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Wednesday 31 July 2013

Catholics in PSYWAR-Part Three-PSYOP and You

The goal of psychological warfare is to undermine the mental toughness of the opponent so that it is easier to mount a full-scale attack.

After weeks of heavy mental music, the army went in.  We know the story. Can you imagine being sleep-deprived and agitated to the point of not being at your best to fight a physical fight?

The concentration camps of both the Nazis and in the Gulag used psychological warfare.

Taking away identity by using numbers to identity instead of names..

Stripping all beauty and consolations in clothing, cells, surroundings to deprive people of rest...

Sleep deprivation and over-work..

Bad food, little food...

Rats, bugs, etc.

The random killing of prisoners and the killing of a number of prisoner after an escape...

Verbal abuse as well as physical abuse...

We do not have to be in a concentration camp to experience some of this now, and I mean, now.

Even some Catholic are waging psychological warfare against members of their own Church.

How? Calumny, slander, lack of forgiveness, nursing old hatreds, suspicion, creating divisions where there are none, and, most tragic, hatred of the EF. Some people are seriously not able to handle the fights. Some get weary. Some are ill and need help to fight.

Do not engage unless you must. Learn patience and use the prudence given to you in Confirmation. You have all the gifts you need so much now against this type of warfare. How do you get in touch with those gifts?

Intense prayer and fasting.

There is no other way.

It is not on what we do, but who we are that we shall be judged.

Help those who are mentally weaker, as the fight is now big time PSYOP

We are in PSYWAR-Universal and Absolute vs. Profanities Part Two

If you did not grow up with Struwwelpeter, I feel a bit sorry for you. This hilarious yet serious book was popular in the Victorian era as cautionary tales for children. But, some critics have seen it as propaganda for undermining male behaviour. I wonder...However, I refer to it as an example of the standards of  child-rearing in an age of child formation. A good or bad approach, perhaps debatable, but without such formation we have created a generation of those who have no boundaries. This is the age of those who create psychological warfare like a child holding their breath in order to manipulate the parents to give in....pure subjectivity results without a moral framework.

Dear Catholics, these are the kind of people we are up against-the amorals and the immorals.

Apparently, judging from some comments which I have not posted, as I shall not post four-letter words, there is a lack of understanding among some young people between subjective truth and objective truth. I am also getting nasties in anonymous comments, which are only meant to intimidate and not enlighten. Same with people posting under different names. Sorry, an old composition and literature instructor and well as a logic instructor can spot copying and same phrases as well as same consistent errors. If Mary was using Johnny's notes and I also graded Johnny's papers, come on...

Some young people judge most things by how they feel about something instead of parsing the meaning out of a paragraph or two. Some read too quickly and react, a fault among some older people as well. Some just cannot read. And, many have had no logic, no training in rational discourse.

To be a Catholic, one must be able to think, as I have written many times on this blog. One must be able to understand what is being read or said. Understanding is a gift of the Holy Spirit from Confirmation, but I assume that young or old people who are rude, use profanities and spew hatred may not have the advantage of this gift.

Why in writing and  speech so many young people rely on profanities is simply that they have not been trained in the art of debate. Profanities are temper tantrums. Some parents give in to toddler tantrums. Some do not. Supertradmum would not. However, reasoned debate is a good which most people have not had the opportunity to learn.

Now, one reason is that high schools, colleges and universities no longer have instructors who believe in universal and absolute truths. One cannot debate anything if there are only maybes, attacks on persons, subjective interpretations, and so on. The list of classical fallacies covers could be applied to many comments, article and blogs I have read in the past 24 hours.

I love engaging in critical thinking with those who want to learn and want to work out Truth in rational discourse. We in the Catholic Church have a long tradition of this. St. Thomas' Summa is based on question and answer, the Aristotelian, and Socratic Methods of coming to truth.

Sad, that critical thinking has been replaced by knee-jerk reactions. Perhaps we are so overwhelmed with data that we, and I mean those who are tying to come to understanding, are close to burn out. But, those who resort to low attacks, such as profanity, want us who refer to Christ, His Church, the Gospel to become burnt out.

Like playing heavy metal music day and night during Desert Storm to wear down the enemy, our enemies give us lots of noise to discourage us. No fear! Christ has overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. He won the war, we are just finishing up, cleaning up the pockets of resistance and trying to save souls.

Catholics in PSYWAR

Psychological Warfare Against Nazi Germany: The Sykewar Campaign, D-Day to VE-DayISBN 0-262-12045-3 or 0-262-62019-7 (1949). George W. Stewart, New York; Reprinted (1971) MIT Press.

Daniel Lerner in his book above, divides pychological warfare in to three categories. Lerner also wrote, 

Propaganda Technique In World War I (M.I.T. studies in comparative politics) which I have not read. There are many other authors on psychological warfare.

Yesterday, and today, we as Catholics are witnessing all three.

We need to get mentally tough.

The first type of psychological warfare is called White and involves omission in truth as well as emphases which are made on purpose to deceive, but the content is not wrong or deceitful. The source of information is acknowledged but may not, as I understand this category, cover all possibilities. Selection is the key. Did you not see this yesterday on line and in the main line media?[

The second category is Grey  which includes the above with racial, ethnic and what Lerner calls religios bias. This is the most common thing we see and we call it spin. Sadly, the sources are not identified at this point, but there is a lot of truth in the statements or propaganda.

The third category is labelled Black  and this has become so common, most readers or listeners no longer recognize the danger. All is lies, deceits, purposely written or said-the sins of Commission. And, the sources given are not the true sources. 


The trouble is that most Catholics are not prepared for this type of PSYOP. 

Catholics, you must learn to think, eat, walk, pray, react like Catholics. NOW.

See the tag for many posts on this....

The Irish Bishops as a group need to make a statement, but this is good

From a Reader

Catholics in A Time of Crisis and Living in Enemy Territory

Many Catholics are confused and upset today for good reasons. But, how one reacts to either upset in the Church or hatred in the world is something we must all deal with on a daily basis.

I wrote the perfection series because personal holiness is the only way to come to terms with chaos. It does not matter why and how, sometimes, chaos exists, it just does and this type of murkiness and bombastic anti-Catholicism will get worse.

