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Wednesday, 7 January 2015


The greatest problem with Catholics, besides not understanding the Faith and being too tolerant of sin, is fear.

Recently, I discovered that many Catholics are afraid of the following things or people. We cannot be afraid.

  • Fear of losing the companionship of friends or family members because of speaking the truth, even gently
  • Fear of being accused of being a hypocrite.
  • Fear of upsetting a conversation by bringing up Church teaching on a subject.
  • Fear of not being able to answer the complex questions which may arise.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Fear of being right, not being wrong, and what that means
  • Fear of pride or fear of humility
St. John Paul II more than once told us not to be afraid. I have told my readers not to be afraid.

Here is what Christ states:

Luke 12:12New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition 

12 ...for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that very hour what you ought to say.

Sometimes, I wonder whether some Catholics actually believe that Christ is God and that He means what He states.

One reason why Christ detaches us from all people and things is so that we shall not be afraid.
In the not so distant past, I had to pass on several bags of personal things which had been given to me or purchased out of need. I had no choice. Most things I was totally detached from...but one thing I was attached to. Well, it had to go as well.

Hurts? Yes...but God is teaching me to get ready for death, and to die to self now.

One is no longer afraid if one accepts death of self.