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Thursday 16 January 2014

On the beach after the storms in Britain

Bad Thinking in Catholic Circles Again

Two problems have cropped up in the past few days which reveal to me some bad, non-Catholic thinking among Catholics. I have written on this theme before, but it needs repeating.

The first is the denial of free will. People chose to make bad choices daily. There is a growing number of Catholics on twitter, in blogs and in daily speech who reveal that they do not understand two things about free will. One is that we do make choices, even though these may be knee-jerk reactions which are bad habits. Bad habits grow out of bad choices.

Two, under this misunderstanding of free will, is that too many Catholics think that one cannot stand up to satan. If one is in sanctifying grace, one can and should do so.

The second problem is the faulty idea that some people do not have grace. No, God gives grace to all, but with this parenthesis-not all people are given the same graces and not all people choose to follow grace.

But, God does call us again and again to follow Him, and unless we persist, by choice, in serious sin, in which case He may leave us to our own devices, God will not leave us.

We walk away from God on purpose, not by accident, or chance.

Too many Catholic adults make excuses for their sins and the evil in the world.

Just say "NO".

Poll Alert

In order to plan more posts, I have put a new poll on the side. Readers may answer more than one question.

Thanks for your help in discernment for future writing.

I did not put on the poll a question if you have read the poetry, fairy tales, and novellas, but you may comment on those, if you have read them.


Net Problems

Apologies-Net went down when I way typing out the Third Glorious Mystery and the text was lost-it is now restored.

Pray for my Net connection which has been severely limited this week. I shall not be able to continue to blog in this area if this continues. The signal is literally off and on in minutes and the blog goes down and reloads, losing material.


The Litany of Loreto Rosary Part 16-The Glorious Mysteries-The Fifth Glorious Mystery, The Coronation of The Virgin Mary

The Litany of Loreto Rosary  The Fifth Glorious Mystery  The Coronation of The Virgin Mary

Our Father

Virgin, Mother, Queen, accept this rosary, as it comes to an end, as a finite gift to you.

Hail Mary one

Sirach 1:8-9
There is one most high Creator Almighty, and a powerful king, and greatly to be feared, who sitteth upon his throne, and is the God of dominion. He created her in the Holy Ghost, and saw her, and numbered her, and measured her.

Hail Mary two

Queen of the Holy Rosary
This title indicates that this exercise of prayer bears honor and praise to Our Lady. That such a simple devotion pleases the Queen of the Universe reveals her humility and greatness. Let us never scorn the small ways to become closer to God, for in simple things we learn our true place before God.

Hail Mary three

Mother Mary, accept this humble, imperfectly said prayer of ours. Intercede, gracious Queen, that we all may grow in simplicity of faith even as we grow in knowledge of God. 

Hail Mary four

Sirach 1:22-24
The fear of the Lord is a crown of wisdom, filling up peace and the fruit of salvation:  And it hath seen, and numbered her: but both are the gifts of God. Wisdom shall distribute knowledge, and understanding of prudence: and exalteth the glory of them that hold her.

Hail Mary five

Queen of Peace
Perhaps at this time in history, this title of Mary is most close to our hearts. In order to dispense peace, one must be peaceful. Creative peace has not yet been seen on the earth. By meditating on this title of Mary, may we come to learn how to become truly peaceful, so that we may give peace to others

Hail Mary six

Mary, Queen of Peace, soften our hard hearts, teach us how to forgive, that we may forgive in meekness and, therefore, delight in brotherly love.

Hail Mary seven

Ecclesiasticus 24:3-5
And in the midst of her own people she shall be exalted, and shall be admired in the holy assembly.  And in the multitude of the elect she shall have praise, and among the blessed she shall be blessed, saying: I came out of the mouth of the most High, the firstborn before all creatures...

Hail Mary eight

Queen of Heaven
This title has been one of the most common names for Mary. The author of Ecclesiasticus personifies Wisdom as a great Lady. The Queen of Heaven has been identified with Holy Wisdom. As Queen of Heaven, as Holy Wisdom, Mary receives the highest praise a mortal woman has ever received. She, indeed, is blessed among women.

Hail Mary nine

Queen of Heaven, teach us to act like the sons and daughter of the great King which we are through baptism. Help us to be wise, holy, prudent, temperate, just, full of courage. Teach us to treat each other with dignity and respect, as future inhabitants of heaven. 

