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Zelie and Louis Martin, pray for us |
I have never wanted to be or act like a man. Why should I when God made me to know, love and serve Him in this world and to praise Him and be happy with Him in the next as a woman.
I am ranting today because of something I began to see clearly in England in 2011. I was shocked at the change in society there from late 1995 and 2011; the defeminization of women. And, since I have been in the States, I see it even more clearly.
Androgyny is from satan. It is evil. I shall write more of that in a second rant.
If a Catholic woman no matter what her age cannot wear skirts and dresses daily, there is a problem with her spiritual life.
I am sorry to say this boldly, but wearing trousers has nothing to do with being cold or having certain types of jobs. One can always change at work and after work if one must wear trousers.
As to being cold, my close friends know that I suffer horribly from the cold. My son use to call me the "lizard" as I cannot create warmth in my body if it is cold outside. I have had frostbite three times (which stays with one forever) and chilblains, from which I suffer all the time. So, cold is not an excuse.
To ignore one's femininity can come from many sources. And all of these are bad.
1) Self-hatred, thinking one is ugly, fat or unattractive and therefore one "dresses down";
2) Control issues-one wants to be in charge in the family, literally, as the old saying goes, "wearing the pants in the family";
3) Sexual sins, such as lesbianism and other sins related to sex make a woman more of a man;
4) Sexual manipulation of men. All men I have asked about this question tell me they are more "turned on" by jeans and capris than by skirts or dresses. As a friend of mine from California states, "Women's clothes now are all about sex."
5) Modesty, which is a virtue, is not merely covering up parts which should not be shown, it is an attitude. Modesty is part of temperance, which controls concupiscence. From the Catholic Encyclopedia:
The virtue of modesty, as ranged under temperance, has as its task the holding in reasonable leash of the less violent human passions. It brings into service humility to set in order a man's interior. By transfusing his estimates with truth, and increasing his self-knowledge it guards him against the radical malice of pride. It is averse to pusillanimity, the product of low views and a mean-spirited will. In the government of the exterior of a man modesty aims to make it conform to the demands of decency and decorousness (honestas). In this way his whole outward tenor of conduct and method of life fall under its sway. Such things as his attire, manner of speech, habitual bearing, style of living, have to be made to square with its injunctions. To be sure the cannot always be settled by hard and fast rules. Convention will often have a good deal to say in the case, but in turn will have its propriety determined by modesty
If you are a Catholic woman and wearing trousers daily, stop and pray. Your interior disposition is out of whack and maybe God wants to reveal a predominant fault concerning rebellion, control or lust.
To be continued...