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Monday 11 May 2015

"To draw souls to interior recollection."

The above quotation is from Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity.

A reader sent me the autobiography of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity last week, but it is late in the post. When I get it, I shall share some bits with you.

A website dedicated to her has a mini-life found here....

Some of the photos of her online are copyrighted, but one can buy postcards, from this page. I do not know much about her except what I have read online, but she is obviously a person to help us understand the Indwelling of the Trinity.

Another interesting site on her may be found here...

I think this quotation of hers below will touch many who read this today.

"Before I die, I long to be transformed into Jesus Crucified and this gives me great strength in suffering ... Love your misery, for upon it God exercises His mercy."

Anything is possible....pray for the Pope