There is no reason for Christmas carol services, parties, concerts or decorations until Christmas Day or Christmas Eve itself.
Why Catholics omit Advent has been a mystery to me my entire adult life.
I have always refused to go to any Christmas celebrations until Christmas Day and after. The Twelve Days of Christmas, between Christmas Day and January 6th, "Little Christmas", was for centuries the way Catholics celebrated Christmas in free lands.
People have become angry with me when I have said "no" to Christmas activities in Advent, but I am a Daughter of the Church, who is Her wisdom has set aside a time of preparation for Christmas. Those who do not want to do penance cannot understand those of us who prefer to follow the ancient traditions of the Church.
What happened?
When I was a child, we had many Advent customs which I have put at the end of this blog. Advent is the season of waiting, praying, preparing for the coming of Christ, the Incarnate One. As I indicate elsewhere, we had an empty manger and if we children did a good deed, we could put on piece of straw in the manger in order to make Jesus a nice bed. If we did something bad, we had to take out a piece of straw. Our deeds prepared for the coming of Jesus either as welcomed or not welcomed.
A large tapestry quilt especially made of a tree hung on the wall provided the Jesse Tree on which we hung, for four weeks daily, the symbols from the Old Testament genealogy and prophecies of the Messiah, the Christ. My son hung those for years with pins, standing on a chair when very small to reach, finally the top. I gave it to someone when he grew up. The book which provided the prayers and symbols is seen below. I highly recommend it. My son learned Old Testament Scripture this way. I had bought this book in the 1970s and it has been reprinted.
We fasted, reflected, on the sins of the world which are the reason for Christ coming. Without the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, Christmas makes no sense.
I wrote years ago on the fact that in the old days, Christmas Eve was a day of fast and abstinence. Fish soups and other dishes from many nations fed Catholics before they celebrated on Christmas Day.
One of the readings in the very old liturgy of the Mass was the same reading as found in Holy Week on the "necessary fault of Adam" which brought about the Incarnation. And December 24th was the Feast Day of Adam and Eve. now saints in heaven freed by Christ in the Harrowing of Hell.
What happened?
Catholics have become impatient, incapable of waiting, reflecting, praying. We have too many things, and too many events which keep us from Advent.
Catholic schools have been in error for years having Christmas concerts in Advent. All the Christmas decorations and many nativity scenes (creches) are already in place here in Malta. How sad. No one is waiting for the arrival of Baby Jesus. At least those who built these amazing scenes could have put Jesus in on Christmas Eve.
The empty stable reminds us that we need to make room on our hearts for Christ. We need to do penance and mortification to rid ourselves of the selfishness which makes us push for the comforts of Christmas without spiritual preparation.
When I home schooled, and in our little family, of course, we kept Advent.
Why the rush?
I challenge all readers to say "no" to Christmas activities in Advent. Especially for the remnant, this coming time of penance will prove to be a necessary practice for days of trial to come.
Please consider your witness to the world and refuse Christmas teas, parties, and so on in this season of penance.
Why do you think the liturgical color is purple? The words of St. John the Baptist reverberate during the time of Advent, which means ad venio,,,,to come.
Matthew 3 Douay-Rheims
3 And in those days cometh John the Baptist preaching in the desert of Judea.
2 And saying: Do penance: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
3 For this is he that was spoken of by Isaias the prophet, saying: A voice of one crying in the desert, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.
4 And the same John had his garment of camels' hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins: and his meat was locusts and wild honey.
5 Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea, and all the country about Jordan:
6 And were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.
7 And seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them: Ye brood of vipers, who hath shewed you to flee from the wrath to come?
8 Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of penance.
9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham for our father. For I tell you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.
10 For now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that doth not yield good fruit, shall be cut down, and cast into the fire.
11 I indeed baptize you in the water unto penance, but he that shall come after me, is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and fire.
12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.
I have listed below some of the customs and meditations I have done on Advent on this blog. Use these, please, and teach your children to wait, to prepare, for the coming of Christ. St . Nicholas Day is a break in the rigors of Advent for children. I also added a few Lenten posts as some are applicable to Advent.
