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Sunday 8 January 2012

I wish he had not done this. Cardinal George apologizes.

Are we the Church Militant? What does that mean? Are we prophets in the public square?

I wish Cardinal George had not apologized for his comment regarding the gay movement in Chicago. It is sad that anti-Catholicism is the acceptable prejudice in Illinois and other states, especially within the more militant parts of the gay movement. The apology undermines the Cardinal's strong stand against the lewd behaviors which take place in the annual parade and the language of hatred which comes out of the gay community towards Catholics. The KKK was and is anti-Catholic. The gay movement is anti-Catholic and increasingly so. Catholics must stand up against verbal and political abuse because of the agenda which the gays have had, pushing for civil rights for a lifestyle which is "disordered". Sin has no rights, and I feel sad and let down that the Cardinal felt he had to apologize for a historically correct comparison. The hatred of anti-Catholicism may have been more obvious in the 19th century, but the prejudice is alive and well and couched in subtle, political terms which confuse people. Catholics will lose civil rights in all areas of civic life if the gay agenda is not seen for what it is-an attempt to change the entire culture concerning marriage, child-rearing, and even changing the definitions of perverse sexual behavior. The Catholic Church is the only religious institution willing to teach and protect natural law philosophy. The apology was apparently to stop a demonstration outside the Cathedral in Chicago. Lame. Why not let a demonstration occur? What is the Cardinal afraid of-confrontation? We live in the Age of Nice and no one can criticize, we cannot use metaphor or strong language to point out truth. We all have to be so nice. Being tolerant is the highest compliment a person can be given in the States and elsewhere.
Where is courage and truth in this diocese? (see blog below on black and white rhetoric)

Send these guys to stand in front of any demonstration outside a Church in Chicago.

To be holy, be honest with yourself...and your roles as parents

Today is the Feast of the Holy Family in Ireland and in the TLM. For a family to be holy is not rocket science. I am going to rant and rave today as I have listened to two conversations in the last two days of families, married couples, young people, blaming priests for their lack of holiness and for falling away from the Faith.

I said that on the day of our death, at our particular judgement, God will not say, "Oh, enter into heaven because you could not help it that Father Google was a bad shepherd," or, imagine Jesus stating, "Poor adult Christian, you committed all those sins because you did not read, or listen, or pray."

(Photo is of Blessed Louis Martin, father of Doctor of the Church, St. Therese, the Little Flower).

Not a chance that we shall get off the hook. As adult Catholics, the acceptance or denial of our Faith is in our own hands. We live in the age of information. We have The Catechism of the Catholic Church and most of the encyclicals of the past 125 years free online. We have EWTN, books, Catholic stores, newspapers, journals, blogs, etc. all about the One, True, Holy, Apostolic Church. Families are holy if parents are holy, not if priests are holy, although that helps. My Faith was passed on to me by my parents, not the schools I attended (all private and Catholic), not the governments and their programs. Do not blame the Pope, the Cardinals, the scandals, the lack of vocations. Lay people, look at yourselves.