Why do we not urge children or adolescents to use the graces of the sacraments?
There are too many child or adolescent saints to mention here but I want to highlight one. In October of 2007, when I was writing my first blog, Pope Benedict XVI beatified the 498 Spanish Martyrs.
Among those martyrs who died for their faith was 17. His name is Luis Abia Melendro and here are his details from http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.es/index.php/santos-y-beatos.html
- Nacido el 28/02/1919, en Abia de las Torres (Palencia), diócesis de Palencia
- Sufrió el martirio el 30/11/1936 en Paracuellos de Jarama (Madrid), diócesis de Madrid-Alcalá, en la actualidad diócesis de Alcalá de Henares
- Fecha beatificación: 28/10/2007
- Lugar de la sepultura: Camposanto de Paracuellos de Jarama, diócesis de Alcalá de Henares
- Fiesta: 6 noviembre
Look at the list of these young men, all Augustians, who are beatfied. The list is incomplete...They look like the seminarians I posted last night.......They all died in 1936, so you can figure out their ages.
professed priest, Augustinians
born: 17 August 1904
professed cleric, Augustinians
born: 17 May 1916
professed cleric, Augustinians
born: 01 August 1912
professed cleric, Augustinians
born: 13 May 1917
professed cleric, Augustinians
born: 20 February 1913
professed cleric, Augustinians
born: 17 June 1910
professed cleric, Augustinians
born: 17 April 1912
"Martyrdom" originally meant witness, the "martyr" is therefore a witness. The precise meaning from the Second Century should be understood in light of the testimony of Jesus himself and for Him the Christian martyr is a witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh (cf. Jn 1 14).
Martyrdom is a "test" of the truth of Christianity if, we can say, like a quality control. Martyrs mark with their lives the reality of what we believe and hope, unmasking the temptation to turn the realities believed into mere words, interpretations, ideas, symbols or projections.
Love is tested in the ability to suffer for the beloved, and that true love is tested with real suffering.
In the words of the Gospel: "No one has greater love than to lay down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13).The believer shows his seriousness to the extent that he is willing to bear the cross and persecution, because faith is the acceptance of God not only by the assent of the mind or the feelings of the heart, but above all with the fidelity in the thick of life (cf. 1 Pet 1.6 to 9).
The Christian awaits eternal life as well, the martyrs bet their existence radically therefore
(awaiting) the expected, based on the promise of God. The martyr certifies with their blood the truth and value of the divine commandments pointing to eternal life, without falling into indifference, subterfuges, interest or cynicism. The same Church witnesses the mystery that sustains the martyrdom of Her children. Martyrdom is a well tested and a crucible of Christian authenticity and consistency of the actuality of Jesus Christ.
Blázquez Pérez, Ricardo: "Who is a Christian martyr?"
In González Rodríguez, María Encarnación (Ed.), Christian martyrdom .
EDICE, Madrid 2007. pp. 33-60. p. 35-36
In González Rodríguez, María Encarnación (Ed.), Christian martyrdom .
EDICE, Madrid 2007. pp. 33-60. p. 35-36