I have set up reposts for tomorrow. Thank you to those who made suggestions.
Monday, 7 April 2014
Pray for my intentions to Father Hardon
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Prayer for the Beatification and Canonization of Father John Hardon
Almighty God, You gave Your servant,
Father John Anthony Hardon of the Society of Jesus,
the grace of religious and priestly consecration after the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Father John Anthony Hardon of the Society of Jesus,
the grace of religious and priestly consecration after the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Through Father Hardon,
You provided for your Flock an extraordinary teacher of the faith.
You provided for your Flock an extraordinary teacher of the faith.
You entrusted Father Hardon into the loving
care of the Blessed Virgin Mary
whose counsel, "Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5)
he faithfully followed and whose intercession he unceasingly invoked.
care of the Blessed Virgin Mary
whose counsel, "Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5)
he faithfully followed and whose intercession he unceasingly invoked.
If it be Your holy will, please grant the request I now make,
calling upon the help of Father Hardon,
so that his heroic sanctity may be recognized in the whole Church.
calling upon the help of Father Hardon,
so that his heroic sanctity may be recognized in the whole Church.
I ask this through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
with You and the Holy Spirit, is one God forever and ever.
with You and the Holy Spirit, is one God forever and ever.
Teaching reading, parents, from books
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Serious reading takes a hit from online scanning and skimming, researchers say
By Michael S. Rosenwald, Monday, April 7, 1:34 AM
Claire Handscombe has a commitment problem online. Like a lot of Web surfers, she clicks on links posted on social networks, reads a few sentences, looks for exciting words, and then grows restless, scampering off to the next page she probably won’t commit to.“I give it a few seconds — not even minutes — and then I’m moving again,” says Handscombe, a 35-year-old graduate student in creative writing at American University.
But it’s not just online anymore. She finds herself behaving the same way with a novel.
“It’s like your eyes are passing over the words but you’re not taking in what they say,” she confessed. “When I realize what’s happening, I have to go back and read again and again.”
more here
Tomorrow is Repost Day
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If you, Dear Readers, want me to repost something tomorrow, let me know here today.
I am in a repost mood.
I am in a repost mood.
Predominant Fault Posts
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Use the tags and labels to read the posts on one's predominant fault, if you have not done so already.
Hard stuff, but necessary for the road to perfection.
There are 45 posts dealing with that topic directly.

