PDF Document with the Cardinal's signature:
Warning against Mrs Vassula Ryden's visit to the Ile-de-France region
The French association "True Life in God",who promotes Mrs Vassula Ryden's activities, has announced her next visit to Paris and a conference she will be holding at the Pavillon Baltard (Nogent-sur-Marne) on Sunday 25 November 2012.The Holy See, through the voice of the Roman congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has pronounced itself several times regarding her (Notification dated 6 October 1995, letters of 4 April 2002 and 25 January 2007). The Holy See has expressed great reservations regarding her claimed revelations and has not recognized the supernatural nature of the messages that Mrs Ryden claims to have received. The Congregation advises the Catholic faithful not to lend support to Mrs Ryden's activities or those of the association "True Life in God" by participating in them.
Moreover, since Mrs Vassula Ryden is of Greek-Orthodox origin, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has published a declaration regarding her dated 16 March 2011, requesting that the faithful do not put their trust in her teachings.
I want to inform the Catholic faithful of Paris that the visit of Mrs Vassula Ryden and the events that will surround it are in no way connected to the Catholic Church. The acts of religious nature that could take place during it (the celebration of Mass or of deliverance and healing prayers) would be outside the communion with the Catholic Church.
+ André cardinal VINGT-TROIS
Archbishop of Paris

Diocese of Strasbourg:
Warning against Mrs Vassula Ryden's visit to the Diocese of Strasbourg
The French association "True Life in God", who promotes Mrs Vassula Ryden's activities, has announced her next visit to Strasbourg on Friday November 23, where she will hold a conference.The Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has pronounced itself several times regarding her by expressing great reservations and by not recognizing the supernatural nature of her claimed messages. The Congregation advises the Catholic faithful not to lend support to her activities by participating in them.
The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has pronounced itself recently in an identical manner, since Mrs Vassula Ryden was a member of that Church.
I want to inform the Catholic faithful of the Diocese of Strasbourg that this event is in no way connected to the Church. The acts of religious nature that could take place during it - Mass, deliverance and healing prayers - if they do take place, will be outside the communion with the Catholic Church.
+ Jean-Pierre Grallet Archbishop of Strasbourg

Bishop of Nantes (November 2012)
Diocese of Nantes:
Warning against Mrs Vassula Ryden's visit to the Diocese of Nantes
The French association "True Life in God", who promotes Mrs Vassula Ryden's activities, has announced her next visit to Carquefou on November 22, where she will hold a conference.The Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has pronounced itself several times regarding her by expressing great reservations and by not recognizing the supernatural nature of her claimed messages. The Congregation advises the Catholic faithful not to lend support to her activities by participating in them.
The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has pronounced itself recently in an identical manner, since Mrs Vassula Ryden was a member of that Church.
I want to inform the Catholic faithful of the Diocese of Nantes that this event is in no way connected to the Church. The acts of religious nature that could take place during it - Mass, deliverance and healing prayers - if they do take place, will be outside the communion with the Catholic Church.
+ Jean-Paul James
Note: The translation is not official and is the work of volunteers who are not professional translators. Please refer to the original text in French.

Bishop of Belley-Ars (November 2012)
Diocese of Belley-Ars:
The Bishop of Belley-Ars Mgr. Pascal Roland adheres to the warning issued by Cardinal Barbarin Archbishop of Lyon regarding Mrs Vassula Ryden's visit to Lyon and reproduces the text of the warning on the website of the diocese of Belley-Ars.

English translation of the warning signed by theCardinal of Lyon (France) regarding Vassula Ryden and published in the diocese'sofficial website:
Warning against Mrs Vassula Ryden's visit to the Diocese ofLyon
The French association "True Life in God", who promotes Mrs Vassula Ryden's activities, has announced her next visit to Villeurbanne on November 5, 2012 where she will hold a conference.The Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has pronounced itself several times regarding her by expressing great reservations and by not recognizing the supernatural nature of her claimed messages. The Congregation advises the Catholic faithful not to lend support to her activities by participating in them.
The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has pronounced itself recently in an identical manner, since Mrs. Vassula Ryden was a member of that Church.
I want to inform the Catholic faithful of the Diocese of Lyon that this event is in no way connected to the Church. The acts of religious nature that could take place during it - Mass, deliverance and healing prayers - if they do take place, will be outside the communion with the Catholic Church.
Philippe card. Barbarin
November 5, 2012

Bishop of Avignon (October 2012)
Article published on Tuesday October 30, 2012 by Mgr Jean-Pierre Cattenoz, Bishop of Avignon (France) on the official website of his diocese:
Mrs Vassula Ryden will be coming soon to Avignon at the Parc des Expositions. After having contacted the Nunciature, all the Catholic faithful are reminded that it is not appropriate to participate in the different meetings organized during her visit.Likewise, it is requested that no priest celebrate the Eucharist in connection with her visit.
We have in the Gospel and in the New Testament the revelation of everything that is necessary for Salvation. We should not seek in Mrs Vassula Ryden's "True life in God", or in any other "revelation" or private meditation, enlightenment to grow in faith. Let's nourish ourselves with the Gospel and we will grow in the Church in the intimacy of Christ.
+ Jean-Pierre Cattenoz
Avignon, October 25, 2012

The following warning, signed by several bishops of southern France - including three archbishops - was issued on October 22, 2011. The original text in French was published on the websites of several dioceses (for instance: You will find hereunder an English translation:
Several sources have announced that on November 2011 Mrs Vassula Ryden will be coming to Marseille. The programme mentions conferences, Mass, deliverance and healing prayers.
The Roman Congregation for the doctrine of the faith has pronounced itself several times on her case, by emitting great reservations and not recognizing the supernatural character of her alleged messages. Itadvises Catholics not to support this person's activities by participating in her initiatives.
The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has recently pronounced itself in a similar way, since Mrs Vassula Ryden was a member of that Church.
The bishops of the Province of Marseille want to bring to the attention of the catholic faithful of their dioceses that this event is in no way connected to our Church. The acts of religious nature (Mass, deliverance and healing prayers) - if they take place - will be performed outside the communion with the Catholic Church.
In Marseille, October 22, 2011.
+ Georges PONTIER Archbishop of Marseille
+ Christophe DUFOUR Archbishop of Aix-en-Provence and Arles
+ Jean-Pierre CATTENOZ Archbishop of Avignon
+ François-Xavier LOIZEAU Bishop of Digne
+ Dominique REY Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon
+ Jean-Michel di FALCO LEANDRI Bishop of Gap and Embrun
+ Louis SANKALÉ Bishop of Nice
+ Jean BONFILS Apostolic Administrator of Ajaccio