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Tuesday 24 February 2015

More on St. Joan of France

Chronologie de la vie de sainte Jeanne de France

23  avril 1464  :  naissance  à  Nogent-le-Roi  de Jeanne de France, fille de Louis XI et de Charlotte de Savoie. 10/19 mai : Le roi signe une promesse de mariage entre Jeanne et le jeune duc d’Orléans (2 ans)
30 juin 1470   :  naissance de Charles VIII, frère de Jeanne. Celle-ci est envoyée par son père à Lignières en Berry, chez François de Beaujeu, cousin et chambellan du roi, et Anne de Culan, son épouse, qui se chargent de son éducation.
1473 : Le roi signe le contrat de mariage de ses filles Anne et Jeanne, à Jargeau.
8 septembre 1476   :  mariage de Jeanne de France et de Louis d’Orléans, à Montrichard.
1480  : Mort   d’Anne   de   Culan.   François   de Beaujeu se remarie avec Françoise de Maillé (Jeanne a 16 ans).
30 août 1483  : mort de Louis XI. Jeanne rejoint la cour, à Amboise. Charles VIII succède à son père, mais trop jeune, Anne de Beaujeu, sa sœur, reçoit la Régence du Royaume. 1er décembre : mort de la reine Charlotte de Savoie.
1484/1488 : Louis d’Orléans se soulève à plusieurs reprises contre la Régence – Guerre folle. Il naît à Louis d’Orléans un fils naturel, Michel de Bussy qui deviendra évêque de Bourges.
1488 : Louis d’Orléans est fait prisonnier par les troupes du roi. Jeanne de France administre les biens de son mari, en particulier ceux d’Italie (Milan, Asti).
1491 : Libération de Louis d’Orléans. Mariage de Charles VIII et d’Anne de Bretagne
1494 : Première campagne de  la  guerre d’Italie. Louis d’Orléans accompagne le roi.
7  avril 1498 : Mort  accidentelle  de  Charles VIII. Louis d’Orléans lui succède sous le nom de Louis XII.
29 Juillet 1498 : Alexandre VI institue le tribunal, ayant à juger de la validité du mariage de Louis  XII  et  de  Jeanne  de  France,  à  la demande de celui-ci.
19  août 1498 :  Signature  d’une  convention  de mariage  entre  Louis  XII  et  Anne  de Bretagne.
10 août / 17 décembre 1498 : procès en nullité de mariage.   La   sentence   en   nullité   est prononcée le 17 décembre.
26 décembre 1498 : Jeanne reçoit en apanage le duché de Berry.
8 janvier 1499  : Mariage de Louis XII et d’Anne de Bretagne.
12 mars 1499 : Jeanne fait son entrée à Bourges.
1499/1500 : Jeanne s’ouvre de ses projets de fondation à son confesseur, le franciscain Gabriel-Maria.
Mai 1500  : Les onze premières postulantes arrivent à Bourges.
12 février 1502   : Approbation de la Règle de l’Annonciade, par Alexandre VI.
18 novembre 1502 : Jeanne reçoit l’administration du Collège Sainte-Marie, de Bourges.
1503 : Au printemps, début de la construction du monastère de l’Annonciade, à Bourges.
Pentecôte 1504 :  En  privé,  Jeanne  et  le  père Gabriel-Maria promettent de suivre en leur vie la Règle de l’Annonciade.
21 novembre 1504 : Jeanne de France fait don à la Sainte Trinité, d’elle-même et de toutes ses filles, présentes et à venir, en présence du père Gabriel-Maria. Par acte notarié, elle dote aussi son couvent.
10 janvier 1505 : Elle rédige son testament.
22 janvier 1505  : dernière visite à son couvent. Elle tombe malade.
4 février 1505 : Mort de Jeanne de France.
21 février 1505 : Funérailles. Sur le chemin du convoi funèbre a lieu le premier miracle. Sépulture  dans  l’église  des  sœurs.  Son tombeau  est  sans  cesse  visité,  et  de nombreux miracles sont attestés.
1562 : Sa tombe est profanée durant les guerres de religion.  Son  corps  (retrouvé  intact)  est brûlé. (Huguenots burned her "incorruptible" body).
1632 :  Ouverture du procès de béatification.
1742 : Béatification.
1950 :  Canonisation.