Hail Mary ten

Glory be

Fatima Prayer

Hail Holy Queen

Rosary Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel Prayer

(Note: as I wrote this between 1979 and 1984, giving it to my mother in 1984, I did not write meditations on the Luminous Mysteries, as these did not then exist. I may write thoughts on these later, if readers want me to so so. I am surprised myself as to how "contemporary" the words of this text, at the latest, a full 30 years old and at the earliest, 35 years old. God is good and He never changes in His words to us.)

The end for now.

The Litany of Loreto Rosary Part 15-The Glorious Mysteries-The Fourth Glorious Mystery, The Assumption

The Litany of Loreto Rosary  The Fourth Glorious Mystery  The Assumption

Our Father

Glorious Virgin, stir up the virtue of faith in us, that we may see beyond the decay and dust of the grave to life in Christ forever and ever.

Hail Mary one

1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Now there are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit; And there are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord; And there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all in all.

Hail Mary two

Queen of all saints
The Blessed Mother reveals all the varieties of the gifts of the Spirit. A saint, such as Joan of Arc or Elizabeth Ann Seton, may be famous for a particular, outstanding virtue or charism. The poet, Dante, places Mary at the center of the celestial dance of all the saints, as she is the perfection of all virtues, all charisms.  She is the firstborn of the Church of all the saints. She is their Queen.

Hail Mary three

St. Mary, Queen of all saints, give us the single-mindedness necessary to become saints, that someday, with you, we may praise God for all eternity, in our bodies with our souls.

Hail Mary four

1 Corinthians 15:21-22
For by a man came death, and by a man the resurrection of the dead. And as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive.

Hail Mary five

Queen conceived without Original Sin
Wonderful interference, wonderful prevenient grace. God, through one female embryo, halted the chain of sin and death which we all inherit from our mothers and fathers. Mary, the Immaculate Conception, was born free of all fault, either physical, psychological, or spiritual, so that she would be the perfect Mother for the perfect Son of God. Free from death's corruption, a result of the Original Sin she did not have, Mary "naturally" was assumed into heaven.

Hail Mary six

The New Eve, Immaculate Mary, Queen without sin, pray for us, the children of Eve.

Hail Mary seven

1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall all indeed rise again: but we shall not all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise again incorruptible: and we shall be changed.

Hail Mary eight

Queen assumed into heaven
Mary's fate is a prophecy of our fate. With our physical bodies, we shall be with God. We cannot deny the animal part of ourselves. Body and soul, we are saved, purified, perfected through grace.

Hail Mary nine

Lady assumed into heaven, we gratefully thank God for the Incarnational event of your assumption into heaven body and soul. With hope, we celebrate this honoring of your flesh as well as your spirit. With joy, we celebrate this recognition of your position in heaven.

Hail Mary ten

Glory be

Fatima Prayer

To be continued...

The Litany of Loreto Rosary Part 14-The Glorious Mysteries-The Third Glorious Mystery, The Descent of The Holy Spirit

The Litany of Loreto Rosary The Third Glorious Mystery The Descent of The Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1-3

Our Father

Come, Holy Spirit Come

Hail Mary one

Philippians 1:14
And the greater number of the brethren in the Lord, gaining courage from my chains, have dared to speak the word of God more freely and without fear.

Hail Mary two

Queen of Martyrs
Mary, in the fullness of grace, demonstrated the great courage of the martyrs at the foot of the Cross. She was filled with the Indwelling of the Holy Trinity, and the Holy Spirit worked through her to give courage to others. The Queen of Martyrs leads us to victory, through Christ, over all difficulties. She witnessed to Christ at the foot of the Cross. She, as witness and sharer in the Passion, is the Queen of Martyrs.  She leads the company of martyrs in glory.

Hail Mary three

Queen Mary, intercede that the Holy Spirit may stir up the gifts we have received in Confirmation, mostly fortitude and courage. Let us be ready, like you, to give our entire lives for the sake of Jesus Christ, you Son, by laying down our lives daily in little ways.

Hail Mary four

Philippians 2:13
For it is God who worketh in you, both to will and to accomplish, according to his good will.

