Friday, 14 March 2014
The Life of No Sacraments Looms
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I am almost at the end of my efforts to help others see the need for communities in America, Great Britain and Ireland. I have written much on this subject and am personally grieved that people simply do not see the need for contacts based on love and knowledge.
No one talked about "community" until it no longer existed. Real Catholic communities have been destroyed in Europe by war, socialism, communism and the death of Christendom. In other words, there exists a vacuum where overlapping ideal formerly brought people together in the past.
In the States, because of distances and a huge, false ideal of "rugged individualism", communities hardly can be discussed among even traditional Catholics.
Too many priests and too many lay people believe that the older forms for creating community still work.
These do not. Altar and Rosary societies, Knight of Columbus, Cursio, and so on never discuss the coming upheaval of the Church. Why people in these groups cannot see the impending loss of the sacramental life of the Church, and the serious curtailing of religious freedoms continues to baffle me.
In one diocese, eight sems for one half of a State; in another two sems, for 100,000 people; in another, 42 priests for 100,000 people; in another,one sem.
Do people want a life without the Mass? Communities would encourage vocations and the parents who have children would be encouraged by an intense, shared faith.
To pretend families will be able to "go it alone" reveals a naivete and a lack of historical perspective.
Can I keep writing and talking about this when few, very few respond?
Men must take the lead and pray about communities in their areas.
Do they want to stand back and watch the imprisonment and death of their priests?
Having safe havens for priests will be a necessity. Read my novellas.
Get passed the stage of denial and comfort.
The old groupings miss the point and are not forward looking, but backward looking.
Do not look back, plan for the future. You children's faith life is at stake, as well as the continuance of the Catholic Church in your area.