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Sunday 28 July 2013

False Triumphalism Is Not Faith and Why WYD Will Be in Poland

Sometimes I think that professional Catholics, those who work in chancery offices, schools, or parishes forget how small the real Catholic population is in England. Out of the six million Catholics in Great Britain, only over a million attend church regularly, and out of those, many would be contracepting and even pro-abortion. Many more would be in favour of ssm and disobedient in other ways.

The triumphalism which exists reveals that some Catholics live in cloud-cuckoo-land. The Church is also seriously divided in GB into factions. Neo-pelagianism is still a popular heresy, as is gnosticism, New Agism, the belief in universal salvation, and all the modernist heresies. Also, there are too many Catholics following false seers and false ideas found in the charismatic groups. I have written about this before. Many of the youth ministries are not orthodox. Orthodox marriage prep and catechesis may be impossible to find.

Scott Hahn, once a charismatic himself, told me the charismatic movement was one lane coming into the church and six going out. What is the calculus for Catholic youth ministries? How many lanes in? How many lanes out? quotation from Austin Ruse, President of C-Fam

We shall see a fall-out of Catholics once fines and penalties apply regarding ssm. 

A very small group of orthodox Catholics exist. See

Here is a page of graphs and statistics for those who doubt me.

I highlight one graph here. The numbers may be up slightly. So much for WYDs bringing in lots of vocations, which is a myth. The problems are, of course, parents not passing down the Faith, too much moral compromising, and a lack of obedience to Rome.

There are probably more orthodox Catholics in the city of Krakow than in all of GB. I wish people would be real and face the situation of a Church in crisis in Great Britain. Recently, a priest noted that it is the Polish immigrants in Scotland which are holding up numbers in the Catholic Church there. I am sure the same is true in Ireland.