education may not be able to be undone.

I have been in contact with a friend in her thirties who went to an excellent school run by an order. Her intellect was formed early on, in high school, and now that she has had a real conversion to Catholicism, all her high school classes make sense and all her knowledge is falling into place.

She had a rare experience of being taught by one of the last orders to present real Catholic education. However, the vast majority of her Catholic peers got "wiggly worm" Catholicism. She is quite alone in her age group and tends to be friends with people older than she is, because she has more in common with them.

Recently, she told me that most of her peers are caught up in cynicism and have no interest in religion at. She comes from solid middle class background, but most of the people she knows her own age live like pagans. She feels isolated.

The lack of real Catholic teaching since the 1970s may not be able to be made up now, as only a few respond to the call to study, to read, to learn their Faith. But, her loneliness, the fact that she cannot discuss her Faith with anyone, led her to the blog.

How many young people endure this type of isolation? How can I tell there where to go, where to live and get jobs in places where there is Catholic community based on orthodoxy?

America is a big place, and the rot set in on both coasts, moving inland to the Midwest and the South, until no place is free from heresy. Modernism has poisoned the minds, consciences, bodies, souls of so many, the majority, in fact, of Catholics.

And where are the missionaries to bring those back who have gone astray? And do they want to come back?

Without prayers, fasting, mortification on the part of us believers, many, many people will go to hell.

The depth of the rot is now obvious. I do not convert on this blog, at least I do not bring first conversion to readers, as those people are the ones who do not read Catholic, orthodox blogs.

Convert, my friends, those in your families, in your groupings.

We do not have much time.