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Friday, 27 December 2013

We are not created equal

Today is the Feast of St. John the Evangelist, whose feast is placed close to Christmas for one reason. He was the Beloved Apostle.

John never denied Christ, and because he stood at the foot of the Cross, he was given two special gifts.

He was given the care of Jesus' own mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. John was, also, the only apostle not to be martyred. He suffered persecution, as we all do in some way, but he was spared death by bloody witness, because he was willing to share in the suffering of Christ on Calvary.

John was special. He was not like Peter, James, or Philip. He was not like Judas.

We are all created unique, and we have unique gifts and personalities. John had temper-one of the Sons of Thunder, and he had a strong mom.

He became the writer who mentions the word "love" more than any other evangelist or author of the epistles.

John was Christ's favorite for the reason that John loved.

We are not the same. We all have a different character, and call to become holy.

It is a horrible sin of pride to think that one could be a Padre Pio or a Thomas More.

Are we called to be saints? Yes. But, we are not, if women, a Therese, the Little Flower, or a Teresa of Avila.

If we cooperate with grace, we shall be saints, but our own saint-St. David of Moline, or St. Anne of Memphis.

Do not compare yourselves with others, but know that God created you for something special. He loves you.