Look at my posts on the stages of persecution.

But, we must learn Catholic ways of reacting to evil, whatever the source. My ancestors had to deal with Nazism and Soviet Communism. Some died. Some were brave journalists. Some were monks and nuns and prayed in monasteries. Some wrote books. Some worked on the world stage. One was a Knight of St. Gregory. One was a woman who edited a magazine under a man's name.

We all must decide daily how we deal with the obvious evil in the world,. And, people, where there is confusion, there is evil. Mostly this confusion comes from purposeful obfuscation from governments, groups with agendas, those choosing to live in sin and not repent, those who are undermining the Church.

Confusion is always,  always, always from Satan, a holy priest told me long ago.

How do we react?

One, in your homes, collect as many BOOKS which are orthodox as possible. If you are poor, get the basics.

Two, read the Scriptures daily for at leas one half hour, the Lectio Divina. letting the Holy Spirit speak to you. Use either the Douay Rheims or Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard. I always recommend the Navarre Bible.

Three, say the rosary daily.

Four, get to daily Mass as much as possible. Try and get to Adoration if you can find one scheduled.

Five, find an orthodox community parish and stay there. Leave parishes with liturgical abuses continuing.

Six, do not get involved in any charismatic prayers groups at this stage. All I have witnessed in recent times have been in infected with heresies and disobedience.

Seven, find a group of friends who love God first and are not compromising ANYWHERE.

Eight, wake up to the fact that too many Catholics working for the Church are careerists; do not trust someone who wants a career in the Church first, and holiness somewhere down on the list.

Nine, pray for those in places where there is no Latin Mass and pray for the protection of the EF.

Ten, fast, pray, give alms. Realize that you are now living in enemy territory. Be wise as serpents and guileless as doves.

Above all, do not compromise, in big things or little ones.

Blog Fairy Tale-Part Two

The empress was sitting in the sunshine in the secret garden of the secret palace, when a grey covering came over her eyes. She tried to wipe the grey away, but could not. Stumbling, the empress rose and leaning on the arms of two of her maidens, she reached her darkened and cool rooms. But, the grey mist turned to black and the empress cried aloud, "Call for the emperor and my children. I cannot see."

Immediately, the maidens ran to the throne room where dozens of holy men and counsellors were gathering for the conference. The emperor immediately left the audience room and rushed to his wife's chambers. In the cool, almost silent rooms, the empress was crying softly. Around her gathered all of her children. The emperor sent his eldest son out to attend the guests, but the other youth stroked their mother's hands and gown. The emperor quietly sat next to his beloved wife.

"Dear One," he said. "Thankfully, we have the wisest and holiest of men among us for advice. I shall stay with you until this passes, and grieve with you if it does not."

The empress held both of his hands. A knock at the door of the chamber, and an ancient wise man in a grey cloak with a staff, stood waiting. A maiden came and whispered to the emperor that the man requested to see the empress. The emperor stood up and gestured for the man to come in. As the old man hobbled over to the empress, the young princes and princesses made a way for him, standing in a crescent around their parents. They were silent.

The ancient man spoke, "Your empress will be healed when each one of your children gives to her the most precious things each has. For she gave them life, and hearing, and sight, and now, they must give back in honour of her sacrifices."

The emperor stood up and addressed the ancient man, "If this is so, and if she is healed, you will become one of my household and tutor my youngest children in wisdom."

The man bowed and left the chamber. Then, the youthful siblings crowded around their mother and cried, pledging all kinds of wonderful gifts. But, the emperor stood, looking at them silently. He spoke, finally, with firmness.

"I know the gifts you must bring your royal mother, and those are your favourite colours."

The youth settled into a heavy silence. Then, one by one the princes and princesses left. The maidens shut the doors.

The emperor sat, holding his wife's hands. Then, the door opened and it was the youngest, the green-eyed prince. He was wearing white and holding a basket in which he had three things. He placed the basket at the feet of his mother. "I give you my emerald, by parrot, and the seeds to all my plants. My favourite thing is green, but from now on, I shall only wear white, in honour of my mother empress."

The emperor took the basket and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "You are blessed, Fourth Son. Come sit here beside me."

The large metal doors opened again and it was the yellow-haired prince with a  larger basket, and he knelt before his mother. The emperor noted that he was dressed in grey.

"For my dear mother, my amber jewellery, and two of the yellow puppies from my dog. I shall never wear yellow again. I shall wear grey to honour my mother's dark eyes, and this dark day."

The emperor stood up and put his hand on the shoulder of this youth. Then he told him, "You are blessed, Third Son. Take a seat next to your brother."

Just then, the youngest princess rushed in all in white. Her red hair was hidden under a white veil.  She had a white flower in her belt, but she was crying. In her arms was a huge basket.

"Dearest Lady Empress, my mother, here are all my rubies, my red cat, and my red roses. From this day, in honour of your love, I shall only wear white and never red."

The emperor embraced his Second Daughter and told her to sit next to her mother. Just then, the Eldest Daughter and the Second Son rushed into the room with large baskets. Both were dressed in brown. The Eldest Daughter cried, "Lady, Mother, for you I give up my corals, my orange flowers, and the key to the stable of my orange pony. I have cut my orange hair and made a braid. For you, I shall wear brown all my life." And, the Second Son said, "For my dearest empress, I give my giant sapphire, my blue cat, and all my blue clothes, so that she may be healed. And, I, too, shall wear only brown in days to come."

The emperor blessed these two and told them to sit next to their mother, when suddenly, the Eldest Son and Heir came into the chamber. He was holding nothing. He stood in front of his parents and bowed.

"For my beloved empress, Mother, I give up my claim to the throne." And, he kissed her hands.

All in the room were silent. Tears came to all their eyes. Then, the emperor stood up. "You have given your inheritance, but I give it back to you. Stay, and be the most gracious emperor of all." In the distance, the old man nodded to the emperor, unseen by the others.

The empress stood up. Her hands went to her face, and she bowed her head for a moment. Then, she looked and saw as clearly, in fact, more clearly than she ever had before.

