First, an explanation from the main site on women in the Order.
The Women of the Order of Malta
far from the Hospital of Jerusalem there already existed before the
foundation of the Order a women's infirmary; it was entrusted to nuns.
Roman lady, Agnes or Alix, received the habit of the Order from the
hands of the Blessed Gerard and became the abbess of that convent which
was dedicated to Saint Magdalene. There under her direction, a life of
prayer and charity unfolded all its zeal and resources, until the
capture of Jerusalem by Saladin in 1187. Then the nuns were dispersed
throughout the West and remained in small groups in the hospitals of the
Knights, taking care of the sick women sheltered in them. But even
before the exodus the houses of Europe had felt the need of leaving
women in their hospitals; sisters were therefore present in the
Commanderies. In 1180, we find nuns at Hampton, Standon, and Gosford in
England. But toward 1186, Henry II, at Buckland, Somerset, created a
home for the sisters of Saint John under the direction of Fina, the
first abbess; she governed for 54 years. She gathered under her crosier
all the nuns scattered in the religious houses of the Knights.
at the same time, in 1188, Doña Sancha, wife of Don Alfonso, King of
Aragon, in memory of the pious Knights fallen in defence of the Holy
Land, raised a convent at Sigena, between Saragossa and Lerida, to
receive without dowry the poor daughters of noble families. In theory
they were to furnish proofs of nobility. But their families were so
distinguished and well-known that these proofs were not required. The
Queen deeded extensive tracts of land to them. At the assumption of
power by the Infante Don Pedro, at the death of Don Alfonso, she
withdrew to her convent with her daughter, Doña Dulce. They took the
habit. The good Queen died in that convent in November l208, after
having been at the head of the community for some years; her rule was
characterized by great wisdom and holiness. She was buried in the
convent church, and her stone tomb leas covered over with a very hard
wood, painted quite skilfully in the ancient fashion. On it can be seen
the portrait of the princess abbess in royal dress, with a crown on her
head and the cross of Saint John on her cloak. In memory of her the
nuns carried a silver sceptre in the choir.
Since the reign of Leo XIII, proofs of nobility have no longer been required to enter this convent.
other houses of the Order were founded, especially in Genoa and Pisa,
beginning with the first half of the thirteenth century. Some were
devoted to the care of the sick, as at Beaulieu, of which we shall speak
later. In general, however, after leaving the Holy Land, the sisters
turned to contemplation, under the rule of Saint Augustine.
habit was composed of a gown of red silk and a black cloak with a white
cross. After the fall of Rhodes, they dressed in mourning, wearing a
black gown. They were not dependent on the local bishop; they came under
the jurisdiction of the Prior of the province or the Grandmaster of the Hospital.
Order of the Sisters of Saint John of Jerusalem has now been presented.
Let us proceed to consider the three highest and most gracious figures
of its martyrology.
The text of this page is quoted from: Ducaud-Bourget, Msgr. François: The Spiritual Heritage of The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Vatican 1958
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image courtesy of St John's Gate, London |
Saint Ubaldesca
Virgin of The Order
was born in 1136 at Calcinia, near Pisa. At the age of fifteen, she
joined the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, and worked for fifty-five
years in the infirmary attached to the monastery at Pisa, caring for her
neighbour out of love for God. She died on 28 May 1206. Her body was
taken back to Calcinia where it is now enshrined. Not only honoured
among the saints and blessed of the Order of Saint John of
Jerusalem, she is celebrated also as a patroness of the City of Pisa.
The Collect of the Mass
O God, pride of the humble and lover of virginity,
you called Saint Ubaldesca to the religious life
in the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem :
Grant that through her prayers and example
we may rejoice in being humble
and follow you with pure minds.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.