A growing congregation, like Tyburn...

Histoire de l’Ordre de la Vierge Marie


12 février : approbation de la première Règle de l’Annonciade.
Août 1502 : achat du terrain où sera construit le couvent de Bourges, premier couvent de l’ordre fondé par sainte Jeanne de France, avec l’aide du bienheureux père Gabriel- Maria.
Octobre 1502  : premières Prises d’Habit.
Novembre 1504 : premières Professions. 21 novembre : mise en clôture des sœurs, dans le couvent neuf.
4  février1505 :  mort  de  la  fondatrice.  Elle  a donné l’habit à 21 soeurs.
20 mars 1507 : départ de 5 sœurs et 3 novices pour la fondation du monastère d’Albi.
1515 : projet de fusion avec les Conceptionistes, rédaction de la deuxième Règle.
1516 : 8 sœurs partent de Bourges pour la fondation du monastère de Bruges. 34 sœurs grises  (tertiaires  franciscaines)  les  rejoignent.
1517 : fondation d’un monastère à Béthune.
Juillet 1517 : approbation de la troisième Règle.
1518/20  Fondation du monastère de Rodez (par 5 sœurs d’Albi).
1520 : fondation du monastère de  Bordeaux (par 5 sœurs d’Albi).
1529/1530 : les   sœurs   Grises   de   Chanteloup-lez-Arpajon (Saint-Eutrope) reçoivent la Règle de l’Annonciade.
Mai 1530 : 6 sœurs de Bruges partent fonder à le monastère de Louvain auxquelles se joignent des sœurs Grises (tertiaires franciscaines).
27 août 1532 : mort du père Gabriel-Maria.
1533 : fondation du monastère d’Agen.
1554 : fondation  du  monastère  de  Ligny-en-Barrois (par 4 sœurs de Bourges).
1562 : les guerres de religion mettent un frein aux fondations.
1608 : reprise des fondations (Anvers) qui vont s’échelonner sur tout le 17e siècle. Il y a en effet une quarantaine de nouvelles fondations jusqu’en 1669, la dernière étant Wiedenbruck, en Allemagne.
1699 : les pères Mariens de Pologne reçoivent la Règle de l’Annonciade.
18e siècle : pas de nouvelles fondations. Le siècle est marqué par la béatification de Jeanne de France (1742).
1783 : Joseph II  fait  fermer  tous  les couvents « inutiles » – cela concerne tous les monastères de Belgique, de Flandres et des Pays-Bas. Seules, les sœurs de Tirlemont réussissent à louer une maison et à rester groupées.
1792 : révolution française. Les sœurs sont expulsées de leurs monastères et dispersées en ville souvent chez des amis ou dans leurs familles. les Annonciades de Chanteloup réussissent à rester groupées pendant un certain temps.
1794 : sous  la  Terreur,  exécution  des  sœurs Couraule, Annonciades de Bordeaux, et de trois autres de Villeneuve-sur-Lot, avec leur aumônier  franciscain.  De   nombreuses sœurs sont emprisonnées, plusieurs meurent en prison. Quelques Annonciades du monastère de Chanteloup, dont Mère Thaïs, l’Ancelle, se regroupent à Leuville jusque dans les années 1800.
1803/1813 : fermeture  des  couvents  allemands.  En 1802, le monastère de Coesfeld s’installe à Glane jusqu’en 1813.
1816/1818 : quelques  sœurs  se  regroupent  à  Villeneuve-sur-Lot  et   à   Boulogne-sur-Mer, restaurant  leur  monastère.  Les  sœurs  de Boulogne, contrairement à celles de Villeneuve, sont obligées d’ouvrir un pensionnat pour jeunes filles afin d’obtenir le droit de reprendre la vie commune.
1833 : les  sœurs  Annonciades  apostoliques  de Belgique  reçoivent  la  Règle  de  l’Annonciade.
1852 : fondation de Geel par Tirlemont. Entre 1850 et 1852 : essai de fondation à Bourges par le monastère de Villeneuve-sur-Lot.
1898 : fondation  de  Merksem  par  Geel,  après avoir tenté de restaurer Maastricht.
1901/1904 : lois de séparation de l’Église et de l’État. Les sœurs de Boulogne sont expulsées et se réfugient à St.-Margaret’s Bay (Angleterre).
1922 : le climat politique s’étant un peu apaisé, la mère Ancelle de St.-Margaret’s Bay tente un retour en France avec 3 autres sœurs. Elles s’installent à Pescheray (Sarthe) puis à Paris jusqu’en 1926.
1926 : installation  de  la  communauté  à  Thiais (Val-de-Marne).
1946 : les sœurs déménagent à 300 mètres de leur monastère, dans le quartier de Grignon. A partir de 1960 : les vocations deviennent plus nombreuses.
1965 : les  monastères  belges  se  regroupent  à Merksem.
1970 : transfert de la communauté de Merksem à Westmalle.
1975 : fondation  du  monastère  de  Brucourt (Normandie).
1976  : fermeture du monastère anglais. Les sœurs sont accueillies au monastère de Thiais.
1980 : fondation du monastère de Peyruis (Alpes- de-Haute-Provence).
1988  : fondation  du  monastère  de  Saint-Doul- chard (Berry).
2000 : fondation   du   monastère   de   Menton. Le monastère est obligé de fermer en 2012, faute de pouvoir s’agrandir.
2007 : le monastère  de  Peyruis  est  transféré  à Alajuela (Costa Rica)
2009 : fondation    du   monastère    de    Lichen (Pologne).
2013 : projet de transfert du monastère de Brucout à Grentheville.

