Saturday, 10 May 2014
Scottish Catholic leaders and others defend parents' rights
I am in Scotland and was greeted by this news when I picked up my morning newspaper yesterday morning.
How encouraging, then, to pick up my morning paper this morning and to read another story. The Telegraph reports that Catholic Church leaders in Scotland and leaders of the Kirk are fighting back, accusing NHS boards of making an "inappropriate" and "highly political" intervention and of actively undermining "the rights and consciences of parents".
Whilst I've been in Scotland these past few days I have met a number of church leaders and I am not surprised to note the strength of their immediate defence of parental rights.
I am not surprised, but I'm also mightily relieved that Catholic Church leaders and others in Scotland and others have spoken out. Let's just reflect again on what The Telegraph reportedyesterday: in a letter from Scotland's largest health boards to Scottish government ministers, NHS leaders have protested against new draft sex education guidance. The Telegraph report states:
"Allowing children to withdraw from sex education lessons on the grounds of conscience risks them coming under pressure from parents opposed to gay marriage, the health boards warned.As I said in my speech at the Legatus Convention in Orlando:
"Instead they argued that the guidance should include greater protections against parents mounting campaigns against the content of the lessons. Children should be given the power to overrule their mothers and fathers, it was suggested."
" ... we cannot defeat the culture of death which threatens constantly to overwhelm us on our own. Pro-life organizations and the wider community must be fortified by unequivocal, unyielding voices of Catholic Church officials and bishops throughout the world"... as well as other church leaders.
As the threat in England grows (as I reported yesterday), I pray that we will see similar robust leadership from church leaders in our country too.CC