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Monday 11 February 2013

My guesses for the next pope

                                                                  Peter Turkson of Ghana

All photos thanks to Wiki                             Marc Ouellet Canada

                                                            Francis Arinze of Velletri-Segni

I hope and pray it would be Arinze

From Zenit on the Conclave

There are 61 Europeans, 19 Latin Americans, 14 North Americans, 11 Africans, 11 Asians and one from Oceania among the voters. Benedict XVI will not participate in the conclave.
The conclave will proceed according to the rules of "Ordo Rituum Conclavis," established by Pope John Paul II's apostolic constitution "Universi Dominici Gregis."

SSPX Statement on Resignation of the Pope

thanks to Novus Ordo Watch

The Society of Saint Pius X has learned of the sudden announcement about the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, which will be effective on the evening of February 28, 2013.  Despite the doctrinal differences that were still evident on the occasion of the theological talks held between 2009 and 2011, the Society of Saint Pius X does not forget that the Holy Father had the courage to recall the fact that the Traditional Mass had never been abrogated, and to do away with the canonical sanctions that had been imposed on its bishops following their consecration in 1988.  It is not unaware of the opposition that these decisions have stirred up, obliging the pope to justify himself to the bishops of the whole world.  The Society expresses its gratitude to him for the strength and the constancy that he has shown toward it in such difficult circumstances, and assures him of its prayers for the time that he wishes to devote from now on to recollection.
Following its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Society of Saint Pius X reaffirms its attachment to eternal Rome, Mother and Instructress [Mater et Magistra] of Truth, and to the See of Peter.  It reiterates its desire to make its contribution, according to its abilities, to resolving the grave crisis that is shaking the Church.  It prays that, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the cardinals of the next conclave may elect the pope who, according to the will of God, will work for the restoration of all things in Christ (Eph 1:10).
Menzingen, February 11, 2013,
on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Legal Guide to Papal Resignation from WSJ

The Wall Street Journal has a handy Papal Q&A on their website - a legal guide to Papal resignation. According to the WSJ Benedict XVI would technically retain the title, Bishop of Rome Emeritus.

Didn't take Kung long to be negative....

Bitter Hans Kung sees news of the resignation as another opportunity to castigate Pope Benedict

Predictably Fr Hans Kung has seen the news of Pope Benedict’s resignation as yet another opportunity to castigate his former colleague and friend. Pope Benedict XVI reached out to the embittered Fr Kung shortly after his election, inviting him to a private dinner in the Apostolic Palace. Fr Kung responded by launching a series of vicious personal attacks on the Holy Father.
Kung called the step “understandable for many reasons”. The 84-year-old, who worked with Benedict in southern Germany in the 1960s, added: “It is to be hoped however, that Ratzinger will not exercise an influence on the choice of his successor.”
He repeated his past criticisms of the pope, saying: “During his time in office he has ordained so many conservative cardinals, that amongst them is hardly a single person to be found who could lead the church out of its multifaceted crisis.”

Scary but interesting article

If you have not read this, do.

Going into a monastery is a great hint for all lof us.....

The new bishop of Portsmouth, Philip Egan is speaking on the BBC. This bishop notes that the Pope has been very ill. He states that a bishop must be swift of foot and have drive.

I think illness and fatigue is the reason and we should not look farther than a courageous decision, although the Pope's days in a monastery also give us a great example.

Do not waste time. Do not spend time on things which do not bear fruit.


Troubles with the Net and more comments...

I cannot say all that I want to on American sites as the weather here is causing problems here. We have had a storm.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor was generous in his praise and said that in 2005, in was clear in the conclave that Benedict was the best man.

I trust in the Holy Spirit to defend the Church and I am convinced that the Pope going into a monastery is good for all of us.

I am concerned about the future of the SSPX.

Very, and for me this is personal.

Let us be peaceful and trust in God and His plan for the world.

I have been warning people for years of coming difficulties.

But, DO not believe spurious prophecies.

Do not follow any seers but those already approved by the Vatican.

You may not be following God.

Stay close to orthodox doctrine and the long Tradition of the Teaching Magisterium of the Church.

Go to Mass as much as possible and go to Adoration.

Pray daily and go to Confession as much as possible.

Be not afraid.

From Catholic Review-Photo from right after the announcement

 Catholic Review52s
This photo from Msgr. Parker was taken right after Pope Benedict XVI announced he will resign at the end of the month 

List of Cardinals made by Pope Benedict XVI

Thanks to Wki

My comment on this day

The Church will continue until the end of time. How and in what state are other questions. Be perfect. Pray and get ready.  We have had a noble Pope. He is so humble. God bless him. Damian Thompson just was interviewed and said he is sad, but that Bl. John Paul II was in too long.