Excellent Words for The Heart, Mind, Soul

from St Faustina's Diary  1685 (61)

During Holy Hour today, I asked the Lord Jesus if He would deign to teach me about the spiritual life, Jesus answered me. "My daughter, faithfully live up to the words which I speak to you.  Do not value any external thing too highly, even if it were to seem very precious to you.  Let go of yourself, and abide with me continually.  Entrust everything to Me and do nothing on your own, and you will always have great freedom of spirit.  No circumstances or events will ever be able to upset you.  Set little store on what people say.  Let everyone judge you as they like.  Do not make excuses for yourself, it will do you no harm.  Give away everything at the first sign of a demand, even if they were the most necessary things.  Do not ask for anything without consulting Me.  Allow them to take away even what is due to you - respect, your good name - let your spirit rise above all that.  And so, set free from everything, rest close to My Heart, not allowing your peace to be disturbed by anything. My pupil, consider (62) the words which I have spoken to you".

Sent to me by C. and this is for me, K, J, and Z. I am getting in prayer that some places I have visited I shall never see again. The world is changing very fast. What is hard for me to give up is the idea of not walking on a certain seashore, or not seeing dear, dear friends. For some reason, and I may be wrong, I have this sense about Malta, one of my "second homes".  I love the Mediterranean Sea. It is in my soul. I have watched it in all types of weather. Part of me hopes my hunch is wrong, but usually, when these things come upon me, they become real. I have to let go of that lovely island, which I know so well now after five stays.

At this time, I am praying to St. Joan of Arc and St. Joan of France, being led to their places of intercession by two completely different sources across the world. I am also praying to Marie Adele Garnier again....the short play I wrote on her life is below. Here is a lovely painting of St. Joan of France and the Blessed Mother, Jesus, and St. Francis.

Join me in prayer to them. And, my prayers to John Hardon for a complete cure of asthma may be becoming more obvious. He had asthma, and that is why I have been praying to him since September.

All things happen in God's time.  

Here is the play I wrote in 2013. Homeschoolers, feel free to use it.