From her place, she saw the ancient man in the doorway, who had been waiting for them. "Come and take these gifts and use them for your own. Old Man", she said. The young ones cried and clapped their hands in joy.

The ancient one said, "I shall only take the jewels, and give them to the world." With that, he took the jewels and stepped out onto a small veranda. With a swish of his arm, he cast the jewels into the sky. A strange bow appeared and all the colours glistened in the air. The youth ran to the window and looked at the bow. The empress'  favourite colour had joined the jewels and violet was in the sky with red, orange, yellow, green, and blue.

The emperor understood that gifts were given to his family to heal and to bring joy for the entire kingdom. He knew that his children had changed in one day from being spoiled and indulged to becoming self-less and loving. Suddenly, hundreds of people began to gather below the palace and stare at the coloured bow in the sky. The youth rejoiced that their gifts had healed the empress, and had made the people glad for the beauty of the bow.

That very night, the emperor held a feast for three days for all the guests and all the people of the city. the rainbow lasted for three days and then disappeared, only coming out when it rained with the sun in the sky, honouring the tears of the empress. Her children never looked so beautiful in white, brown, and grey. The emperor and empress lived to see their grandchildren. When they died, in the same week, so much did they love each other, the Eldest Son was given the multicoloured crown and jewellery of his mother. These he gave to his wife, the new empress. The princesses and princes had all married, and moved far and wide across the Earth with their children by that time and their children were happy and not spoiled, but loved to wear all colours of the rainbow. All the sons and daughter of the emperor and empress, however, kept their promises not to wear their beloved colours, or have jewels, or pets in those colours. But, many years later, it was said, that the Eldest Daughter, now married to a king across the sea, sometimes wore a multicoloured rose in her hair.

Blog Fairy Tale Two-Part One

A long time ago, in a land in the East, there lived a handsome emperor and his loving wife. They ruled a large land well and were greatly loved by the people. Now, these royal parents had six royal children. The eldest was a son, who wore silver and golden robes with red trim, and red shoes. This heir to the empire learned many languages, horse-riding, military skills, and government. He was young, but wise. And, in all ways, he was quite normal, for a prince. When he was born, there had been peace in the realm, and his parents rejoiced in hope at his birth. He was called the Eldest Son.

However, the siblings of this prince had come into the world under strange circumstances. Before the next child was born, the empress became ill, and the royal physicians suggest that she go west to eat strange orange fruits, and salmon, and shrimp to heal her illness. This the empress did, travelling west to both southern and northern land, with her young son and retinue. The empress became well again eating the prescribed foods, but when her daughter was born, within a year, the empress and emperor noticed that the child would not eat anything unless it was orange. So, the child ate salmon, shrimp, apricots, oranges, mangoes, carrots (which were rare, indeed) and any manner of orange produce. She ate pumpkin, and squash and tangerines. The empire had to scour lands far away for such food. As the child grew older, she only wanted to wear orange slippers and orange gowns. She wanted orange decorations for her room, an orange cat and orange flowers for her hair. The princess desired an orange pony, and merchants were sent far and wide to find one. As the child grew older, she developed a strange colour of hair, like than of straw in Autumn, but she was beautiful. Her favourite gems were of coral and all her jewellery was made of this. She was called the Eldest Daughter.

And, she was a happy and not  a really spoiled child, but she did prefer orange. Her older brother remained baffled.

Then, the empress became ill with another child she was lovingly awaiting and the new physician, (as the emperor had banished the one who prescribed orange food), and the empress was asked to go north and south again, but as she could eat nothing but blue berries, she went north, and ate strange berries like blue blackberries, blue berries, blueish potatoes, the lovely star-flowers of the East and blue lobsters, found by the merchants sent all over the world. The queen became healthy again, but she had a odd idea that her new baby would only like blue things.

She was right, and when the baby boy became two, he only wanted blue food, blue clothes, a room of blue, blue toys and a blue cat. The young prince grew up handsome, with blue-black hair and blue eyes, very rare for his people. When he was older, he asked for a blue sapphire ring and was presented with it by his father. The boy was called the Second Son.

Well, the emperor was intrigued by his own, strange children, but he loved his wife and could only think that some odd magic was involved. He called his holy men together, who all wore yellow, by the way, and they tried to understand but could not, the odd colour preferences of the young, royal children.

The children were not exactly spoiled, but the Orange Princess, as she was called, and the Blue Prince did get what they wanted in their colour range.

A few years passed and the lovely empress was with child again, and she became very ill. The emperor grew anxious, as she could not eat anything, and only drank cherry juice. The royal physicians had her go East across the sea to a strange land, and there, she ate strawberries, and cherries, and lingonberries. She ate pomegranates, red beets, rhubarb, tomatoes, red pears, raspberries,  red cabbage, cranberries, watermelon, red grapes and other red foods. The empress never felt better, and even ate red meat.

The physicians guided her back in a sumptuous boat filled with red foods, and in no time, the baby came into the world, a beautiful strong girl. Of course, the emperor, who had received letters of what the empress was eating, had a room decorated in red ready for the royal child, a red pony, a red cat, and a red bird singing in a cage.The Red Princess, of course, loved to wear only red clothes and red shoes and wear red roses in her red hair. Of course, her favourite gem was the ruby, and all her jewellery held these precious stones. She was called the Second Daughter.

The emperor began to realize that he had strange but gifted children. However, as they grew and did not want other colours in their private chambers and private games or sport, the emperor was a bit concerned for their future.

However, he was busy with some wars, sadly, and did not think much on the issue, as his children were happy and prospering, learning many things and growing stronger and more handsome daily.

The empress and emperor had such love between them that another child was born quickly after the Red Princess, but again, the empress became ill. This time, the royal physicians asked the empress to go south and east, to stay in the sun, and to rest by the sea. This the empress did, and she was hungry only for yellow things. She ate yellow cheeses, yellow peppers of several types, bananas, maize, pineapples, and yellow squash. She drank lemonade and told her maidens who served her that she never felt better in her entire life.