And, speaking of saints, you may enjoy a short post from my old blog, just to prove I blogged long ago and far away in another land.
Hard stuff, but necessary for the road to perfection.
There are 45 posts dealing with that topic directly.
And, speaking of saints, you may enjoy a short post from my old blog, just to prove I blogged long ago and far away in another land.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008On Father Damien of Molokai
- A Traditional Catholic Blog for England, the United States, and elsewhere...
The recent announcement that Father Damien of Molokai will be canonized in the near
future fills me with great joy. Father Damien (Joseph de Veuster) is one of my favourite
saints, and his recognition for a holy life by the Universal Church is an event I shall
welcome with happiness.
If any of you have not watched Aldyth Morris' Damien with Terence Knapp, I highly
recommend you do so. The one-man play is powerful and dramatically intriguing. It won
the George Peabody, Ohio State, and Christopher awards for the author and director. In
addition to those, the play won the PBS Honorable Mention for Drama and the National
Association of Educational Broadcasters Award for Art Directing. Ms. Morris died in 1997.
She also wrote similar dramatic interpretations, including one on Robert Louis Stevenson
and one on Captain James Cook
This is not the same as the movie called Molokai, which is fine and features an amazing
cast, but not as moving and spiritually profound as Morris' one-man play. However, it is a
good introduction.
This portrait of the saint reveals an understanding of the overlap of personality and grace.
I have set a prayer before Father Damien, and ask that you join me in this "special intention",
which is such a Catholic thing to do.
Posted by Supertradmom at 8:37 PM
Well, I can eliminate two men
Posted by
from the long list of those GOPers wanting to be president.
Jeb Bush and Chris Christie do not sound presidential to me, but stuck in a small, small world of their own.
I am looking at Ted Cruz, Marc Rubio and Rand Paul. As much as I like Santorum as a person, I do not think he is electable and I am a political realist.
As to recent discussions with friends, I can see that one of the defects of the Millennials and young Gen Xers is cynicism and a lowering of standards in their expectations for moral politicians.
We must not settle for liars and cheats. We must hold our leaders to the highest standards of morality.
Noblesse oblige might be dead, and we may no longer believe in a trained, even hereditary civil service, but we must pray and train leaders to exemplify moral strength and virtue.
Even the Greeks and Republican Romans held virtue to be necessary for leaders.
If we train our own children to be virtuous, we shall get virtuous politicians.
Cynicism is a sin. Period.
Jeb Bush and Chris Christie do not sound presidential to me, but stuck in a small, small world of their own.
I am looking at Ted Cruz, Marc Rubio and Rand Paul. As much as I like Santorum as a person, I do not think he is electable and I am a political realist.
As to recent discussions with friends, I can see that one of the defects of the Millennials and young Gen Xers is cynicism and a lowering of standards in their expectations for moral politicians.
We must not settle for liars and cheats. We must hold our leaders to the highest standards of morality.
Noblesse oblige might be dead, and we may no longer believe in a trained, even hereditary civil service, but we must pray and train leaders to exemplify moral strength and virtue.
Even the Greeks and Republican Romans held virtue to be necessary for leaders.
If we train our own children to be virtuous, we shall get virtuous politicians.
Cynicism is a sin. Period.
Repost on false marriages
Posted by
Monday, 2 December 2013
It all started with a marriage once before......
Thomas Cromwell made all this possible: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissolution_of_the_Monasteries |
show us how "legal" rulings incrementally persecuted the Church.
Many readers make comments which indicate that they are not preparing for persecution. Daily decisions bring
Many readers make comments which indicate that they are not preparing for persecution. Daily decisions bring
us to the end decision. Such a decision as to stand for Our Beloved Lord, Jesus Christ, does not happen automatically.
We are prepared for such. Those Catholics who support ssm and abortion are no different than those who sided
We are prepared for such. Those Catholics who support ssm and abortion are no different than those who sided
with Henry, Elizabeth, and others against their former brothers and sisters in Christ.
Those Catholics who changed sides, left the Pope of Rome for the religious governance of Henry and Elizabeth,
Those Catholics who changed sides, left the Pope of Rome for the religious governance of Henry and Elizabeth,
did so for many reasons. The two greatest were status (titles) and money (bribes even from the throne).
The so-called enemy of the realm held on to the Truth of Scripture and Tradition. Those who left the Church, the majority, took their own immortal souls into their own hands.
Thanks to Wiki for the short list. I have left on the links for your perusal.
Statute in Restraint of Appeals of 1533, forbidding all appeals to the Pope.
Act of Supremacy, passed by Parliament in 1534
Act for the Dissolution of the Lesser Monasteries and Dissolution of Lesser Monasteries Act, 1535
which suppressed all the houses which did not agree to the marriage of Henry and Anne Boleyn.
The so-called enemy of the realm held on to the Truth of Scripture and Tradition. Those who left the Church, the majority, took their own immortal souls into their own hands.
Thanks to Wiki for the short list. I have left on the links for your perusal.
Statute in Restraint of Appeals of 1533, forbidding all appeals to the Pope.
Act of Supremacy, passed by Parliament in 1534
Act for the Dissolution of the Lesser Monasteries and Dissolution of Lesser Monasteries Act, 1535
which suppressed all the houses which did not agree to the marriage of Henry and Anne Boleyn.
- An act for the Dissolution of the lesser Monasteries at tudorplace.com.ar
- Act for the Dissolution of the Lesser Monasteries, full text at freeuk.net
Second Suppression Act (1539).
Act of Supremacy 1558, making Elizabeth head of the church.
Act of Uniformity of 1559 which made it a crime not to attend Anglican services.
January 10, 1581, "recalling Her Majesty's subjects which under pretense of studies do live beyond the seas both contrary to the laws of God and of the realm, and against such as do receive or retain Jesuits and massing priests, sowers of sedition and of other treasonable attempts."
By this proclamation the relatives of seminarists had to recall them, or lose all civil rights. It was illegal to send t
By this proclamation the relatives of seminarists had to recall them, or lose all civil rights. It was illegal to send t
hem any supplies. Jesuits and priests must be surrendered; anyone knowingly harboring them was guilty of
sedition and treason. http://www.catholictradition.org/Saints/campion.htm
From then on, it was illegal for a Catholic priest or seminarian to be in England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland. It was
illegal for the family of these men to help them.
All these persecuting laws were legal in the land, according to Parliament or royal decree.
If readers cannot see the parallels coming, I cannot help them more than to point out the historical precedence.
Some readers believe this will never happen. It has already started happening.
A couple had to close their bakery business and pay fines...
A young photographer had to pay fines....
A bed and breakfast couple had to pay fines and sell their house/business...
Teachers, who are faithful, are leaving the profession so as not to teach serious error...
An Anglican priest is being taken to court in the Hague for refusing to witness a ssm....
A new curriculum will make students learn ssm is ok......here, in America.....in England....
A new curriculum will make students learn ssm is ok......here, in America.....in England....
It was a false marriage which brought down the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church in England, and it looks
as if false, same-sex so-called marriages will do the same. But, this time, England will not be the only country to persecute the real Church.
This will happen in many, many countries, including the United States.
Scary Lady
Posted by
Very concerned about this new movement and the number of Protestants supporting this pro-abort woman.
Also, she must be seen in this video below, showing her true allegiances.
Dangerous stuff. And, two so-called Catholic journalists (women) have come out supporting here. If they do this, they are endangering their own souls, as Hillary is absolutely committed to abortion and lgtb "rights".

Also, she must be seen in this video below, showing her true allegiances.
Dangerous stuff. And, two so-called Catholic journalists (women) have come out supporting here. If they do this, they are endangering their own souls, as Hillary is absolutely committed to abortion and lgtb "rights".

Patheos, Standing on my head, on Anglican threat
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and original article
Please read these..................
and original article
Please read these..................
Wake Up, People
Posted by
and this http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/04/04/moms-anti-common-core-stance-gets-her-suspended-from-sons-school-threatened-with-arrest/
plus see other two blog posts on Common Core evil...
and this http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/04/04/moms-anti-common-core-stance-gets-her-suspended-from-sons-school-threatened-with-arrest/
plus see other two blog posts on Common Core evil...
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