This play is written as a half-hour voice-over for a DVD format.  Quotations marks are on the exact words of Mother Marie Adele.
The voice is that of Mother Marie Adele Garnier, Mother Mary of St. Peter. One must have a French accent for this play.
TitleMother Marie Adele Garnier, Mother Mary of St. Peter, Foundress of Tyburn
All in One Act with Ten Scenes: Scene One
First Act: Scene One, London overlooking Hyde Park
Mother Adele as a very old nun is saying goodbye to the world and waiting for the Bridegroom
She has asked her nuns to come around her but they are not there yet. The room is grey but peaceful, like a black and white dream. She is sitting in a half bed, half chair. She is old but peaceful. It is 1924.
Mother Marie Adele is thinking these thoughts: Voice-over
Mother Marie Adele:  The day is dark for June. But, the day mirrors the darkness of Calvary, when the storms blew across Golgotha at the death of My Lord. I have left notes and letters, like clues for my dear daughters, hoping they will understand the path I had to follow all these years. My dear daughters have been called to come to me for a blessing.  
I hope my life has taught my children here that Love is All.  I hope the Love of my Savior and King has led them to accept the Cross. What does this mean to them? What does this mean to the hundreds of people who pass by Tyburn on this street daily in London? What do they understand of sacrificial love?
But, I have prayed and suffered for each one of them, and for my confreres in France. Ah, France, you have left your throne to false gods, to the silly pursuits of these modern times. I shall never see your blue skies and roses again.
Mother picks up a book and a rosary…she is pensive.
The day is gloomy and reminds me of a day long ago in France, when I wrote a letter to dear Father Lemius,  I was in Villeneuve-sure-Yonne.
How can I share with all these in my care the necessity of perseverance?  I wrote to Father on that day? I pray I have been an example of the way of penance, all for the Bridegroom, Who I await.
Scene Two, younger Adele in French room at a writing desk.  She is in a simple habit, not the Benedictine one of her first scene. She is very animated and eager in her face and demeanor.
Mother Marie Adele Voice-over reads letter, and she writes and stops, and writes again.
“But, I think of heaven-I think of the work and the suffering which is absolutely necessary for us. That night I felt this call, always more forcible, more pressing, to a total renunciation,  to a complete abnegation, to the acceptance, loving, eager, without regret or bitterness, of all possible sacrifices for the glory and the consolation of His divine heart…..
They must know that they themselves count for nothing. And, that if they wish to work perseveringly and seriously for the sanctification of their souls, they must sacrifice themselves in everything and always for the glory of God, immolate themselves absolutely for the Sacred Heart, in order to win souls for Him.  For our dear France, so guilty, but above all so deeply to be pitied; for England, whither the Sacred Heart calls us; for the Church, the beloved Bride of Christ; for His vicar, our beloved Father. For the honour and the cult of Mary Immaculate….to live a life of suffering out of love…”
We are at the mercy of the French Government with the Associations Law, an infamous attempt to stop new orders and seize land…we had to wait to declare ourselves a religious community and all I had worked for under the guidance of my excellent spiritual advisors, all, seemed to be coming to naught.  I thought perhaps we would go to 40 rue de la Barre, or Belgium, but to England, land of martyrs.
But, leave we must, and Monsieur Audollent is sent from our dear Cardinal de la Vergne, the Father of this order, to Cardinal Vaughan. I must be ever patient, resting in the Sacred Heart. Ah, poor Archbishop Guibert, buried in the Basilica, we must leave him and all our memories.  Such is the Dark Night of the Soul, when God strips all. And yet, my Beloved knows I belong to Him and all my daughters belong to Him.  And, I recall the day the Cardinal said “This is from God”, ratifying my vision of permanent Adoration, and unity two great devotions, that of the Eucharist and that of the Sacred Heart. “This if from God.”
(A monstrance on an altar appears in the French room and the sun begins to shine everywhere.)