When she returned to the empire and the palace for the birth of the baby, the emperor had filled a room full of yellow things and had a yellow dog waiting for his wife. Of course, the baby, who was a boy, grew up only wanting yellow things and eating yellow food. He was the handsomest of all the sons. And his hair was like bright gold. On his ring finger, he wore a large yellow amber ring from the far western lands, and had a necklace to match. This youth was called the Third Son.

By this time, the emperor had decided that there was nothing really wrong with his children, as they were happy and strong and intelligent, but, except for the eldest, very strange about colours.

A few years passed and once again the empress was with child. However, she was more ill than ever, and the physicians became very concerned about her health. The emperor looked at his thin wife, who could not eat anything. He decided that this time, if she had to leave, he would go with her and watch over her carefully.

Indeed, the physicians wanted the empress to go as far west across the sea, and  a far south as possible. The emperor gave the rule of his empire to his eldest son and left with his wife. They travelled a long time over land until they came to a warm country with high mountains ranges and clear rivers. Here, they found green things to eat, which is all the empress could eat.

The empress ate lettuce, green tomatoes, artichokes, limes and avocados. She ate green grapes and pistachios nuts, and honey dew melons. She ate kale, green onions, cucumbers and most of all, kiwis. The empress stated that she never felt better in her life, and the emperor was glad.

When the time for the baby to be born was near, the emperor sent messengers back to his son to prepare a green room with a parrot on a perch, and green fish in a green pond. He asked for green plants and trees to grace the large room, like a conservatory, with other green birds flying loose in the bright, windowed room.

And, so the last prince loved green. And his eyes were the colour of emeralds, his favourite stone, of course. And he wore green clothes and emeralds only. He was called the Fourth Son.

The empress grew too old for more children, but secretly she had hoped for a child who liked the colour violet best, as she loved elderberries, plums and purple grapes. She also loved violets and amethysts, and most of all purple dahlias. But, no more children came. The emperor loved her so much, he gave her a ring with an emerald, ruby, amber, coral, sapphire, and diamond, (representing the oldest son), set cleverly,  for their wedding anniversary. He also gave her a broach to match and a crown with the same stones which graced the empress's head like a rainbow.

However, the emperor was uneasy about his fine five children, and their strict preference for one colour and so he decided to call a conference of all the wise men in the empire to the holy city, the capital, and discuss why this strange phenomenon had happened, and what could be done, if anything, to broaden the spectrum of colours in the lives of the five youngest children. The eldest son was invited as well. But, before the conference, a terrible thing happened.

To be continued....copyright 2013; began in 1978.

Repeat Post and My Highlights

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Talk by Ex-Press Secretary to the Pope

Fr. Guillermo Marco, ex-press officer for eight years to the Pope, gave a talk at Tyburn Convent in London, and these are notes from that talk. This was on March 26th, 2013. I have tried to keep the exact vocabulary of Father Marco, who gave the talk mostly in English. Any editorial notes by me are in parentheses. I am merely reporting on this talk as exactly as I can. The text was approved by an associate of his. Some of this information is not new to readers of the Internet or news, but as news is restricted in the enclosure, much of this was new to the nuns at Tyburn.

The vocabulary reflects that of Fr. Marco. Most is a paraphrase or close to exact notes taken during the talk.

The Pope was born in Buenos Aires and studied science. He went to seminary in Buenos Aires, where the Jesuits were in charge and decided to be a Jesuit.

John Paul II made him bishop when he was a professor.

At 37, he was made superior on his congregation. He was very young and these were difficult years for the Church, after Vatican II. Priests were making political choices rather than religious choices.

An order from the General (of the Jesuits) in Rome indicated that he wanted priests who were religious not politicians. (This was a reaction against Liberation Theology.) The Pope loves working with the poor, but he is not political. The Argentinian government was not in support of the Catholic Church, but looking out for leftist priests and nuns to imprison.Two priests were working hard in the poor areas, and were moving to another area, and owing obedience to the religious, they did not want to so left the Jesuits.

"If you go out of the Jesuit Company, I cannot protect you", the superior said. They did, however. Two months later, the two priests were taken to an illegal jail; the Pope was looking for the priests, and then the two priests were made free. The Pope was not a collaborator of the territorial government, but did get these priests free. There is confusion on this in the media, who wants to show the Pope as a collaborator. 

There are lies that he was a collaborator.The photo shopped photo which is on line is not true, stated Fr. Marco. (I am not familiar with this photo.)

The Pope was novice master of the Jesuit order, and he spent two months in Germany. When he came back to Argentina, his superior put him in the interior of the country only saying Mass and hearing confessions—He became Provincial Superior in 1973. The Pope told his friends that he thought he would end his life in the remote area. Apparently, according to Fr. Marco, Jesuits have to say no if Pope asks them to be bishop; however, the Cardinal told him to be bishop, he was not consulted but told 1992, to be bishop of Buenos Aires.

It is a very big city, four million, with four more million coming in for work (eight million), and no one knew him,. There are six bishops in the diocese of Buenos AiresCardinal Antonio Quarracino, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, who consecrated Bergoglio Bishop, was very important in this story; the Cardinal asked the Pope to make Bergoglio to be his successor.

Cardinal Quarrancino planned this, stated Fr. Marco. Otherwise, he would have been in a smaller diocese, as most of the auxiliaries would have been on the appointment of a new Cardinal.

So, this was unusual. He had a meteoric rise in the Church. Fr. Marco said this was all in God's Plan.

When Cardinal Bergoglio came to Rome for the conclave, he came with a return ticket. He is 76, and he was ready to resign as bishop when he returned. He would have been retired on his return to Argentina. Someone who knew him said that his election as Pope has made him younger and more energetic, as if energized by the Holy Spirit.

This is important, said Fr. Marco. He went to Rome with a little bag. "And he will never go back to his little room. He will not see his family in their place…his entire life belongs to the Church."

"I first knew him when he became bishop. He always asked every person he met to pray for him."

Fr. Marco asked that we would pray for the Pope daily, here in the convent.

He needs prayer, said Fr Marco. However, the priest said that the Pope is a “prayer-man” in his interior life.

"He never goes out at night and goes to bed at nine and gets up at four or five to get up and pray. He has done this his entire life." Fr. Marco was very clear in his description of the Pope's dedication to prayer.

