Thursday, 11 April 2013

A Passport for Barbie

The little dog is "way more cool"...

Well, this is my third and, perhaps, my last Barbie Post. I also wrote on one Ken, which really makes this one number four, but who cares about Ken?

The latest Mexican Barbie comes complete with a passport and some people are reacting negatively. I cannot understand why.

Now, if I were a little girl, I would think this is really cool. But, if I were a little girl, I would be much more interested in the chihuahua. Little dogs are great!

Barbie can now travel anywhere, maybe even to those countries which do not want to give her a driving license.

Well, you the readers can decide


Headline from Herald Sun

Missile spotted in 'launch position', United States and South Korean armed forces placed at 'vital alert' Watchcon 2

One more reason to like this actor

California pushing death

WOW! US Government to Choose Ministers?

Sen. Cruz: Obama Wants Power to Choose Ministers at Churches

Barack Obama claims not to be a dictator, but his government did try to seize a power worthy of King Henry VIII. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is keeping tabs on what the Obama government is up to. He released a report this weekdetailing its attempts to abuse and expand its power.
Cruz points to Obama’s own Supreme Court appointees, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, to make his case:
Supreme Court nominees join their colleagues in unanimously rejecting the Administration’s call for broader federal power six times in just over one year, the inescapable conclusion is that the Obama Administration’s view of federal power knows virtually no bounds,” the senator’s report said.
The Obama administration’s over-reaching includes attempts to electronically track Americans without cause and deny churches the right to choose their own ministers.
In one case, Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School v. EEOC, the Justice Department argued it “had the right to oversee a church’s choosing of ministers,” which even Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan called “amazing.”
Cruz highlights one exchange between Kagan and Leondra Kruger, a DOJ lawyer, in which Kagan asked, “Do you believe, Ms. Kruger, that a church has a right that’s grounded in the Free Exercise Clause and/or the Establishment Clause to institutional autonomy with respect to its employees?”
“We don’t see that line of church autonomy principles in the Religious Clause jurisprudence as such,” Kruger said.
Kagan, who served as Solicitor General under Obama, said it was “amazing” that DOJ believed that “neither the Free Exercise Clause nor the Establishment Clause has anything to say about a church’s relationship with its own employees.”
The court went on to unanimously reject the DOJ’s claim, saying, “We cannot accept the remarkable view that the Religion Clauses have nothing to say about a religious organization’s freedom to select its own ministers.”
It is astonishing that any American administration would attempt to seize such power.
This is a power mad, intolerant, secretive administration — among the worst in American history on established civil rights.

Talk about synchronicity with my recusancy article...

Bishop says Latin Mass in England

more photos here

Visiting hell......again

I have been on a one-woman crusade here in England and in other places, like Ireland and Malta, talking about heaven and hell. Michael Voris does this much better than I do, so here is one of his latest videos.

Parents, stop making excuses for your children. Pray earnestly, as I do for my family members who are so far away from God, and for myself, as anyone of us can step out of grace at any time.

NO MORE HIDING PLACES?: On Being a Recusant Catholic or Conscientious Christian from Another Denomination in 2013

Where are the hiding places? 

LifeSiteNews in the article I just noted in the last post, also refers to two other cases where those who have had religious convictions against gay marriage have been persecuted. Fines are persecutions. Ask the descendants of the once wealthy Recusant families in England. 

However many families, including the Mores, the Ropers, the Throckmortons, the Selbys, the Bounts, the Arundels (for centuries), and perhaps even the Shakespeares were fined over and over and over. From 1581, one sees this in the annals. Many families fled to France. Some were torn to pieces as sides were taken, such as in the Throckmorton Family. Some came to the States and Canada, such as the family noted below in the note. There are few, if any, hiding places NOW.

Recusancy. After 1581, recusancy became an indictable offence, so recusants often appear in quarter sessions records and the fines levied were recorded in the pipe rolls. After 1592 a separate series of rolls, the recusant rolls was created for this purpose which continues until 1691. The pipe rolls also contain the accounts of fines and forfeitures of lands collected under the recusancy acts. Pipe and recusancy rolls are available for viewing at TNA. In 1581, the fine for missing an Anglican service was raised to twenty pounds per month. Also, in that year, a treasonable offence resulting in death was committed by anyone converting to Catholicism or attempting to convert others to the religion. In addition, a fine of 100 marks and a year in prison was imposed on those hearing mass. The details of criminal proceeding and fines levied should be contained within quarter session records. An Act of 1581 also forbade the Catholic education of children.

