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Friday 28 February 2014

Exciting News! WOW! School of the Annunciation

And, the methodology is Benedictine

A Benedictine Initiative

Buckfast is well-known for its uniting of spirituality and education, rooted in the Benedictine tradition. Since the Rule of St Benedict first proposed that a monastery be seen as a ‘school for the Lord’s service’, dominici schola servitii, monasteries have responded to the desire for learning - both among members of their own communities and also more widely - by supporting opportunities for a deeper appreciation of the faith in the light of the Lord’s own divine teaching of his people. The School of the Annunciation is the latest in a series of initiatives reaching back to the foundation of the Abbey in 1018.
In his Historical Sketches, Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman writes of the Benedictine educational tradition at some length. He draws attention to the Benedictine characteristic of balance and harmony, and in one striking passage evokes the gradual growth of institutions rooted in patterns of prayer and scholarship and in the development of quiet friendships, together with a humble willingness to begin again without complaint, that can still inspire us today.
“St. Benedict…found the world, physical and social, in ruins, and his mission was to restore it in the way, not of science, but of nature,… not professing to do it by any set time or by any rare specific or by any series of strokes, but so quietly, patiently, gradually… Silent men were observed about the country, or discovered in the forest, digging, clearing, and building; and other silent men, not seen, were sitting in the cold cloister, tiring their eyes, and keeping their attention on the stretch, while they painfully deciphered and copied and re-copied the manuscripts which they had saved. There was no one that "contended, or cried out," or drew attention to what was going on; but by degrees the woody swamp became a hermitage, a religious house, a farm, an abbey, a village, a seminary, a school of learning, and a city…
And then, when they had in the course of many years gained their peaceful victories, perhaps some new invader came, and with fire and sword undid their slow and persevering toil in an hour…and nothing was left to them but to begin all over again; but this they did without grudging, so promptly, cheerfully, and tranquilly, as if it were by some law of nature that the restoration came, and they were like the flowers and shrubs and fruit trees which they reared, and which, when ill-treated, do not take vengeance, or remember evil, but give forth fresh branches, leaves, or blossoms, perhaps in greater profusion, and with richer quality, for the very reason that the old were rudely broken off.”
The School of the Annunciation is delighted to be able to participate in the Benedictine charism of education, with its faculty and students sharing in the rhythms of the prayer, life and study of the community.

We knew this......hard hearts

Secret Censorship

The Glory of God in Nature


Why A Catholic Cannot Discern

As many of my readers have noted, and as I have tried to put on this blog, things such as court decisions, laws passed in the States and in the EU and financial changes are snowballing rapidly. The remnant Church must be prepared for great changes. My pastor in England warned his congregation of this for the two weeks running up to the acceptance of ssm in Great Britain. Rightly so, he said our lives would never be the same if that bill passed. It did. 

If you cannot see this, you need to pray for discernment.

Discernment is a gift from God to all Catholics, connected to the virtues of Prudence, Temperance, Justice and Fortitude, which we all have.

Discernment is an absolute necessity now, in these times.

If you cannot discern the signs of the times, peaceful or dangerous situations, good or evil, you must ask yourself why you cannot discern.

Here are some reasons why a Catholic may lack discernment.

1) The person is not praying daily and enough. Discernment is honed in prayer.

2) A person is too caught up in materialism and/or consumerism. One must be honest as to whether one is pursuing God and His Ways, or comfort.

3) One may be sinning in a certain area, in a habitual sin which stops discernment. Habitual sin may be serious venial sin.

4) One is not reading spiritual books daily, such as the Doctors of the Church or the daily readings from Mass.

5) One is following a certain false teaching, such as Liberation Theology, the Gospel of Success.

6) One is following false seers and false apparitions, which is a sinful position, by the way, especially if Rome has decided on such.
7) One is not going to Confession weekly or at least every two weeks.

8) One is living in mortal sin, which kills the life of the soul and, therefore, discernment.

9) One is a heretic in some way, perhaps not even knowing that one is not completely orthodox, If one chooses not to be orthodox, such as maintaining a position of "informed dissent", one will lose discernment quickly.

10) One is choosing friends and companions who do not have discernment and one is following bad advice, instead of looking towards the Teaching Magisterium or seeking out wise friends.

11) One thinks that there is neutral territory in the spiritual world. There is NO neutral territory. One is either in the land of God or the land of the devil.

12) One turns against discernment again and again, and finally, the Holy Spirit leaves one to one's devices. Grace must  be followed.

Do you have discernment? If not, why not? We all must be in the position to hear God and react quickly.

Very quickly.

Then he saith to them: But whom do you say that I am? Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ. Mark 8:29 DR

To be continued....

Hello, Europe

I was out all day in frigid temps and just got back. I shall post for you all tomorrow my time. God bless, and good night or good morning.....