09 Dec 2012
I went to a Catholic school where the nuns had the students say the O Antiphons before we broke up for the short, American holiday. We drew pictures of the symbols connected to the Messianic Names of Our Lord, which form ...
11 Dec 2013 . O Sapientia (December 17). O Wisdom, Which camest out of the mouth of the Most High, reaching from end to end and ...
01 Dec 2013 and also, the O Antiphon prayers and symbols may be found on this blog as well. The dates are last year's dates, but the prayers and symbols are ...
06 Dec 2012
Someone referred to The Pickled Boys miracle of St. Nicholas today on Fr. Z. May I add that I grew up on this story, as did my son. We had the books, Six O'Clock Saints and More SOS at home and this story is in the first one.
05 Dec 2013
We would rush to the door and there, on the front porch, in the snow, usually, were sacks of fruit, chocolates, other candies, and some toys. Of course, we always received gold coins, the symbol of St. Nicholas, who provided ...
06 Dec 2013
Happy Name Day to All Named after St. Nicholas. Posted by Supertradmum ... Dedicated to St. Etheldreda: Abbess of Ely. Dedicated to St. Etheldreda: Abbess of Ely a blog since early 2007 ...
29 Aug 2013
In Advent, we made a little manger for a Christ Child and if my son was good, he could put in a piece of straw to make Baby Jesus's bed comfortable and, is he did something naughty, the straw would come out. My mother did ...
10 Dec 2013
We did the Jesse Tree, reading the appropriate Scriptures daily, and finally, the O Antiphons, which are on this blog. We also collected money for the poor in a little box, and did extra good deeds, which were acknowledged by ...
11 Dec 2013
28 A psalm for David, at the finishing of the tabernacle. Bring to the Lord, O ye children of God: bring to the Lord the offspring of rams. 2 Bring to the Lord glory and honour: bring to the Lord glory to his name: adore ye the Lord ...
23 Mar 2014
In Australia (mirrored throughout the Anglosphere, reaching its zenith in your nation and soon to be ours) rates of obesity in adults and children are dangerously high (around 30% of the adult population and topping out at ...
09 Dec 2012
Some children grow up with the Jesse Tree in Advent. I did this in my little family. I went to a Catholic school where the nuns had the students say the O Antiphons before we broke up for the short, American holiday. We drew ...
02 Dec 2012
Advent Post One: First Sunday in Advent--Pray all the time. Posted by Supertradmum. We have become ... Labels: Advent ...... Will Think for Food..... A good, old-fashioned sermon at St. Kevin's · The brainwashing of children.
02 Dec 2012
More fasting recipes for Advent. Posted by Supertradmum ... Labels: Advent ...... A good, old-fashioned sermon at St. Kevin's · The brainwashing of children. ... Advent Post One: First Sunday in Advent--Pray all ... Tips for fasting ...
02 Dec 2012
The Byzantines in Canada do this type of fasting in Advent: no dairy on Tuesdays and Thursdays and no meat on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. One gets into a rhythm of this after a bit. Here are some ideas for those who ...
09 Sep 2014
3 For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape. ... Now it pertains to the dignity of judicial power to have certain signs that induce people to reverence and subjection: and consequently many signs will precede the advent of Christ when He shall come to judgment, in order that the hearts of men be brought to subjection to the coming judge, and be ...
29 Aug 2013
Words fail at the effect it had on all of our souls, even our smallest child grew to love offering up hours as a way to give a present to those we love. I cannot imagine doing another Advent without this as a family tradition.
The brainwashing of children.... Posted by Supertradmum. In today's Sun, · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest ...... Celebrating 900 Years of the Knights of Malta · Almost a Tower of Babel-the myriad versions of the... Advent Post One: First Sunday in Advent--Pray all ... Tips for fasting in Advent · Thank you.
05 Dec 2013
We would rush to the door and there, on the front porch, in the snow, usually, were sacks of fruit, chocolates, other candies, and some toys. Of course, we always received gold coins, the symbol of St. Nicholas, who provided ...
06 Dec 2013
Happy Name Day to All Named after St. Nicholas. Posted by Supertradmum ... Dedicated to St. Etheldreda: Abbess of Ely. Dedicated to St. Etheldreda: Abbess of Ely a blog since early 2007 ...
