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Thursday 28 August 2014

Review of Brain Death Posts for D., on Request

More news....

Prayers Needed, Please

Please take a moment to pray for me and my family, including son today. Thanks.

In The Trenches

Must rely on re-posts today and here are some of the ones from the past on St. Augustine:

27 Feb 2013
I am presenting bits of the City of God by St. Augustine. After Augustine I shall highlight SS. Jerome and John Chrysostom, as part of the section on the Classical Doctors of the Church. Of course, those of you who have been ...
09 Dec 2012
Here is a commentary and a quotation from St. Augustine on the Feast of the Maccabees, August 1st Sermon 300. (Other Fathers of the Church commented on the Maccabean martyrs as well). Let no one think that before there ...
27 May 2014
St. Augustine and his companions brought Christianity again to England at the order of Pope St. Gregory, who saw the beautiful Angle-Saxons slaves in Rome and called them "Angels, not Angles." May God in His Mercy let ...
04 Jan 2013
Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation. St. Augustine
01 Mar 2013
One forgets the world of St. Augustine was very much like ours today. He grew up and went to a classical school. He went to the theatre most likely in or near Tagaste (Thagaste). He went to the University at Carthage and went ...
07 Aug 2012
From St. Augustine. Posted by Supertradmum. Whenever we suffer some affliction, we should regard it both as punishment and as a correction. Our holy Scriptures themselves do not promise us peace, security and rest.
13 Nov 2013
Many, many years ago, in a great on line college, I taught some of the works of St. Augustine for beginners. I covered Confessions and the City of God . I had great fun and was sad when the course ended. I had taught ...
01 Mar 2013
Looking at a sermon of St. Augustine's (his works took over long aisles in the Notre Dame library when I was there), one can perceive this dialectic in his thought. In this perfection series, I am addressing the laity, so that we ...

18 Aug 2014
... to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest. Labels: doctors of the Church, Illuminative State, latin doctors, perfection, perfection again, perfection series II, perfection series III, perfection series IV, St. Augustine of Hippo ...
27 Feb 2013
Sadly, I leave the great and sweet St. Bernard behind and move to the Doctors of the Church in the Classical Period. St. Augustine will be the focus for a few days. May I state that he has most likely been one of the greatest ...
28 Aug 2013
St. Augustine of Hippo, Pray for Us. Posted by Supertradmum. If you have not read the Confessions or the City of God, do. I actually, years ago, was asked to teach the City of God at a small Catholic college.
04 Mar 2013
On to St. Ambrose, the great teacher of St. be continued. There are other postings on Augustine on this blog as well. And, I recommend the older Peter Brown biography. One should always start, of course, with ...
16 Jan 2013
(14) The fact that God foresees our salutary and meritorious acts presupposes, according to the teaching of St. Augustine, the decree of the divine will as regards these acts.(15) Father PortaliĆ© considers that St. Augustine ...
22 Jul 2014
Basically, the Church has accepted and made into teachings the insights of St. Augustine against the Pelagians and Semipelagians. There is Original Sin, grace is necessary and gratuitous, and we are absolutely dependent ...
28 Feb 2013
I know I started the postings on St. Augustine, which will continue on Friday, but today I was reading in the sermon of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, On Detraction. I am only going to refer to two ideas, both repetitions on this blog.
23 Mar 2013
St. Thomas, following St. Augustine and opposing Pelagian or semi-Pelagian naturalism, grasped the depth and the height of our Lord's words: "Without Me you can do nothing," [1] and of St. Paul's words: "For it is God Who ...
27 Aug 2012
Happy Feast of St. Monica. This is my favourite painting of St. Monica and St. Augustine. God bless all mums and sons today and bring them all closer to God. A mother's influence is great, for good or for evil. Let us pray for all ...