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Thursday 26 December 2013

If I were the Pope...

...people would be thinking of leaving the Church because of me. Why?

Here is a short list of criticisms against Pope Supertradmum.

"STM is too judgmental.

STM has sins in her past and she still sins.

STM really is far from being a saint.

STM is not a scholar like Benedict.

STM is too clerical and has not criticized clericalism.

STM does not go to confession weekly any more.

STM at one time hung around Marxists and has read Gramsci.

STM wears hats, not mantillas to Mass.

STM does not talk about subsidiarity.

STM has her favorite priests, bishops and cardinals-favoritism.

STM does not wear red shoes, and sometimes prefers the company of the poor.

STM writes too much, and talks too much. She is from the New World, therefore, she lacks credibility.

I always like Benedict better...."

It occurred to me today that those who are thinking of leaving the Church because of Pope Francis should just look in the mirror.

Cardinals voted for Pope Francis, not the Holy Spirit.

Get over it....stay in the Church and help make it stronger. Be the Church Militant.

That is our job.