Over and over again, I faced this anxiety and pain. But, few knew why. The call of the nun is the call of the Bridegroom and yes, I am a Bride, but unlike so many called before, the Teresas, the Catherines, I had ecstasy  and then pain.  Most are called to the unitive state of being one with God after the Dark Night. But, for me, there was another dimension, another working of God’s grace in the world. I shall try and explain. 
Scene Three:  The room in Tyburn with the dying Mother Marie Adele.
Mother Marie Adele:  Montmarte, how we loved the hill of the martyrs, and yet, God called us, through His Eucharistic Heart to this country, this place of martyrs, this Tyburn.  Montmarte, now filled with the beautiful Basilica, which I perhaps will never see again.
That perhaps was the second lowest time in the growth of our dear community.  I cannot speak of the worst, the attacks of the evil one directly on my young nuns.  We endured and would have stayed in the shadow of Montmarte.  We, like the children of the Diaspora, were forced out. But, I did not want us to be separated. Remember, Dear Lord, how my heart ached. How I did not want to leave my beloved France, where in secret we had our little clothing ceremony, at Levallois-Perret, with dear Father Balme, who called us the la graine de moutarde.  We were so small, so small.
But, God sent me good advisors, as He always did, to guide us across the Sleeve to this place.
A few nuns with suitcases appear in the background at a port like Dover. They are greeted by other nuns.
But, I trusted, trusted in the darkness that this monstrous law would not touch us. Cardinal Vaughan responded to our request to come here…so long ago it seems…to adore The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus in the heart of London.
I shall never forget my Alice Andrade…soon to be my Mother Mary Agnes, as God will make her superior for a while…  la graine de moutarde.  
Scene Four:
Again, at Vllenueve-sur-Yonne,  they are in a rose garden by the house-but earlier and Marie Adele is in French 19thcentury middle-class civilian clothes. Alice is much younger. They meet and embrace, soul sisters for life.
She was with me from 1896, and when we saw each other, she cried out to me “My Mother”. And I cried “My Daughter.”  So we were bound in the love of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.  She was 23 and I was 58. How odd that I thought I was old. Now, I am old. But, the journey of my life of perfection seems so short, so short.
Would we have started out knowing all the hardships? Does a married couple in love and happy think of the cruelties of life to come? No, we only think and feel love.  Mother Agnes and I wrote almost daily when apart, and she has kept all of those letters.  Someday, my daughters will read and wonder at the boldness of our undertaking in such a hostile environment as the Eldest Daughter of France had become…so sad, so melancholy.  But, we are the mustard seed in England, in this soil made fertile with the blood of Edmund Campion, Robert Southwell, Anne Line Oliver Plunkett and so many others.
Scene Five:  The room in Tyburn again.
The Tyburn Gallows, the Tyburn Tree, appears behind her and stays until all the nuns are gone.
She is interrupted by the nuns coming in and she blesses them. They all bow their heads in prayer but leave again, each bowing to her as they leave.
Mother Marie Adele continues: What I could not tell Mother Agnes for a long time was that the Bridal Love ended in a call to become a Victim Soul.  How does one explain a call to be a victim for others, for England, for France, for the clergy, even for my nuns? Can they see the love through the willing suffering of a soul which gives up all comfort for the sake of others?
I have another memory, one of my times of trying so hard to listen to the Will of God in my life, as that is all I ever wanted was His Will. How many long years, when I was a governess, did I beg my Bridegroom that only His Perfect Will would be done in my life? All for love.
I was in the Convent of Marie Reparatrice, in Paris, and I was in torment.  I think it was 1876, so long ago.  Staying in the community for eight days, in a little Nazareth, I was trying to understand how I could fulfill the Will of my Beloved. How could I, no one in the world, show the world His love in the Eucharistic Heart?

