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Friday 6 July 2012

The beginning of persecution....

OK, this is war on the Church. Nick Clegg has come out and said that gay marriages should happen in churches. Well, we know what this means, that no priest or minister will be able to say "no" to a same-sex couple coming into a church and wanting a "religious marriage". Take a look at the article. A sad day for religious freedom when those who do not want to understand God and His Ways take control. Broke my record on posts. God bless you all.

Official Blog-Beggar

Several of my friends press-ganged me into starting a wish list on my blog. Well, there it is on the sidebar. Thanks for considering my needs. And, did you know this from Webster's, that the word "beggar" is from  Middle Dutch beggaertone who rattles off prayers?  I guess I fall into that category big time.....I hope the buttons work, as I am an amateur at widgets. Let me know if there is a problem. Tied my own record for a nine post day. PS None of the Catholic libraries in London are lending libraries. And, I do not belong to any of the London colleges, which is why the necessity for books for my thesis.


Lifted Article from Rorate Caeli Which Is Superb on Muller Appointment

Mgr. Bux on Müller: these complainers are just being "Capernaists"!
SSPX German District on Müller

 Mgr. Nicola Bux says it is incorrect to extrapolate from a few excerpts of Abp. Müller's works.

Traditionalists on the attack on Müller

Don Nicola Bux analyzes the complaints about the new prefect:  "if one extrapolates from the context, it is easy to condemn anyone."


The naming of the Bishop of Regensburg Gerhard Müller as new prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was preceded and was followed by the spread – first through anonymous emails and then in articles on the web, including the Italian site of the Society of St. Pius X – of small extrapolations from his writings that show questionable positions in matters of faith.  Are things truly thus? Vatican Insider interviewed on this matter theologian Nicola Bux, Consultant of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

In his book on Dogmatics, Müller writes that the doctrine of the Virginity of Mary "not so much concerned with specific physiological proprieties in the natural process of birth"

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the physical aspect of virginity is due entirely to the fact that Jesus was conceived without human seed, but by the action of the Holy Spirit. It is a divine work that exceeds all understanding and human possibility. The Church professes the real and perpetual Virginity of Mary but does not enter into physical details; neither does it seem that the Councils and the Fathers stated otherwise.

In this line, it seems to me, along which what Müller wrote should be understood, [Müller] does not support a "doctrine" that denies the dogma of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary, but warns against a certain, as it were, "Capernaism", i.e. a way of reasoning "according to the flesh" and not "according to the spirit", that already appeared at Capernaum among the Jews at the end of Jesus ' discourse on the bread of life. [Jn vi]

In 2002, Müller, in his book "Die Messe - Quelle des christlichen Lebens" [The Mass - Source of the Christian Life], speaking of the Eucharistic Sacrament, writes that, "the body and blood of Christ do not mean the material components of the human person of Jesus during his lifetime or in his transfigured corporality. Here, body and blood mean the presence of Christ in the signs of the medium of bread and wine." 

It was precisely in Capernaum that the terms used by Jesus, flesh and blood, were misunderstood as anthropomorphic and the Lord had to reiterate their spiritual sense, which does not mean that its presence is less real, true, and substantial. See the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding this. Saint Ambrose says that it is not the the element formed by nature, but the substance produced by the formula of consecration: its very nature is transformed, so body and blood are the being of Jesus. The Tridentine Council says that in the Eucharist Our Lord, true God and true man, is "substantially" present. He is sacramentally present with his substance, a mysterious mode of being,admissible on faith and possible from God.

St. Thomas [Aquinas] had said that the mode of "substance" and not the "quantity", characterizes the presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. The bread and wine as a species or appearances mediate our access to the "substance", something that happens especially in communion. All the same, the Tridentine Council sees no contradiction between the natural way of the presence of Christ in heaven and his sacramental being in many other places. All this was reaffirmed by Pope Paul VI in his Encyclical Mysterium Fidei, unfortunately forgotten. The senses are not enough, but faith is required from us. It is a mystery of the faith.

On Protestantism and the salvific unicity of Jesus, Müller said, in October 2011: "Baptism is the fundamental sign that sacramentally unites us in Christ, and which presents us as the one Church in front of the world. Thus, we as Catholic and Evangelical Christians are already united even in what we call the visible Church."

St. Augustine defended against the Donatists the truth that baptism is an indestructible bond, which does not abolish fraternity among Christians, even when they are schismatics or heretics. 

Unfortunately today debate is feared in the Church, but moves on theses and ostracism of those who think differently. I refer to theology, of course, in which different opinions may be acceptable.

However, doctrinal development benefits from debate: who has more arguments, convinces. In the charges against Bishop Müller, there is extrapolation from the context: it is easy to condemn anyone like this. A true Catholic must trust the authority of the Pope, always. In particular, I believe that Benedict XVI know that he does. And I would like to renew to the Society of St. Pius X the invitation to trust the Pope. "

It has been said that the new prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith would not have been up to now very favorable to the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.

I am certain that he understands the reasons that have led the Pope to promulgate it and that he will act in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the Motu proprio. As for the extrapolations of which we spoke, those things written by Abp. Müller belong to his time as a theologian, and a theologian produces no doctrine, at least immediately. As a Bishop, he must instead defend and disseminate the doctrine that is not his, but of the Church, and I think that he has done this. As Prefect, he will continue to do so, under the guidance of Pope.

Prayers needed for women

This is so bad, it must be read. Check out this link, please and pray for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East.

Who is like God? On Unconditional Love...