More updates on Pope

Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, the leader of the Anglican Communion, has just released a statement saying: "It was with a heavy heart, but complete understanding, that we learned this morning of Pope Benedict's declaration of his decision to lay down the burden of ministry as Bishop of Rome, an office which he has held with great dignity, insight and courage."

BBC news

Ten posts here on this and the Pope gave his resignation in Latin.

Here is the Pope's Entire Letter of Resignation

And note from Archbishop Vincent Nichols who praises his decision....on BBC. No English or Welsh Cardinal can vote in the conclave. Has this ever happened?

New pope will definitely take on Holy Week duties.
Fr Lombardi says we can expect a new pope will preside over Easter celebrations

Tablet has letter from Nichols on their site....hmmm

Full text of Archbishop Nichols' statement re: Pope's resignation
And here is the entire letter of resignation....
Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.
From the Vatican, 10 February 2013

Cameron Praises the Pope

Prime Minister made a statement saying he will be missed as a spiritual leader of millions who did much to revive realtionships between England and Rome

EWTN Europe is not worth looking at which is too bad.

Only has regular programming.

Reactions from Anglicans beginning-surprise and more news

Archbishop of York says the Christian world will miss a great theologian and one who was not afraid to address the world, states BBC


Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi tells a news conference that "we should have a new Pope for

BBC is best coverage so far-if you have Internet or tv go there.

Cardiinal Keith O'Brien is shocked and is offering his prayers for the Pope.

Resignation Tweets

Tweets on Pope

  1. Lombardi: caso precedente Celestino V
  2. Archbishop Denis Hart's statement on the resignation of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI - 
  3. Lombardi: Benedetto XVI potrebbe chiamarsi vescovo emerito di Roma

Part of NBC article

And from the Beeb, another tweet

Next pope likely to be chosen before the end of March, Vatican spokesman says - @BBCBreaking

Update at 7.20 a.m. ET Saturday: Milwaukee Archbishop James Harvey and five others were made cardinals by Pope Benedict Saturday, Reuters reports. He reminded them that they wear red vestments because they must be ready to defend the faith "even to the shedding of your blood" in a ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica.
ROME — The red, or rather scarlet, carpet will be rolled in St. Peter's Basilica on Saturday for the elevation of six cardinals. The new so-called "princes of the church" will receive their ring, scarlet skullcap and the traditional biretta, a four-cornered hat, in a solemn ceremony presided by Pope Benedict XVI.
The ceremony won't only be a rare insight into one of the oldest and most colorful traditions in the Catholic Church, which with 1.1 billion adherents worldwide, represents more than half of the world's Christian population. It will also redefine the balance of power in the Catholic Church, and further increase the United States' influence in the election of the next pope.
Among the six cardinal-elects is James Harvey, an archbishop from Milwaukee who will become the 11th cardinal elector from the U.S., strengthening the country's position as the Vatican's second-largest voting bloc after Italy.  Cardinal electors are the members of the College of Cardinals who have not reached their 80th birthdays on the day the pope dies and are thus able to vote for the new prelate.
But as American aut

More tweets on Pope

Next pope likely to be chosen before the end of March, Vatican spokesman says - @BBCBreaking

Italy's Prime Minister Monti says he is greatly shaken by the news of the pope's resignation - @BBCNews

More tweets--EWTN Europe is useless

  1. Vatican spokesman says decision left aides "incredulous" and expects new Pope in place before end of March - 
  2. Vatican spokesman confirms Pope Benedict XVI is not resigning because of any difficulties in the papacy 

Tweets on the Pope's Decision

  1. The resignation points above all to Benedict XVI's humility and courage – this is a remarkably brave step for a Pope to take.

    1. Pope Benedict has never been afraid to serve the Church in his papacy. His decision to retire, first in 600 years speaks of his integrity.
    2. RT : Shocked at news but what a wonderful sign of humility. All of us in Ordinariate so grateful for what he has done for us

    1. England and Wales have no voting-age cardinal 
    2. After pope's resignation takes effect Feb. 28, there will be 117 cardinal-electors, including 14 from US-Canada, eligible to join conclave

Pope retiring at end of month

Catholic News Service claims enclave will vote within two weeks. Not yet on EWTN. Why not?

  1. Fr Lombardi expects elections for new pope will happen in about 15 days. Obviously B16 will not be in conclave
  2. When pope resigns he will head to papal villa at Castel Gandolfo then when work done on monastery in Vatican will move there

The Passion and the Eucharist

Joseph of Arimathea helps take down the Body of Christ with a ladder. Nicodemus takes the Body of Christ. Our Blessed Lady receives Him, as do John and Mary Magdalen. This is the Eucharist. Take My Body; Take My Blood Christ had said the night before at the Last Supper. The Passion started at the Last Supper. The Eucharist is the Sacrificial Body and Blood of Christ given to us for all ages until the end of the world. The Mass is the Unbloody Sacrifice.

How fortunate we are to have the Catholic Faith. Thank you, Jesus, thank you.