"He never decides anything unless he prays first. If he is going to decide something, he says that he needs to pray first. He refers all things to prayer. This is his heart."

Fr. Marco, who is not a Jesuit, added something interesting. "The other thing is that the Jesuits have very clever thinking, but they only say what appeals or refers to you. One never knows what they are really thinking." 

"My job with him, I always had a job with communications, and when he became Archbishop, he asked me, because he was nervous to meet with the media."

Fr. Marco described a Cardinal who worked with others in consultations. "His humility indicates that he states he does not know everything. He worked with a lot of persons in Buenos Aires because he is humble and wanted input."

As to the Pope's pastoral style, (which we have seen in the news), Fr. Marco noted that the Pope said as Cardinal, that  "we have to go and find the lost lamb and not stay inside the Church (building)."

Fr. Marco shared that he works in the public university, and he had to go to the world which does not believe in God.

"We have missionaries in the railway Stations, and in the city centres, in the plazas—" He added an interesting comment on the secular world. "The majority of the population does not ask the question of what is the essence of life. First, we have to motivate the questions of God. We have the answers, but the persons do not want to receive the answers, so we have to motivate them."

On the Pope's obviously different way of relating as Pope, Fr. Marco said this, "Pope Francis presents himself as the Bishop of Rome. He does not use the title Pope as he wants to relate to the people of Rome
He is very deliberate in his actions. He does not act on his feelings." 

"He thinks about what he does before acting." 

Fr. Marco indicated that the Pope wants our prayers, just as he did when he was Cardinal.

"He wants all the prayers of the Church, which is the job of the entire Church."

As to his name, the priest told the nuns what we have read in the news, "He said immediately when elected, 'Do not forget the poor.' He took the name Francis for this reason. He also took the name because of Francis being a man of peace; also because Francis is the patron saint of the environment." Fr. Marco was very clear on these points.

The ex-press secretary also noted that Francis was involved in the re-formation of the Church and that the Pope wanted Francis' name also for this reason. As to change in the Church, Fr. Marco noted this, "The Pope wants us to change first. He chooses simple things, such as a plain metal cross, because if one wears a gold cross in BA, it would be stolen immediately.He did not use his chauffeur and car", (as we know, he took the metro and bus). Fr. Marco stressed through-out his talk that the Pope has a preferential regard for the poor.

"He did not want to be separated from the people. He never made an apology to the rich for the poor. He is very near the poor."

"The poor," the Pope said, "are very near God."

The poor will teach us about God, added Fr. Marco.  The Pope has many short stories about the poor, which have influenced his life. Father shared a few of these.

Asked what the people of Argentina thought of the Pope, Fr. Marco responded, "The people of Argentina are being moved by what Pope Francis is saying in Rome. Two Jewish men were interviewed by the press who said they liked this Pope." The Argentinians ignored the Cardinal when he was in his country. Fr. Marco said, referring to the Scripture passage, that a prophet is not accepted in his own town. But, now that he is Pope, the people have changed and are now paying attention to him according to Fr. Marco. The Argentinians are following his actions in Rome.

Father Marco said we are entering in to a good time for the Church, and we need to pray a lot. He replied to another question regarding ecumenism that it was easier to be ecumenical in Argentina than in Europe.

Fr. Marco and the Pope were involved in an ecumenical group in Argentina, where it is easier to have these groups. So, the visit of the Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople  was an extension of this. The meetings in Argentina are not theological dialogues, but just getting to know each other, noted the priest. When the Patriarch was in Rome, the Pope said that he was glad “Andrew” was here, the brother of Peter. The Pope also was responsible for contacting the head rabbi of Rome, with a personal letter to him. "He is very kind," said Fr. Marco, "to all who come near him."

Fr. Marco said the Pope is not the same person but has changed since he has been elected Pope. (This is very interesting.) He said he is full of the Holy Spirit.

Mother General of Tyburn,  Mother Mary Xavier McMonagle, brought up the quotation of Blessed John Paul II that the future of the Church was in Latin America. She was referring to the Pueblo Conference. Fr. Marco noted that the Latin American experience is different as a new country. (Here is a link to that Conference.)

Fr. Marco said that the Pope is like a common priest. He is still in the conclave room and not in the Papal Apartments. He will want to stay there and he is near the door, said Fr. Marco. (Laughter).

Mother General brought up the Mass in the prison on Holy Thursday. Mother General wanted to know if there were going to be consequences of this decision. Fr. Marco had an interesting insight into this : "In Buenos Aries there are six bishops, and so there were enough bishops to have Mass in the Cathedral and the Pope then decided to have Mass in a prison. He did not want journalists there when he did that in Argentina."

He had to be told by his press secretary, (Fr. Marco), not to put his light under a bushel, and therefore, give good example. 

At one Holy Thursday Mass, the Pope, as bishop, washed the feet of all the new baby boys of the poor. And, this photo was published in a discussion against abortion in Argentina

The journalists in Argentina liked this. Fr. Marco said the Pope will do lots of things like this. Mother General pointed out that Blessed John Paul II also visited a prison, especially in the visit the man who shot him .  Mother also noted that Jesus spent the night in prison and was there during the night on Holy Thursday.

As Fr. Marco noted, we are in the age of the photo and the sound bite. So, the Pope uses little phrases of the Gospel in his talks as Pope. He is also aware of significant actions.

At the Mass at St. Peter, there was a representative of the people of the rubbish, the scavengers of Argentina, whom the Pope had visited when in Argentina.

As Cardinal, he was walking in his red robes and Fr. Marco wondered at this walking about in Rome before the conclave. Fr. Marco said Rome is the place where one can wear red without being noticed.

(Excuse any errors, as this was done on the spot.)

The Eucharist Is "Veiled Love"

"Heaven for me is hidden in a little Host Where Jesus, my Spouse, is veiled for love. I go to that Divine Furnace to draw out life, And there my Sweet Saviour listens to me night and day."
- Heaven For Me, St. Therese of Lisieux

And, I call Jesus in the Eucharist my Vulnerable, Hidden Love.