Notice the last sentence. Parents were no longer allowed to raise their children in the Catholic Faith.

Are you paying attention? More on the flower fines from another angle. From LifeSiteNews. There are more links.

The combination of legalizing same-sex “marriage” and odious “anti-discrimination” laws have faithful Christians saying their freedom of religion is being violated. And the court cases are piling up.

An appeals court in New Mexico found a Christian couple, Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin, guilty of “discrimination” for refusing to photograph a homosexual “wedding.” They were ordered to pay more than $6,600 in fines after denying their services.

Canadian homosexual activists demanded “born again Christian” florist Kimberly Evans of New Brunswick be taken to court for refusing to sell flowers for a gay “wedding.”

Victoria Childress of Des Moines also faced threats of legal action for refusing to bake a cake for a homosexual ceremony on the grounds that it violated her Christian faith.

More on the Recusancy Laws can be found here. I have taken a few of the laws and copied these.

The first separate recusant rolls were compiled consisting mainly of Catholics and lasted up to 1691 (previously recusancy was recorded in the pipe rolls). The rolls recorded the punishments and fines of those who refused to conform to the Anglican doctrine. Memoranda Rolls 1217-1835: includes records of seizure of recusants' lands.
Catholics were obliged to obtain permission to travel beyond five miles from their homes and those absent from home for more than three months were to leave the country. Another Act of the same year ordered that people of the age of 16 who refused to attend an Anglican service were to be imprisoned.

Catholics had to worship in isolated places

The Oath of Allegiance was introduced, denying the authority of the Pope and those that refused to swear the oath were liable to be imprisoned. Convicted recusants were ordered to receive Anglican communion once a year or face a fine or seizure of their property. Recusants were also barred from office and professions including the military. Informers were paid £50 for revealing a priest saying mass or persons attending mass. All the restrictions applied to a Protestant who married a Catholic wife.
Catholics forced to pay a double rate of taxation. Tax records can be found in Lay Subsidy Rolls and Catholics and other nonconformists should be recognisable as they paid a double rate.
Clarendon Code 1661-1665. Four Acts passed designed to emasculate the power of nonconformists. Corporation Act. (1661). Catholics and other nonconformists were excluded from official posts unless they took the sacrament of holy communion at an Anglican service.
Act of Conformity. The Act excluded Catholics from holding church office.
Conventicle Act. Made meetings for Catholic and nonconformist worship illegal, even in private houses, where more than four outsiders were present
The Five-Mile Act. Nonconformist and Catholic ministers were forbidden to live or visit within five miles of a town or any other place where they had preached.
Declaration of Indulgence. The Penal Laws against Catholics were relaxed.
Test Act. The strength of anti-Catholic feeling led parliament to order the enforcement of the recusancy laws and pass the Test Act in retaliation against the Declaration of Indulgence. The Act required all those taking up an official post, civil or military, to take the oath and to submit a sacrament certificate that they had taken Anglican communion. Between 1689 and 1702, the requirement to take the oaths and test was extended to beneficed clergy, members of the universities, lawyers, schoolteachers and preachers. The declarations can be found in TNA.
A proclamation ordered a survey of every recusant aged 16 and over. The names were handed to the local Justice of the Peace who called on those named to take the oath or be jailed.
The Popish Plot. A fictitious plot made up by Titus Oates which alleged that Catholics were planning to assassinate King Charles II and bring the Catholic Duke of York to the throne. Estreats Rolls held at TNA hold information on fines imposed on Catholics following the alleged plot. The Estreats Rolls contain valuable genealogical information on those accused of recusancy in the local courts. They will include the recusant's name, parish, rank or occupation and the fine levied.

