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Saturday 28 July 2012

Perfection and anxiety

I am just coming out of exactly 30 days of anxiety and stress. Part of this was caused by the fact that I had to make a major decision in my life. Part of it has been financial. But, looking back over this month, I realize that this time was exactly what God wanted of me. He is teaching me to trust in Him as my Father. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

It could have seemed like a "lost month", as I did not get as much work done as I would have liked. But, sometimes, when God is working on the interior life, the exterior life must suffer. 

This Scripture passage shows all of us that power, love and a sound mind come from God. Only in Him can we find peace. And, this peace can only come when we give up and give in. Only God can handle some problems. I was walking about for three months in shoes which did not fit. I had blisters on the top, sides and backs of my feet. Now, I could not afford the type of shoes which would fit me. I cannot wear English shoes. I have Continental feet. I asked, hardly hoping. Then, two women offered to buy shoes for me. I was astounded and humbled. I thank these sisters here on this blog.

I lost my rosary, and another sister in the Lord sent me a new one. I was astounded again at the kindness of people. In the midst of financial difficulties, which have not yet been ironed out, I am learning to do something I really have never done before-trust in God. I ask Him for this grace. You all can pray for me to overcome fear and anxiety regarding this problem.

That God loves us and cares for our every need is written in the Scriptures. So, why do so many of us doubt it? I realized that I have gone through 30 days of intense anxiety so that I can learn to trust. Perfect love and trust drive out fear and that is what anxiety is-fear. I have been afraid of financial embarrassment, even though this situation is not my fault. It is my Luxembourg background. One simply does not get financially straitened, even when it is something out of one's own control. 

The entire world may be facing this soon--not just me. Banks make mistakes, people create problems where there are none. Patience and trust are the only solutions. A friend of mine just lost a tremendous amount of money because of the Euro crisis. I have had smaller problems, but stressful. 

Some of you may be able to do this already-trust. God bless you. It is a grace. I pray and I invite you to join me in prayer for my healing, so that I know in my deepest soul and heart that He has not given me a spirit of fear, or anxiety, but one of power, love and a sound mind. 

If we all knew this, how easy some relationships would be, as anxiety interferes with love. I had to apologize for causing another person irritation because of my own anxiety. Silly me. This is a bad habit for women. We can fall into nagging and being so anxious that love is blocked.  But, forgiveness is good, and we need to be reminded that perfect love drives out fear. One must decide not to be anxious. Love and freedom are in the will, not the emotions. The emotions will follow. Believe me on this one. 

In my series on perfection, I add this. In order to be perfect, we must trust in Abba Father. We are not to be presumptuous, but to be like a little child asking for our needs. Be not afraid, 

Be not afraid to ask. That is the key.

"Divine Father, call all men to Yourself. Let all the world proclaim Your fatherly goodness and Your divine mercy... Divine Father, Infinite Goodness poured out on all peoples, may You be known, honored, and loved by all men."

May I also add something which many know. We cannot be made perfect in a vacuum. We need to be in relationship with others. We also need to ask others to pray for us and we need to pray for others. This is our Faith, our baptismal unity in the Church. I saw a note today addressed to someone which was shown to me. The note read something like, "God open her heart so that she knows I really love her." That is God speaking to you and to me. God, open our hearts so that we know your love truly. We close our hearts because of fear and anxiety. What a great wonder this is, to be loved by the Almighty God.

He gave us His Own Son. What Love is this.

I pray for my readers and I hope you pray for me.

By the way, I keep a Thank you Diary. Everyday I try and think of at least ten things for which I can thank God. Clean water, friends, food, shoes, daily Mass, the list can be longer than ten. I highly suggest you try this if you tend to forget Who gives us all. God loves a grateful heart. Thank you God for everything.

Be perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is Perfect. He desires our perfection in Him.