The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

"The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life,"
- St. Thomas Aquinas

 "The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host."
- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

St. Ignatius of Loyola's Retreat

If any of you readers have not done either the Thirty Day Ignatian Retreat or the various shorter version, (six day, ten day, fourteen day), I highly recommend you doing so. Saints Philip NeriCharles BorromeoFrancis de Sales, and Alphonsus Liguori all practised this spirituality.

The spirituality of today's saint cannot be underestimated for the lay person. I experienced my first Ignatian Retreat at twenty or so and then, again about three years later; again about twenty years later and again within the last two years.

The shortened versions are excellent and not to be missed, if one cannot take thirty days off of a busy schedule.

For those deciding on a vocation, the Thirty Day Retreat is a must, as it is all about discernment.

What I learned from those retreats was meditation and journalling the results of meditation.

St. Ignatius developed this form of retreat for his own seminarians, but he experience this mode of meditation himself first, learning the steps and which Scripure passages to use from the Holy Spirit.

That the saint was inspired is important. And, do not follow any New Age interpretations of this method, of which there are many on line. Sadly, and no offence, the ones on line from the Jesuits in the States are among the worst. There are also Anglican adaptations to avoid.

I recommend these books, and one must have a spiritual director.

CLARE, The Science of Spiritual Life according to the Spiritual Exercises (New York, 1896)

Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Translated and Edited by Louis J. Puhl

St. Ignatius, Louis J. Puhl

Published by Martino Publishing (2010-06-16)

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Dear Readers

I am getting many excellent comments which are under the name Anonymous. No Anonymous, please.

Irish Abortion Bill Pro-Life SENATOR FIDELMA HEALY EAMES--Letter Plus

From: Fidelma Healy Eames <>
Date: 30 July 2013 14:30:51 GMT+01:00
Subject: Abortion Issue & Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013    - Fidelma

Re: Abortion Issue & Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013

A Chara,

I write to thank you for your communication with me over the last few months in relation to the above.

So much has been said on the subject of life, so much evidence has been provided against the legislation, yet so few have been listening. It still feels surreal that our Government actually proceeded without regard for our concerns, without engaging w/ representatives of the tens of thousands of people who marched against the Bill on three successive occasions since Christmas, without respecting  the deeply held convictions of a few parliamentarians.

I still find it hard to believe that I've been expelled from the Fine Gael parliamentary party for perhaps doing one of the best pieces of work I've ever done! Perhaps we will all understand better someday ... As I endeavour to bring some closure to this subject and take a break, I attach my second stage speech on the Bill below. If you have already read it or received it, please excuse me.

Some have been asking me what will I do now. I want to assure you I will remain a committed parliamentarian. I am still an elected Senator and a member of the Fine Gael party, though no longer a member of the Fine Gael parliamentary party. I am a conviction politician and wish to continue as an active one. I hope you can support me into the future

Like you I too await President Higgins' decision re. the referral or the enactment of the Bill.

Let's hope and pray that the right thing happens for the sake of our expectant mothers and unborn children.

Thank you for your commitment to life. It is a noble calling.

With every good wish,


Second Stage Speech 
Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013July 16th, 2013 - Senator Fidelma Healy Eames

