"According to His good pleasure, by a strange self-emptying, He passed through thy womb, yet kept it sealed." | Liturgy |
"O God, my God: I will glorify thee by Thy Mother. For she hath conceived
thee in virginity: and without travail she hath brought Thee forth." Bonaventure |
"There is a gate of the womb, although it is not always closed; indeed
only one was able to remain closed, that through which the One born of
the Virgin came forth without the loss of genital intactness" St. Ambrose |
"As thou hast found my womb, so thou hast left it." Byzantine Liturgy |
"It was fitting that the body of her, who preserved her virginity intact
in childbirth, should be kept from corruption even after death. She who
nursed her Creator as an infant at her breast, had a right to be in the
divine tabernacles.... It was fitting that she who saw her Son die on
the cross, and received in her heart the sword of pain which she had not
felt in childbirth, should gaze upon Him seated next to the Father." John Damascene |
Beautiful Mary in contemplation or ecstasy....and the words of the Divine Liturgy and saints and Doctors of the Church....