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Thursday 6 February 2014

The Grieving Prophet Part Three

Jeremiah 20:9

Then I said: I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name: and there came in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was wearied, not being able to bear it.
There are some people who have been on the cutting edge of prophecy in the past forty years. Some are dead and some are alive.
E. Michael Jones.
Michael Davies
Michael Voris
Malachi Martin
Benedict, Pope Emeritus
These men have been telling the Church of the times to come, of trials and the remnant.
When I was twenty-two and came back to the Church in a dramatic way as told here, I was also "told" I was like Jeremiah.
I did not understand what this meant. But, over the years, I have experienced physically and spiritually the smoke of satan in the Church, in Catholic education, in chancery offices, in seminaries, and have tried to explain to all who were interested the importance of these times. I have also experienced this suffering earlier in order to prepare myself and others.

Now, at the edge of disaster, I can only repeat what burns in my heart, even though I am very weary.
The weariness is caused by the fact that I am isolated and must rely totally on God, the God of the Dark Night. His Presence is that of the Hidden God. And, yet, I am compelled to share the messages of the day.
It should be obvious to all Catholics that we are entering into the last stages of persecution.
I can only say and write the words which should be clear in the signs of the times. We do not need seers or secret messages. We only need common sense and we only need to reflect, think, see.
If you, dear readers, are continuing to go on as if nothing is changing, I cannot say or do anything else for you.
Jeremiah was taken to Babylon but then released. Then, finally, Jeremiah went into exile into Egypt. In the Hebrew tradition, he was stoned to death there.
I finally discovered why I am here, now, at this time-to warn Americans especially, but also the Europeans, one more time, of the coming disaster which will come as punishment for sin and depravity. And, the sin is that same sin which afflicted the Jews in the time of Jeremiah-idolatry.
God has begun the sifting. He is preparing His remnant.