Cathaoirleach, thank you for the opportunity to speak. I want to thank Senators Feargal Quinn and Mary Anne O’Brien for moving my Reasoned Amendment to this Bill yesterday.
This Bill has been a momentous journey for me. I came to this debate with an open mind. I was not and am not part of any campaign, pro-life or pro-choice. From the outset, my sole concern has been to ensure that any changes are in the best interests of expectant mothers and their unborn babies.
Ultimately, this bill is about allowing abortion in the case of threatened suicide. The absence of evidence to underpin this approach for a woman threatening suicide is addressed in my Reasoned Amendment on the Order paper.
A central point of agreement at the Oireachtas Hearings was that abortion is never a treatment for a woman w/ suicidal feelings. 
Why then is the Govt ignoring this and proceeding to sanction the taking of an innocent baby’s life when there is no evidence that this will save the mother’s life? Indeed the evidence shows that abortion may damage the woman mentally. I have met women from ‘Women Hurt’, women who’ve had abortions who have confirmed this.
I have also met Ms. C who was only 13 years old at the time she was raped and became pregnant. Her harrowing testimony describes how the HB took her to England for an abortion against her family’s wishes robbing her of at least ten years of her life, leaving her with severe mental health after-affects from abortion, including suicide attempts. She had been under the impression that she was going to England to ‘get the baby out’. She didn’t know that her baby would die. When she asked for the body of her baby to bury it there was none. She was only 13. This is an outcome of the X decision, a side of ‘liberal, modern, compassionate and caring’ Ireland we don’t like to talk about.
A female FG member, put it rather well to me last week. ‘If we offer abortion to a woman because she claims to be suicidal and we then find that she is suicidal afterwards, what do we offer her then?’ 
Surely we would do what we should have done originally.
But by permitting abortion on the flawed suicide ground have we not done her a grave injustice and changed her life path forever?
I found it interesting listening to commentators on the radio congratulating male TDs for making what they termed ‘pro-woman’ speeches in supporting abortion.
It highlighted just how one-sided and prejudiced the debate has become.
What is pro-woman about pressing ahead with a law that runs contrary to the expert psychiatric evidence from two sets of Hearings? This is a serious charge which the Government has not answered.
What is pro-woman about airbrushing out of the debate the stories of women like Ms C? What is pro-woman about conveniently side-stepping the story of Emma Beck, the young English artist who died by suicide after aborting her twins? The coroner at her inquest recommended that women be told about the possible negative effects of abortion before they go through with it. Sound advice - What is pro-woman about ignoring that?
Why did the Govt ignore the real concerns of Sam Coulter Smyth, Master of the Rotunda who works everyday at the coalface? Or the statement of 113 Irish psychiatrists? These are the very professionals who treat people w/ suicidal feelings every day. Their statement highlighted the deception in this Bill that Abortion is a treatment for suicidal intent.
And it is not in the best interests of women and their unborn babies to railroad through legislation for abortion simply because the Labour Party wanted it.
Have we completely lost it, have we learnt nothing from other countries, women cherish their babies, when women are in difficulty why aren’t we striving to be the most ‘pro-woman country’ in the world by offering them real help and hope instead of violent solutions.
If some of the speeches I heard yesterday were made 30 or 40 yrs ago I’d probably agree w/ them. We have a shameful past.. But knowing that Irelandnow consistently ranks in the top 5 countries in the world forprotecting women in pregnancy, it is disappointing the way some people continue to mislead the public, simply to justify a pro-choice stance.
The Govt insists that this legislation is about ‘saving women’s lives’.
If I thought for a minute that the legislation was about preventing a tragic death like that of Savita, I would be supporting it. But it is not. It is disgraceful the way Savita’s death has been hijacked to get abortion over the line. We know that a catalogue of medical errors led to her tragic death. We know that had her infection been spotted in time, that the doctors would have intervened to save her life.
Another assertion in favour of the bill is that it is ‘restrictive’. But it’s only as restrictive as the two-most pro-choice psychiatrists in the country. I am not saying that this law will lead to abortion on request overnight. But, the legislation is based on bogus grounds that in other countries has led to wide-ranging abortion.
The assurances given by the Minister that this will not happen here are just assurances. They carry no weight once the law is passed. There is nothing in the legislation itself to prevent two pro-choice psychiatrists from signing away the life of an unborn child once they claim it is their “reasonable opinion”. Given that there are no appropriate clinical markers to judge whether or not the intervention is necessary, they are free to sanction as many abortions as they wish. This absence of any objective standard by which medical practitioners must form an opinion is in my Amendment.
What does this say about our concern for the right to life of a defenceless unborn child? To me, it shows a failure to recognise the humanity and existence of the unborn.
The legislation before us, for the first time in our history, allows the direct and intentional destruction of unborn human life in situations where there is no medical evidence to support that intervention. 
It saddens me that some who voted for the legislation in my party call it a ‘pro-life’ Bill. The Labour Party has campaigned for 21 years for X case legislation. Their campaign was never about life-saving treatments for women. It was always about the provision of abortion in Ireland where the life of the baby is ended.
That’s exactly what this Government’s bill provides for. Let’s not pretend otherwise. And Labour won’t stop there, they are already campaigning for repeal of the 8th Amendment.
And it is significant that the decision in X is not binding because the X case was not argued, a fact clarified at the Hearings from legal experts. Furthermore, the ECHR, does not require Ireland to legislate for X (Section (iii) of RA), but rather to clarify the existing provisions for pregnant women. We can do this w/out legislating for X.
This legislation, I contend, is unconstitutional. It provides no advocate for the unborn. There is no equality for the baby consistent w/ Article 40:3:3.
The Bill fails to adhere to international standards about conscientious objection.
There are no time limits. The bill allows for abortion up to birth. If as Minister Reilly says that viable babies will be delivered alive, why wasn’t an amendment taken on this in the Dáil? This is a horrendous scenario.
The legislation will have a profound impact on our culture. There is absolutely nothing consoling or hopeful in the Bill. It sanctions the ending of human lives rather than trying to do everything possible to safeguard life and in the process it deceives the expectant mother .
There has been far too much emphasis placed on the assurances given by the Minister, to assuage people’s consciences, and far too little focus on what the bill actually permits. There are no ‘pathways to care’ offered for suicidal women. They were refused at Dáil Report stage despite Lucinda Creighton’s best efforts.
My own personal story has shown me the great chance life is. Today I am a mother of two great kids because two other mothers chose life. I know that life is a gift. Our responsibility as citizens and legislators is to look out for one another, particularly the most vulnerable in society. This legislation goes to the core of everything we stand for. We have an obligation to welcome everyone in life and protect everyone in law. The very least we can do for future generations.
The amazing advances in ultrasound technology illuminate the truth that the unborn child is a human being. In 1967, when the abortion law was introduced in Britain, politicians could have pleaded ignorance to the humanity of the unborn. In 2013, we don’t have this excuse.
I don’t want to lose the FG party whip but I do want to exercise my human right to make a conscientious decision. Almost every western democracy provides for a free vote on moral issues like abortion. Why don’t we have the confidence to trust our parliamentarians to make the right decision, without a whip?
I have been a committed member of FG for many years, the party that made a solemn promise to voters not to legalise abortion. It saddens me greatly that Fine Gael has broken this promise.
In the words of Thomas More:
“Any public servant who would forsake his private conscience for the sake of his public dutiesleads hiscountry down the short route to chaos.”
In closing, I want to quote from a woman who emailed me. She said: “This Bill is particularly important to me because I am a woman, I am a psychologist and I’m pregnant. This legislation is meant for me. It is meant to make me feel more protected in pregnancy, but it does not. I know that as things currently stand in Ireland, without any legislation, that I will not be denied any treatment needed to save my life even if it leads to the unintentional death of my baby. I feel fully protected by that.”
Who could argue w/ that clarity? A clarity that I fully accept is reaffirmed in Sections 7 & 8 of this Bill.
So with a heavy heart and aware of what it will mean for my future in Fine Gael, but knowing that I have the best intention for expectant mothers and their babies, I cannot support the Bill as it stands.
Colleagues, Senators on all sides of the House, I ask you to support my Amendment.
I want to thank you all for listening. I appreciate the depth of feeling expressed on both sides of this debate.