Because of a common, not a rare occurrence, of unrequited love, I am going to put forth a few tentative notes on the subject. In our Western culture, I have discovered over the years, that many more women who are Catholic and Traditional are single but should be married, as that is their vocation in life.

So, they have experienced one or more of three possibilities. One, they have never fallen in love. The young woman has never met "Mr. Right". Now, in some trad sub-cultures, I can see this. The same is true for some trad men. I know at least one man who would like to meet a trad girl that he might marry, but has not. He is very young, 24, so he has time. And, yet, he is a bit impatient. Not all communities of traditional Catholics have both single men and single women who have marriage vocations sitting in the pews.

Not finding anyone suitable is the first possibility. The second is a subject I have written on before, and that is the fear of commitment. This is the scourge of our culture, even in Catholic circles.  

But, I shall run on to the third possibility. Unrequited love. Now, according to psychologists, the vast majority of people have fallen in love with someone who has not reciprocated that love to the point of a proposal of marriage. Some women I know have fallen in love with trad men in their communities, but the love has remained unanswered. Unrequited love, as I have noted before, is a mystery. But, the one who loves is actually more blessed than the one who does not return the love, for whatever reason. Unrequited love may be the most perfect type of love, as it must transcend need and want. Love freely given but not returned gives its own happiness and peace, despite the pain of not achieving real friendship with the other.

All real love is from God, if one is in sanctifying grace. One living in and with the Indwelling of the Holy Trinity has the capacity for great love. And, most ladies who are trad that I know are capable of great love, as they really love God first and are living virtuous lives. Perhaps, if these women can understand the great blessing of being in love in the first place and love without return in peace and joy, they can realize that they are actually sharing in the love of God, Who loves without return in many cases.

The angels love without return. How many of us ignore our Guardian Angels? (Notice the cats in the painting.)

St. Michael's name means "Who is like God". I would venture to say that the person who loves freely without return is a little like God. Perhaps this unconditional love is part of being made in the image and likeness of God.

This will be a seven post day.

7th Day of the Novena for the SSPX

We invite the faithful, religious and clergy to join the members of the SSPX in a novena to the Holy Ghost from June 30 to July 8. The novena will consist of praying the Veni Creator Spiritus with the addition of 2 invocations:
  • Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. (3 times)
  • St. Pius X, pray for us.

More Ladies in Mantillas

Can you spot five famous ladies here as well, some repeated from last post?

Ladies in Mantillas

Can you spot at least five famous ladies?

Norms Regarding the Manner of Proceeding in the Discernment of Presumed Apparitions or Revelations

NOTE: update at bottom of page and more on this tomorrow in a long post....

By the way, for my friends who have not seen this, here is the text of the guidelines regarding private revelations, the late publication of a much earlier document. And, this is the link to Cardinal Levada's preface. Some people do not know this exists. There are five links on this page worth researching.
  • I urgently ask all my friends and readers who are into private revelations to check out the CDF guidelines regarding your favorites, as much has ben said on various seers and visionaries. 
And here is a great list from the Mary Page of the Marian Research Institute. The list has been updated through 2011 and shows three categories. Very few apparitions have been approved and some have been positively not approved. The third category is one of  "no decision" as of yet. A negative decision is important, and must be taken seriously by the faithful. Some others relating to Jesus are not listed, as this is a Marian apparition graph. Contrary to what many people believe, this is not the greatest age for Marian apparitions. Here is a graph of the timeline of such. Those which have a negative status must NOT be followed by the faithful, and if so, those persons are in disobedience to Holy Mother Church.

The condemned are listed as "negative decision".  Three which have been condemned and are still followed by unfaithful Catholics are Bayside, Christina Gallagher, and Garabandal-- there is a special link to Garabandal Letters.

In addition, please read these links to the CDF on Vassula Ryden. Three links of CDF documents are here, there and again. Thank you.

On Factions in the Church

Christ's Humility and His rejection of human power must be remembered by all in the Church.

I have just finished reading two histories of the Anglican Church, which has a synod coming up. Two things have struck me on this history, the history of Protestantism and the factions within the Catholic Church.

Firstly, the Revolt of the Protestants, like the defection of the Arians, hurt the Church with a wound which is still bleeding. The effects of the revolt are not conservative sects, but anarchy. Without authority, humans split into many groups, like the languages splitting humanity at the Tower of Babel. Split follows split, division follows division. The life of the founder of Unitarianism gives us a mini-history of Protestantism. Francis David had originally trained as a Catholic priest. Then, he became a Lutheran, and then a Calvinist. He then founded the Unitarian church. The impetus of Protestantism is separation, division, pain...

Secondly, factions which remain in the Church do as much, if not more damage than those without. Schisms are never to be desired, as souls are at stake. However, factions within the Church weaken the mission of the Church. I shall give an example.

Recently, I have been trying to facilitate some meetings. The meetings are of a missionary nature. The problems caused by different viewpoints of Catholics at these groupings has come to a point where the missionary activity may not take place. Seven Catholics around a table seem to have seven different points of view. How did this happen?

The "smoke of Satan" entering the Church is the demon of factions, of divisions. That there are so many means several things-bad catechesis being the first and foremost problem. Hatred of another's viewpoint on liturgy, or the nature of the laity causes other factions. Heresy, such as the view of marriage and cohabitation or even political parties cause factions.

I do not know how the Church spread across Europe and Asia so quickly when I look at the number of factions in a small room. Only the Holy Spirit can prevail over egos, prejudices, a stubborn lack of knowledge, sin. Where there is pride and arrogance, self-righteousness and bias, there are factions. How grieved I am....