Hail Mary five

Queen of Apostles
St. Paul wrote the words we have just prayed. He, also, called an “Apostle”, knew discouragement, trials, even shipwreck. He knew that the Holy Spirit brings to the fore the gifts received in the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Mary, holy from the moment of her existence, brings us all to Christ, with love, fortitude, courage. She was an apostle, ending the chain of death and sin from her first being in her mother’s womb. She brought Christ to Elizabeth, the work of an apostle. She brought Christ into the world at Bethlehem, the work of an apostle. She brought Christ into the public eye at Cana, the work of an apostle.  Mary is Queen of those today who are followers of the apostles, the disciples of Christ, who go into the world to preach the Good News.

Hail Mary six

Virgin Mary, Queen, pray that we may always respond to the movement of the Holy Spirit within us to spread the Gospel to all nations.

Hail Mary seven

Philippians 3:7-8
But the things that were gain to me, the same I have counted loss for Christ.
Furthermore I count all things to be but loss for the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but as dung, that I may gain Christ... 

Hail Mary eight

Queen of Virgins
Virginity is both a physical fact and an interior disposition. One’s heart, mind and soul must be centered on Christ to be virginal. Purity and detachment, as well as purity of the body, are marks of the virgin. Paul’s words indicate that he, through the Spirit, achieved purity of heart, mind and soul he lost through sin, but gained through grace. But, there is one person who is all pure, always virginal and that is Mary. No other creature has the perfection of virginity, in mind, heart, soul, and body than does Mary. She is the clearest vessel of purity and love. She was pure from the first moment of her existence, as a tiny creature in her mother’s womb, free from an concupiscence, from all impurities, from Original Sin. Indeed, she is the pure Bride, the Queen of Virgins.

Hail Mary nine

St. Mary, through the Holy Spirit, may we regain a simplicity and purity of heart lost through sin. May we become detached from the many threads of impurity which pull us away from God. May we become pure so that we may witness Christ in a world trapped in confusion, complexity and sin.

Hail Mary ten

Glory be

Fatima Prayer

To be continued…

The Litany of Loreto Rosary- Part 13-The Glorious Mysteries-The Second Glorious Mystery, The Ascension

The Litany of Loreto-The Second Glorious Mystery The Ascension  Acts 1:1-14

Our Father

Mary Mother, pray that we may be bold and zealous for the sake of the Kingdom.

Hail Mary one

Deuteronomy 30:14
But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth and in they heart, that thou mayest do it.

Hail Mary two

Queen of Confessors
Many saints are named "Confessor": St Edward, King of England, St. Maximus the Confessor, and others. A confessor is one who is willing to publicly witness to the truth of the Gospel. At the Ascension, Christ commissioned His followers to witness to Himself. Mary, the Queen of Confessors, receives honor for witnessing, and gives honor to those who "go public" for Jesus Christ, her Son.

Hail Mary three

St. Mary, you gave witness to Christ your entire life. Pray that we may have courage to confess the Lord's rule over all the earth.

Hail Mary four

Deuteronomy 1:8
Behold, said he, I have delivered it to you: go in and posses it, concerning which the Lord swore to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that he would give it to them, and their seed after them.

Hail Mary five

Queen of Patriarchs
What a magnificent title to be given to the Little Maid of Nazareth. Queen of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Mary is elevated above the men who carried on the covenant and who waited for the promise of that covenant faithfully. Mary has initiated the New Covenant with her fiat. Now, she sees it ratified with the Blood of the Lamb daily on the altars of the world at Mass. She reigns as a sign of this new era, the covenant of the New Law, the New Contract between God and Man, which resides in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Word of God. So, the patriarchs praise her.

Hail Mary six

Thank you, Queen of Patriarchs, for your fidelity. Continue to bless our patriarchal Church established by your Son before He ascended into heaven.

Hail Mary seven

Deuteronomy 10:12
And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but that thou fear the Lord thy God, and walk in His ways, and love Him, and serve the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul...

Hail Mary eight

Queen of Prophets
To be a Catholic in the modern world is to be a prophet. Mary, Queen of Moses, David, Daniel, Isaias, Jeremias, and John the Baptist is our Queen. She brought the Word of God into the world, the fulfillment of all prophecies. She is a prophet to us today and understands our need for the graces of courage and commitment.