13 Dec 2012
Wishes and The Christ Child. Posted by Supertradmum. My ancestry on one side of the family is Moravian and Bohemian Catholic, in the Latin Rite, and I must share a story which my grandmother on the maternal side wrote for a newspaper competition years ago and it is a true story. Writing has been a "thing" for at least four generations on that side. When Grandma Ludmilla was a little girl, six, in 1906, she wanted a beautiful porcelain ... Labels: Advent, Christmas ...
01 Sep 2013
Here is a transcript of a class of school children of the average age of eight in 1923. Part One. This was transcribed exactly in a school in Dowanhill, Glasgow and not ... Cicely: During Advent. Directress: Are those all the liturgical colours used? Several: No, Miss X, also green and black. Directress: When is black used? Margaret: At Masses for the dead. Directress: At any other time? Mary: On Good Friday. Directress: Very good, and when is green used? Joan: On all ...
18 Aug 2013
So, this young child went into the church and saw an Irish missionary priest teaching small children. The priest talked about Christ and the call to ... ST.ALPHONSUS M. LIGUORI. SERMON II. SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT.
13 Sep 2012
On the importance of instructing children in the Holy Scriptures. "Do you wish your son to be obedient? From the very first, "Bring him up in the chastening and admonition of the Lord." Never deem it an unnecessary thing that ...
27 Aug 2013
Of course, the most important thing home schooling moms can do is take their children to daily Mass. I highly recommend Maria Montessori's Mass Explained to Children which one can order from Timelines on ...
23 Dec 2013
Why I am emphasizing this aspect in Advent may be puzzling for some. ... Are you betraying children in the womb? ... Labels: Advent, capital sins, Christmas, Christmas Story by Supertradmum, death, seven deadly sins ...
29 Aug 2013
Some many be found for sale here. I shall write more on the role of the parent, Lenten practices, character building in children, and the teaching of the Mass...not necessarily in that order. Not a mini-series... to be continued.
20 Dec 2013
The trouble is that the capital sins reward those who commit them. That is part of the fatal attraction of these sins. In Advent, instead of praying and meditating on the coming humble Birth of the Incarnate Son, people are ...
23 Dec 2013
Why I am emphasizing this aspect in Advent may be puzzling for some. Ask yourself, "Who am I betraying this Christmas?" The answer may well be Christ Himself, Who came into the world to Love us all. Are you betraying a ...
23 Mar 2014
I am resposting this as I have had recently a realization of one of the greatest sins found in this country. Americans demand a certain standard of food and have lost the sensitivity to simplicity. In the doctor's office, the television ...
10 Dec 2013
In their experience of this particular judgment, they have seen all the sins of their past life and all the people they have hurt though sin. One may told me he sobbed for three days and repented, asking God for purification.
21 Dec 2013
This is the case when a man "takes little trouble to find out what is true and good, or when conscience is by degrees almost blinded through the habit of committing sin."59 In such cases, the person is culpable for the evil he ...
22 Dec 2013
The Sins of Christmas Time-Gluttony. Posted by Supertradmum. It seems to me that nations have corporate sins; that is, that national cultures gravitate to some sins more than others. If I had to identify the American culture with ...
20 Dec 2013
The Sins of Christmas Time-Greed. Posted by Supertradmum. The post has been a drum beating the problems of the consumerism and materialism of this time. There are many posts on these subjects. But, today, I want to ...
22 Dec 2013
The Sins of Christmas Time-Envy. Posted by Supertradmum. On this mini-series on the seven deadly sins, I have covered Greed (Avarice), Lust, Wrath (Anger), Sloth, Gluttony, and now, will cover Envy. This will leave Pride, ...
23 Dec 2013
I love Greek drama and this genre shows us over and over the wheel of fortune flipping around from worldly success to abject failure. The Greek idea of hubris, gross pride, is that it is the primal sin, causing disease in the soul ...
21 Dec 2013
Sins of Christmas Time-Anger. Posted by Supertradmum. Anger or wrath may not raise its ugly head in violence or suicide, but it may be seen again and again in families at Christmas. Anger is connected to impatience, a lack ...