Scene Six: The room fades away and it is a little, simple nun’s cell in France, with one wooden chair, one bed, a crucifix.
On the way, I had seen close by, a house, and my heart started to pump wildly.  It stood out from the rest and I had the great sensation that I would be returning to Montmarte. And, I remember the number, 42.
Marie Adele is sitting in a plain chair when a nun bursts in and the scene continues in these words….nun does all the things Mother Adele describes in this passage from one of her letters.
But, on the way back, I stopped at LeMans and stayed again with the Reparatrices.  The nuns gave me a little room in which to rest, when suddenly, an old nun came into the room.  Then, she surprised me greatly. She came over to me and embraced me, saying, “Oh, it is you! I had begged Our Lord so much to let me see you again. I have something to tell you, but I could not have suspected that you were here! I mistook the door, I ought to have visited the retreatant who is in the next room. But, since it is Jesus who has led me here, I must speak to you on his behalf.”
“Taken aback, I made her sit down. Then I could not contain myself any longer. I threw myself into her arms, sobbing, and said to her, My Mother, oh my Mother, I beg you, tell me if it is Jesus who is calling. Yes, she replied, it is Jesus who will you to be a victim of His Eucharistic Heart. He wishes me to tell you this. Bewildered, overwhelmed, I no longer knew what was to become of me. The kind Mother said to me, Be happy, calm yourself, Jesus is calling you, have no doubt about this….Some time ago, a holy Religious from the south of France…wrote to me that Jesus was asking for victims consecrated to His Eucharistic Heart, that He thirsted for them, that He marked them out in the world and that they must be brought to Him…On reading her letter, your image then rose before me with such clarity and with so great an assurance of the Will of Jesus for you, that no doubt remained in my mind. From that moment, I have been begging Jesus day and night to make us meet again. It is He who allowed me to come to the wrong door.”
Her words created a brilliant light in my heart and mind. No longer could I doubt. I knew I was destined to return to Montmarte.  Amazingly, for my timidity was gone completely, I had no fear, no fear of the future to which God was calling me.
Scene Seven: Back in the room at Tyburn.   Mother Adele is in bed, with a nun beside her. Mother is very ill.
Her thoughts continue: But, I did not know, when the Dear Lord of my heart called me that day to be, first His fiancé and then, His bride, what suffering this would mean.
How could I understand the Passion of Christ without experiencing it and how could I be joined in love to Him unless He led me to Calvary.
My way has not been easy, as I have had an independent spirit.  This is a gift from God which must be crushed by love and love alone, but when Christ asked me to join Him in suffering, how could I say no.
As a younger person, I had ecstasies of love and contemplation, His gifts to His Bride, but now, I must rest in “grace that comes from the torture of Christ”.
The young nun wipes the head of Mother Adele and lifts her up to give her water. Mother Adele looks at her deeply and blesses her. A large crucifix, like the one at Tyburn on the stairs going up in the enclosure, appears behind her bed. Then, she sees all the nuns going about their work, cleaning, cooking, gardening, keeping watch in front of the Monstrance.
Her thoughts continue:  When the torture of the Cross passes, I am calm again, but how can I explain all this love to these young ones?  I have told them that if they follow the Rule of St. Benedict and allow themselves to be perfected, they will be led by Christ, through His Eucharistic Heart into the Unitive State.  Now, on my death bed, I await this last movement into unity.  I offered myself by the Vow of Victim in 1893 on March 31st, Good Friday, at three, with my spiritual director l’Abbe Courtois’ approval, and now, 31 years later, I am finally coming to the consummation of that love.
“Jesus….showed me that for this I had to attain very great purity of heart, soul, mind and body, so that the victim—who would also be priest with Jesus, would be not defiled”. 
Such abandonment is barely understood, but our Father Benedict knew this and his Rule shows us the way.
Jesus finally told me that He was calling me to the interior priesthood, offering up daily, constantly all for and in and through Him. There is a mystery here I cannot explain. Do they know? Can they see? How can I explain suffering for others? How can anyone explain what happened on Calvary?
Some think kneeling in front of the Eucharist in the Monstrance must be a peaceful experience. It is not. It is joining with the moment of the death of God.
Mother puts her hand on the arm of the young nun and looks at her intensely.
So like the martyrs of Montmarte and Tyburn, I agreed so long ago to martyrdom. But, I did not know it would last so long. Such sanctification is in the daily, little things, as well as the great suffering of illness.  How long, oh Lord, how long? “Pray for me so that I might be faithful to love the Cross always and not desire to be freed from it.”
I have one more, dear, dear memory.