The Bill of Rights excluded Catholics from the royal succession. New oaths of supremacy and allegiance were passed and measures were introduced to restrict the freedom of movement of Catholics. The Toleration Act of 1689 eased some restrictions, but the specific acts under the Clarendon Code were not repealed until the 19th century.
Following the double rate of taxation Catholics were forced to pay in 1625, Catholics were obliged to pay double land tax. Catholics and other nonconformist entries should be recognisable amongst the land tax records as they paid double the rate of others.
Recusants were barred from purchasing or inheriting land and any Catholics found practicing their religion could be jailed for life.
The Security of Succession Act. The Act introduced an oath whereby all officials had to deny the right of the son of the exiled James II to succeed to the throne. Some returns of Catholics taking oaths are held by TNA as well as certificates of those who refused to take the oath.
Security of the Sovereign Act. TNA holds certificates of those who refused to take the oath.
Catholics were blamed collectively for the Jacobite rebellion. As a result, everyone over the age of 18 was compelled to swear an Oath of Allegiance. Lists of those who refused to take the oath are normally available at county record offices.
Catholics were required to enrol documents such as wills and conveyances that involved the transfer of property and details can be found in close rolls held by TNA.
Following the Jacobite rebellion of 1715, Catholics refusing to take the oaths of loyalty were required to register their names and estates at quarter sessions or face the seizure of their property. The returns describe the estates in detail, giving precise locations and dimensions of lands. The Forfeited Estates Commission was responsible for overseeing the seizure of the estates and details can be found in the close rolls held at TNA.
Resucant Thomas Throckmorton's Tomb

Persecution Watch in the United States

If you think Catholics and Christians are not in for dangerous times, read this. No freedom of conscience or freedom to practice one's religion in this instance. So much for the "tolerance" of liberals, but I knew they were never tolerant; maybe I need to do another Gramsci post.

Here is a selection from the article:

OLYMPIA, WA, April 10, 2013 ( – A Christian florist in Washington state could be slapped with hefty fines because she refused to provide a floral arrangement for a gay “wedding.”
Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed charges today in Benton County Superior Court.
Barronelle Stutzman is facing thousands of dollars in fines.
Barronelle Stutzman is facing thousands of dollars in fines.
On March 1 Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flowers and Gifts in Richland, refused to sell flowers to Robert Ingersoll for his “marriage” to Curt Freed.
“He said he decided to get married, and before he got through I grabbed his hand and said, ‘I am sorry. I can't do your wedding because of my relationship with Jesus Christ,’" Stutzman said. She said it was the only wedding she had declined in 37 years.
But Ferguson said that stance violates the law.
“Under the Consumer Protection Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against customers on the basis of sexual orientation,” Ferguson said. “If a business provides a product or service to opposite-sex couples for their weddings, then it must provide same-sex couples the same product or service.”
The state of Washington is seeking $2,000 in fines for every reported violation, as well as a permanent injunction requiring the shop to violate its conscience or stop selling flowers for wedding ceremonies.
Some of her neighbors in this very liberal state agree she should be compelled to sell flowers regardless of her religion.
One resident told KEPR-TV, “She doesn't have the right to say no.”
The station reported Stutzman has received death threats after her simple testimony of faith went viral.

More on the site....

Perfection Series continues later today/Pro-life morning

The last three in the perfection series will be covered within seven days, hopefully. I am travelling to a place where I am not sure about wifi connections, so we shall see. April is turning out to be a very busy month for me. However, this series is a priority for me. I have posted many pro-life items on this morning, as so many issues at this crucial moment for the protection of both babies and women have arisen, that I thought I needed to stop and put that news in the spotlight.

God bless all the good people in the pro-movement, especially the Priests for Life and Father Pavone, the Good Counsel Network, and LifeSiteNews. Remember to support these excellent groups financially.

On the Irish Life Story of Last Year

More pro-life stuff

This escaped me a few weeks ago, but worth reading on anti-life Catholic decision

Good answer to a question on the baptism of a child of lesbian parents....

From Yesterday

  1. 2013 Worldwide Abortion Count April 10th 11,780,000 unborn babies have been killed.
  2. : 2013 USA Abortion Count April 10th 351,500 unborn babies have been killed.

LifeSiteNews-the best

Bible Study Time....