Tuesday, 1 October 2013

St. Therese, Pray for Us

At Mass today for the Feast of St. Therese, the priest, who  is a Carmelite prior, wore the chasuble made by Sister Celine, St. Therese's sister. It is absolutely beautiful. After Mass, I got to touch the front and the back, all embroidered with flowers and with an additional colored set in of a picture of St. Therese, made of some material I could not identify. I got to touch that as well.

God our Father,
you promised your kingdom
to those who are willing to become like little children.
Help us to follow the way of St Thérèse with confidence
so that by her prayers
we may come to know your eternal glory.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Isaiah 66:10-14c; 1John 4:7-16; Gospel - Matthew 11:25-30 or 18:1-4. Readings of the Day

Interesting article on new council


One man sees the ideological war

What these questions suggest is that this is at root a political and ideological war, and the Beltway has assembled its usual bodyguard of lies and liars to conceal that truth.


Great Site for Angel Paintings


Thanks to a friend for sending me these.

Packing, unpacking, packing, unpacking

As I am in transit for the next seven days, going from pillar to post, as it were, please keep me in your prayers. Thanks. And, I remember all my friends who travel for their jobs. May God bless them. Maybe some of you good readers could have a Mass said for my intentions, please.

Thank you.