Looking more at Genesis 18

Tiepolo, Abraham and the Three Angels
17 And the Lord said: Can I hide from Abraham what I am about to do:
18 "Seeing he shall become a great and mighty nation, and in him all the nations of the earth shall be blessed?
19 For I know that he will command his children, and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord, and do judgment and justice: that for Abraham's sake the Lord may bring to effect all the things he hath spoken unto him.
20 And the Lord said: The cry of Sodom and Gomorrha is multiplied, and their sin is become exceedingly grievous.
21 I will go down and see whether they have done according to the cry that is come to me: or whether it be not so, that I may know. 
22 And they turned themselves from thence, and went their way to Sodom: but Abraham as yet stood before the Lord.
I am struck by verse 21 today, which indicates to some unbelievers that The Holy Trinity did not know what was happening in the Five Cities. However, as we know, God is All-Knowing. Two points. One, God, I think, wanted to reveal Himself to the inhabitants of the cities to see if any would repent. God always give all people a chance for salvation, for conversion. The seeing of God was the last chance of those sodomites who had offended both men and God. Seeing Him could have caused repentance, but as we know from Chapter 19, the inhabitants demanded from Lot unnatural relations with his guests, a manifestation of the Son and the Holy Spirit, while the Father remained behind with Abraham, who was bargaining with Him. These "men" who were not men, went to find humble hearts which could turn to God at the last moment. This did not happen. God has all knowledge, but He wanted to share real love with the inhabitants, so He went into the city.
Secondly, who was crying out to God against Sodom , Gomorrah and the other three cities? Lot and his small family? I would think that many, many people were crying out to God for vengeance, as the sin of sodomy is one listed as crying out to God for vengeance.
Do we cry out to God for vengeance, which is justice? Are we so accepting of sin that the Trinity is not hearing any prayers for justice? Wait and see what will happen...
One can see my previous posts on this subject under the tags. I love the painting above, but the bread reminds me of a Big Mac. I guess I need some dinner.

31 Jan 2013
Catechism Online Link: A Reminder: The Four Sins Which Cry Out to God For Vengeance. Posted by Supertradmum. Free online edition
08 Jun 2013
Because of a note on another blog when I had to look up this reference, here is a reminder of the Four Sins Which Cry Out to God for Vengeance. 1867 The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are “sins that cry to ...
15 Jun 2013
Sin has no rights, period. Pedophiles, murderers, abortionists all sinners without rights, and homosexual acts are in the list of the four sins which cry out to God for vengeance in our catechism. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
09 Jan 2013
God will not ignore His Commandments being mocked. The sin of homosexuality is one of the four or five, depending on the list, which cries out to God for vengeance. Check out the the older catechisms on this point.

A Modern Fairy Tale, Part Four

The prince sat by the fire as the night covered the cottage. The cats and mice came in an sat with the woman, who continued her tale. The young prince took the three items out of his bag and placed them on the floor in front of the fireplace, where the flames lit these gifts up and made them look like things from heaven.

"The angels told me that the golden rose was real love, love not tainted by selfishness or pride, but sacrificial love, given only when asked and humbly. I did not know that type of love until many years passed, but now you have that love, and I give you the golden rose so that you will love another truly and for the sake of God, not yourself. You must always love someone as you love your own self, and always put their comfort before yours. When you find that princess, you may give her the rose.

The amethyst is both humility and truth. Wear it on your finger to never forget that it is only in God that we find our true selves. It is only in truth that we are made humble. Make it into a ring and wear it as king, to remind yourself that self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom." The woman placed the gem in the prince's hand and picked up the scroll. "This," she said slowly, "is the story of my life. When you take it back, you must read it to your children, to remind them of the sins youth can commit, and the need for forgiveness and purification. You will be able to read the characters when your own heart is pure."

The woman placed the scroll in the prince's hand, and then told him how to finish his tasks.

"You must go back up into the mountain and destroy the bird-dragon, the puma-snake, and the false queen-monster. These are sins which must be destroyed not by violence, but by prayer and fasting. I shall give you water and bread. You will climb, and sit by the bird until it withered and dies, and do the same with all three evils. And so, I am freed and you are freed of the sins of the past, and for you, you will gain some purity of heart. And, when you come down, you will have knowledge which I shall give as to how to gain back your kingdom."

So, the next morning, when the yellow bird woke up the two, sleeping like brother and sister on the floor of the cottage, the young man left. He did exactly as told, and after the first 10 days, sitting, praying, and fasting by the bird which talked incessantly, the prince overcame the creature, and the bird-dragon withered and died. The desire for revenge and the nursing of anger died in the prince's heart.

The prince climbed up the path to the puma, and it jumped in front of him and sat, as before on its haunches. The prince knelt down and prayed and fasted for ten days. All that time, the puma stared at him, waiting to pounce. On the last day, the puma-snake withered and died. The wind blew away the carcass and nothing was left. The desire for power and status disappeared from the prince's heart.

Then, the prince knew the last task would be the most difficult. He climbed up to the stone where the beautiful silver queen sat. She looked at him with a strange smile. The prince did not want to look at the beauty of this queen. So, he turned his back on her and knelt down on the stone. He prayed and fasted, while she sang odd songs about love. But, the songs changed and became ugly, until on the tenth day, the lady turned into the black, ugly monster, stood up and died, choking on an ugly song. The prince continued up the mountain and realized that love for love had disappeared, along with self-pity. His heart was full of a new love,

He found the rope and went back to the cottage along the same path, but when he got to where the cottage should have been, it was gone. The woman was gone, the garden was gone, the pear tree and the yellow bird was gone. Nothing was left not even the three gifts in the basket. Then, the prince sat down on the grass and was anxious. He did not know how to win his kingdom back, as the woman had left in a mystery.

Suddenly, the prince looked up and saw four men standing at the far side of the river. They were the very nobles who had desired his death. The prince was no longer afraid, "What do you want?" He cried loudly as the river was full.

"Lord, we repent. Hear us. Look we have no weapons, no dogs. Yesterday, a strange and beautiful woman came to the castle. She sought us out and gave us this basket of mysterious things. Then, when we asked her why she had come, she said that you were the rightful king and we needed you. All at once, we could feel our hearts melting within us, and we concurred that we had been wrong. Then, in front of us, she disappeared. We knew then that she was some heavenly creature.

In the castle was an old serving maid of your mother's. She cried aloud when she saw the woman disappear. The servant knew her for your father's first love. We are changed. Please, we beg you to come back."

Then, suddenly, the river lowered and all the men were amazed that the prince could walk across without getting wet. When he reached the shore, the four nobles knelt and called him lord and king. The prince went back and was crowned king. He grew in wisdom and humility, and when he was a bit older, he found a lovely women to be his bride. She was the daughter of a poor man, but gentle as the breeze which blows across the green grass at the edge of the forest.where the cottage once stood and where a yellow bird sang from a pear tree long ago.

copyright 2013