Things for the walls in the home schooling classroom, besides great art, could include the following, from a list from Dr. Montessori.
Sacred Mottos-such as Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus.
Definitions of the Sacraments in a few words.
The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
The Confiteor
The Lord's Prayer
The Hail Mary
The Gloria
The Apostle's Creed
The Ten Commandments.
The Commandments of the Church
And, I add, the patron saints of the children.
Also, make sure these are beautifully done, as in medieval calligraphy, as she noted and as I wanted spontaneously being so Benedictine at heart.
May I add that drawings of the great cathedrals, monasteries and the tabernacle and Temple of Solomon could also be added, if one does not have or want models. Some many be found for sale here.
I shall write more on the role of the parent, Lenten practices, character building in children, and the teaching of the Mass...not necessarily in that order.
Not a mini-series...
to be continued....