10 Dec 2013
Advent Thoughts on Death Part Seven. Posted by Supertradmum. In this mini-series, I have moved from thoughts of suffering and death, to the process of dying and now, to the particular judgment. Many people have no just ...
19 Dec 2013
Downsizing Two: Advent Thoughts on Death Again. Posted by Supertradmum. The problem for most of us is that we identify with our things, especially in America. It is part of the American Dream to have a house, a car, ...
09 Dec 2013
Thoughts on Death in Advent Part Three. Posted by Supertradmum. Advent is a penitential liturgical season, which is one reason the liturgical color is purple, not merely reminding all of us to get physically ready for Christ, but ...
10 Dec 2013
St. Alphonsus gives us many thoughts on which to ponder in his book on the last four things, which some of my friends are reading this Advent and which I am reading off and on as well. There has been more of an interest on ...
13 Dec 2013
Posted by Supertradmum. St. Alphonsus writes that either we shall face the Tribunal of God with fearing and trembling, hating our life and being aware of our sins, or without a care in the world, having fallen into complacency.
07 Dec 2013
This is a reminder of why we are preparing in Advent, not only for the Coming of Christ at Christmas, but for His Coming to us in death. 'Since their eternal happiness, consisting in the ... In the Great Deluge in the days of Noah, nearly all mankind perished, eight persons alone being saved in the Ark. In our days a deluge, not of water but of sins, continually inundates the earth, and out of this deluge very few escape. Scarcely anyone is saved.' St. Alphonsus Maria de ...
09 Dec 2013
The great saint has many sermons on sin, the particular and final judgments. Pray for time and I pray for those, now in Belgium and the Netherlands, who are not allowed time, or who chose to shorten their time of suffering.
15 Jul 2014
See also my Advent series on the seven deadly sins. The Three Theological Virtues are Faith, Hope, and Charity. The Four Cardinal Virtues are Fortitude, Justice, Temperance and Prudence. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit ...
04 Mar 2014
In the past, through His prophets, God warned of punishment and purgation because of national sins. God also told His People that such ... I wrote about the forgotten sin of gluttony in Advent. As a reminder for abstinence, ...
22 Dec 2013
America is full of envy and anger at this time, and these are some of the sins one sees at this holy time. One way to avoid ... Labels: Advent, capital sins, Christmas, Christmas Story by Supertradmum, death, seven deadly sins ...
21 Dec 2013
In ancient myth and art, the Furies punished people who had sinned with torments of anger and thoughts of suicide. ... Labels: Advent, capital sins, Christmas, Christmas Story by Supertradmum, death, seven deadly sins ...
28 Jun 2014
We need to be reminded of Who Christ really is. Too often, the words of Advent and Christmas come and go too quickly, in the midst of business, and we lose an opportunity for reflection. The passage in Isaiah Chapter Nine ...
21 Dec 2013
Labels: Advent, capital sins, Christmas, Christmas Story by Supertradmum, death, seven deadly sins ... The sin I struggle with the most...and it took me years to realise that this was a serious problem in my life. You're right, it is ...
22 Dec 2013
It seems to me that nations have corporate sins; that is, that national cultures gravitate to some sins more than others. ... Labels: Advent, capital sins, Christmas, Christmas Story by Supertradmum, death, seven deadly sins ...
12 Dec 2013
That the Church teaches we endure both is a mystery of privacy vs. publicity. The particular judgement is our private judgement and the final judgement is our public judgement. All will see our sins and our merit, the latter ...
15 Sep 2014
For years, when I went to confession, I would tell the priest I was confessing the sin of anxiety. All said it was not a sin, but I knew my Scripture and the teaching of the Church concerning trusting in God and believing in Divine ...
and on the importance of moms as leaders of their children's religious training.
27 Aug 2014
No St. Augustine of Canterbury, no Canterbury, no Mottisfont Abbey, no Walsingham Priory, plus the other 133 Augustinian houses in per-Reformation England... No St. Rita, no Augustinian martyrs of Japan, no St. Nicholas of ...