After the long inventory, I have come to the discovery that at least ten to twelve boxes are missing. This is a mystery of life, and one I accept.
However, if anyone would like to replace the missing volumes I mentioned on the other post, I would appreciate it. At least one of the missing boxes contained such spirituality.
The next job is to repack, as I have sorted out books. I need to get some to Clear Creek, and am praying for someone to help me do this. Please join me in prayer for this intention. I am not sending that many there-no more than eight or so smallish boxes, at this time.
Giving away things has been fun. I love homeschooling families and know what they need. Thankfully, some stuff could be used.
Here are a few of the books I am begging readers to consider getting for me. Thanks for considering.
Teresa of Avila Interior Castle
The Philokalia--The Complete Text. Vols I and III
Garrigou-Lagrange Providence
Garrigou-Lagrange The Trinity
Garrigou-Lagrange The Priest in Union with Christ
Garrigou-Lagrange The Love of God and the Cross
Marmion Union with God
Marmion Christ: The Ideal Priest
Benson Lord of the World
Raissa Maritain We Have Been Friends Together
Raissa Maritain Adventures in Grace
I lost some hard bounds of these. Never mind....
Thanks for considering.
Also need The Three Ages of the Interior Life, is anyone wants to get it for me.
UPDATE: found my first edition, 1931 Fulton J. Sheen Old Errors and New Labels
The man was a prophet.
Also, update, I shall be where I am now for three months.