Scene Eight: Mother Adele is in full habit and writing to her new spiritual director. She is very happy, and serene. The day is bright, as it is August, and she is sitting in a garden with a writing desk on her lap.  She looks at the ring on her finger. She is smiling and looks beautiful in her face.
It was many years since I had been asked by Christ to make the mystical marriage, but I had been called to sacrifice myself and was reminded of the words of St. Paul in Romans.   I wrote to my new spiritual father Abbot Marmion, our guide in so many things to come.  In this letter, I told him of my double life, “It is as if in me there are two persons, one who is suffering terribly, who believes that everything is finished and that it cannot bear for long the torment of its anxieties and responsibility. And then, another that is sustained by God, by faith, accepting everything, who abandons herself to all, who, seeing with certainty that she can do nothing except rely on God and pray to Him, dwelling in peace adoring and blessing with all her heart and all her soul with an immense love and intense joy, the Lord her God, the Master infinitely great, powerful and wise…It is difficult to give an account of a state so complex, as a double life, one life natural, physical and moral, also sensitive to a certain extent, it is really pitiable, but at the same time a supernatural life, high, living of love, of conformity and of abandonment to divine Good Pleasure…”
A light covers Mother Adele and the entire room is bleached with this light. Her habit turns into a wedding dress for a moment and then back to her habit. At the end of the scene, a sun appears over a picture on the wall of the Tridentine Mass, Mother Adele’s Mass. But, she gets up and kisses the picture of the sun.
As I told Abbe Courtois years ago, God approaches me as light, a penetrating, gentle light, but that is gone now, as I am back in the darkness of Golgotha, but not for long.
How many other souls are there who are called to this bridal love and who may not answer? They do not because they know not love. But, if they would only come to the Eucharist, to Adoration, to Tyburn, these gentle souls would find love, as He is here.
I tell my daughters that “The Mass has become like the sun of my life.” This is the Sun of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. But, there are many mysteries in the world, and my acceptance of suffering for others is one.  I am sure there are many called to this type of existence.  How many answer yes?  Even the apostles fell asleep in Gethsemane. I cannot fall asleep into mediocrity or complacency.  For the sake of my Lord, my God, my All.
Scene 9:  All the nuns are with Mother Marie Adele as she is dying. They are singing the Salve Regina, and the room is full of the same white light as in the last scene.
Mother Adele thoughts again: It is June 17th, my last day on this earth, in this place. I have just told Mother Agnes that I am happy. On this same day, in 1887, 37 years ago, I wrote out my first complete sacrifice to the Divine Will.
Nuns sing and the room is filled with light.  The Tyburn Altar to the Martyrs is seen and then the Eucharist at Tyburn, and finally, the Eucharist on all the altars of Tyburn around the world, Columbia, Peru, Scotland, Ireland, Rome, Nigeria, New Zealand, Australia,  Ecuador…. All the faces of the multicultural order are seen.  And, then, the grave of Mother Marie Adele at Tyburn with follows…with a young nun kneeling in front…fade out.
Mother Marie Adele’s thoughts continue:  There were others before me who understood this mysterious of love-St. Teresa of Avila, whose Spanish passion is so different yet like my own. St. Rita, St. Francis, St. Therese, our newest flower, and more who are being called.  Did I succeed in sharing love? Will they continue in this love? Will more come? 
Mother Marie Adele repeats the opening lines: The day is dark for June. But, the day mirrors the darkness of Calvary, when the storms blew across Golgotha at the death of My Lord. I have left notes and letters, like clues for my dear daughters, hoping they will understand the path I had to follow all these years. My dear daughters have been called to come to me for a blessing. 
Scene Ten: Mother Agnes  is in the garden of Tyburn. The voice of her and Mother Marie Adele are in her mind;
Mother, are you happy?  Oh, yes, I am so happy with God!...and with my children.”
Then, Mother Agnes reads this prayer:
 Father, all powerful and ever-living God, we give you glory, praise and thanks for the life and virtue of your beloved daughter, Marie-Adele Garnier. Filled with the riches of your grace, and preferring nothing to the love of the Heart of Jesus Christ, she devoted her whole life to the adoration, praise and glory of your Name: she sacrificed herself by prayer and penance for the unity and holiness of your Church; she loved her neighbor with a charity full of humility and compassion.  Above all, she found the Sun of her life in the Holy Mass, and so was consumed with zeal for liturgical worship and Eucharistic Adoration, and abandoned herself with all her heart to your most Holy Will is all things.
In your mercy Lord, hearken to our prayer: “Glorify your Servant Mother Marie-Adele Garnier, that your Servant may glorify You.”
We ask this through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reign with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, world without end. Amen.