Hail Mary nine

Queen of Prophets, intercede that we may always speak life-giving, true words to all people, including our own families. Help us to fulfill the mission given by Christ at His Ascension to preach the Gospel to all people and baptize them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Hail Mary ten

Glory be

Fatima Prayer

To be continued....

The Litany of Loreto Rosary-Part 12-The Glorious Mysteries-The First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection

The Litany of Loreto Rosary The First Glorious Mystery The Resurrection John 20:1-18

Our Father

Virgin Mother Mary,  as you died with Christ by enduring Calvary, so have you been raised by Him into glory. Pray that we may be always willing to die and then to rise with Christ.

Hail Mary one

Mark 14:24
This is my blood of the new covenant, which is being shed for many.

Hail Mary two

Comfort of the Afflicted
Simone Weil, the Jewish philosopher and mystic, wrote that affliction by definition is physical, emotional and mental pain inflicted on the innocent. It is in the nature of affliction that it attacks the pure of heart. Mary was afflicted with Christ and is the most afflicted woman in history. Mary experienced spiritually, emotionally, mentally all her Son's agony, which was the entire, whole agony of the human race. Weil's idea of malheur fits Mary perfectly. All women who  have suffered, the woman who has lost her husband in war, the mother who has seen her child die because of the concentration camp horrors, the woman whose lover has been mocked by enemies, all are the Mater Dolorosa. Yet, in Mary alone is our comfort, for in her is found endurance, faith, hope, peace and the way to the empty tomb, to the victory of Christ's Resurrection, which is Mary's victory and ours.

Hail Mary three

Comfort us, Mother, with the hope of new life, won by your Son, through affliction.

Hail Mary four

Mark 16:2-3
And very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb, when the sun had just risen. And they were saying to one another, "Who will roll the stone back from the entrance of the tomb for us?"

Hail Mary five

Help of Christians
The women at the tomb questioned who would help them remove the barrier to their Beloved Jesus. How often do we perceive barriers, keeping us from Christ, from love? Mary is our help to remove the wall keeping love and Christ away. Her name, Help of Christians, resounds like a battle-cry. The spiritual journey is a personal battle, a war against confusion, laziness, sin, despair.

Hail Mary six

Mary, the Lord, Victor, is with you. Help of Christians, aid us in facing our inner darkness of sin and imperfections, that we may be raised to new life in Christ.  Amen.

Hail Mary seven

Mark 16:5
But on entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting at the right side, clothed in a white robe, and they were amazed.

Hail Mary eight

Queen of Angels
Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord, left a messenger in the tomb. The concepts of angels and queens are lost to many modern minds. And yet, we have eye-witness accounts as to the presence of this angel in the tomb. The Lord employed His servant-spirits to bear the news of His Incarnation and His Resurrection-the two events so tied in history. Mary is the leader, the sovereign, over all these spiritual beings who praise and serve God constantly. She, who said "yes" readily to the Will of God for just this moment in history, the Resurrection of Christ, the victory over Death and damnation, is now Queen of Angels. Like the angels, the Queen is worthy of reigning over those whose entire existence is saying yes constantly in joy to God. The family of God includes a variety of creatures who serve and love God, angels and men. Mary is Queen of all.

Hail Mary nine

Pray for us, Queen of Angels, that someday we may each join the angels in heaven praising the Risen Lord.

Hail Mary ten

Glory be

Fatima Prayer

Misleading Report on EWTN, IMHO

I just heard John M. Haas is the President of The National Catholic Bioethics Center give what I thought was a misleading interview on brain death on EWTN. I was surprised at his facile dismissal of two cases. And, I felt that he misquoted Blessed John Paul II on what constitutes death.

Simply put, rigor mortis is the only sign of real death. There seems to be confusion at very high levels on this issue, because of the liberal push for harvesting organs.

I suggest you listen to Fr. Chad Ripperger on this. The Church absolutely has a say as to when death occurs if only after the fact.  The entire industry of organ harvesting and the push of people out of hospitals has lead to some Catholics being cavalier about death.

We must always err on the side of life and I publicly challenge EWTN to have a spokesperson from the American Life League, who disagrees with Haas to show the sides and complications of this argument.

Big Brother Britain