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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Priest shortage...


A survey conducted in the diocese of Moulins the 1st and 2 October 2011, at 92 Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday shows that 71% of worshipers are women, 60% are over 60 years, and that the lack of priestly ordinations should lead to an impressive drop in the number of priests in the coming years: they would soon be more than a fortnight only to exercise a pastoral ministry.
With these alarming statistics, there are other alarming predictions: 500,000 euros deficit in 2015, a decrease of the faithful from 40 to 50% in the next 15 years and only 2.2% of the population who attend church ...

Now, in my home diocese in the Midwest, there will be only 15 priests for 100,000 Catholics by 2015.

Although we are seeing across the globe, in most countries an increase in vocations, the numbers are still not up to replacement numbers....


Poor Catholic Education
Selfish Parents
Bad Priests
Selfish Singles

No priests, no Masses, no Eucharist.