A famous priest blogger gave me the heads up yesterday on this excellent site. Take time to read and to listen about this subject more, please. What I had known, I had learned from experience in my college days. Now, more experts are warning us of the Alinksy (and may I add Gramsci) dangers in local politics across the United States. A bit late, but better late than never...I hope. I am not going into personal history here, but I narrowly escaped working in and with these Alinsky guys in Chicago in 1971. Many of us were saved by God from falling into soul-destroying error.
I do not know if we can stem the tide and the influence in the Catholic Church in America and in our grass roots politics. Please listen to the entire tape. It is not long.
We’re posting the audio from Mr. Joseph Morris’ excellent May 6 Acton Lecture Series presentation, Alinsky for Dummies: His Persistent Influence and Its Meaning for American Society and Politics. As Lord Acton warned that power corrupts, Saul Alinsky— the father of modern “community organizing” — rejoiced that corruption empowers.
Saul Alinsky
As Morris pointed out, decades after Alinsky’s death his ideas and teaching continue to shape the American political and social landscape. Barack Obama’s first job in Chicago was as an “organizer” for an Alinsky group; Hillary Clinton’s undergraduate thesis was written on Alinsky’s precepts; contemporary organizations from the notorious ACORN to the Catholic-Church-supported United for Power and Justice are among Alinsky’s progeny. The lecture provided an overview of Alinksy’s thinking and showed how that thinking is applied in current events. Morris encouraged ALS attendees to read Alinsky’s short but seminal Rules for Radicals, widely available in inexpensive paperback editions.