(Bibliography on request.)

More News  old story but worth repeating

I have given readers many links to such articles. One can also find things on Drudge, Jihad Watch, Atlas Shrugs, Daily Mail, as well as The Times of Israel. This is the last post on articles like these, as a good teacher expects the students to learn research skills in finding out material.

Prayers for all involve in these stories.

Sometimes, I think I should have just raised bison for research....or been a bird expert. Kidding...

The indigo bunting uses stars as a guide to migrate at night!

Millions of bison once roamed great distances. Neal Smith Refuge has a small herd to study the impacts on the ecosystem.

News from SPUC

Lords should reject 3-parent embryo regulations, says SPUC
London, 24 February 2015: The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has called on members of the House of Lords is to reject the so-called "three-parent" embryo regulations being debated in the upper chamber today. The procedure is said to be necessary to help families affected by rare mitochondrial diseases.
These regulations (the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Mitochondrial Donation) Regulations) are designed to usher in the cloning of human embryos. The manipulation of the human germ line would be permitted for the first time, contrary to modern international biomedicine agreements and long-standing ethical principles.
Commenting on the background to today's debate, Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, said: "The 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act was not intended to permit human cloning, and so the alteration of germ-line genetic material was forbidden. The restrictions have been repeatedly weakened, however, and this is a further stage in dismantling the so-called safeguards of the embryology law.
"It is often supposed that the objection to germ-line modification is that it will lead to the creation of either 'monsters' or super-humans. Neither outcome is likely. Instead, many embryos will die in the efforts to restructure their genetic make-up."
Mr Tully continued: "The reality is that we know far too little about mitochondria to know what impact the cloning process would have on mitochondrial disease. It is true that the mitochondria carry very few genes but scores of other genes needed by mitochondria are stored in the cell nucleus. Transferring the nucleus of an ovum or an embryo to another cell cannot be predicted to have any certain benefit.
"The proponents of embryo research have repeatedly held out promises of cures and medical advances in the field of inherited conditions. But the benefits have always failed to materialise, and we suspect that the same is happening again here. The parents of children affected by mitochondrial disease are being exploited to support unethical experiments, based on the false hope that their children will benefit."
"Legislators have been consistently misled in the past about the prospects of success and the future intentions of those who want to use the tiniest humans - human embryos - for experiments. They should reject today's proposals." concluded Mr Tully.


Many Assyrian Christians have emigrated in the nearly four-year-long conflict in which more than 200,000 have people have been killed. Before the arrival of Kurds and Arab nomadic tribes at the end of the 19th century, Christians formed the majority in Syria's Jazeera area, which includes Hasaka.

and pray for this brave woman

Part of this is in today's breviary

Joel 2 New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)

Blow the trumpet in Zion;
    sound the alarm on my holy mountain!
Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble,
    for the day of the Lord is coming, it is near—
a day of darkness and gloom,
    a day of clouds and thick darkness!
Like blackness spread upon the mountains
    a great and powerful army comes;
their like has never been from of old,
    nor will be again after them
    in ages to come.
Fire devours in front of them,
    and behind them a flame burns.
Before them the land is like the garden of Eden,
    but after them a desolate wilderness,
    and nothing escapes them.
They have the appearance of horses,
    and like war-horses they charge.
As with the rumbling of chariots,
    they leap on the tops of the mountains,
like the crackling of a flame of fire
    devouring the stubble,
like a powerful army
    drawn up for battle.
Before them peoples are in anguish,
    all faces grow pale.[a]
Like warriors they charge,
    like soldiers they scale the wall.
Each keeps to its own course,
    they do not swerve from[b] their paths.
They do not jostle one another,
    each keeps to its own track;
they burst through the weapons
    and are not halted.
They leap upon the city,
    they run upon the walls;
they climb up into the houses,
    they enter through the windows like a thief.
10 The earth quakes before them,
    the heavens tremble.
The sun and the moon are darkened,
    and the stars withdraw their shining.
11 The Lord utters his voice
    at the head of his army;
how vast is his host!
    Numberless are those who obey his command.
Truly the day of the Lord is great;
    terrible indeed—who can endure it?
12 Yet even now, says the Lord,
    return to me with all your heart,
with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;
13     rend your hearts and not your clothing.
Return to the Lord, your God,
    for he is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love,
    and relents from punishing.
14 Who knows whether he will not turn and relent,
    and leave a blessing behind him,
a grain offering and a drink offering
    for the Lord, your God?
15 Blow the trumpet in Zion;
    sanctify a fast;
call a solemn assembly;
16     gather the people.
Sanctify the congregation;
    assemble the aged;
gather the children,
    even infants at the breast.
Let the bridegroom leave his room,
    and the bride her canopy.
17 Between the vestibule and the altar
    let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep.
Let them say, “Spare your people, O Lord,
    and do not make your heritage a mockery,
    a byword among the nations.
Why should it be said among the peoples,
    ‘Where is their God?’”