Why is it that no one allows righteous anger? We have an
example of God Himself showing anger several times against the Pharisees and
the Sadducees. So, if a Catholic becomes angry at abortion or contraception or
same-sex marriage, all serious sins which offend God, or becomes angry serious
injustice or the killing of Christians across the world, why is the Catholic
Righteous anger comes from purity of heart, and not being
caught up in egotism.
Righteous anger comes from seeing events and people with the
eyes of God.
Too often, people assume all anger is sin. But, it is not.
“Be angry, but sin not.”
Without the fire of righteous anger, the West would still
have slavery. Without the fire of righteous anger, abortion continues to kill
millions of babies a year.
We shall see the wrath of God and understand that we did not
allow God to purify us enough to feel righteous anger.
God forgive us. But, we shall not be spared.